Home Education
How to Close a Home Education Program

Written Notice of Termination:

The parent shall file a written notice of termination upon completion of the Home Education Program with the district school superintendent, along with the annual evaluation required in Florida Statute 1002.41(1)(f), within 30 days of said termination.

To close your Home Education Program you may use our Letter to Close Home Education Program or send us an email at homeed@pasco.k12.fl.us that includes the information listed below. Please note we can only accept notices of termination within 30 days of closing the Home Education Program.

  • Student's legal First and Last Name
  • Student's Date of Birth
  • Pasco County Student ID (optional)
  • Parent/Guardian First and Last Name(s)
  • Phone Number
  • Residential Address and mailing address (if different)
  • Parent/Guardian email address (Optional)
  • Date the Home Education Program Closed or Will Close
  • This letter must be signed and dated by the Parent/Guardian

Program Completion:

There is no diploma issued by the public school system in Florida for the completion of a Home Education Program. A signed affidavit of completion (notarized letter) by the student’s parent attesting that the student has completed a home education program, pursuant to the requirements of s. 1002.41 , F.S. is the legal document of completion.

Transitioning Home Education Program to another District:

Should there be a change of residence, but do not wish to terminate the home education program in Florida, the parent should notify the new district to which the child is moving to that they are transferring their home education program to the new district and provide the previous district with information on the change in district. The previous district shall simply close out the student’s files. A home education transfer between districts does not require the parent to terminate the home education program (as they are not terminating; simply moving) and the parent does not need to provide an annual evaluation to the previous district.

Transitioning from Home Education to Elementary or Middle School:

When a student who meets legal age requirements transfers from a home education program, the principal is responsible for appropriate placement. Placement in the same grade as that recommended by the parent/guardian is not automatic. A four to six-week screening period will be allowed from the time of enrollment, in order to assist with placement adjustments. An administrative placement decision may be made in consultation with the teacher(s), other appropriate staff, and parents/guardians. Serious consideration is to be given to screening results.

Transitioning from Home Education to High School:

High School students who transfer in as full-time District School Board of Pasco County students from a home education program will be awarded credits based on official transcripts and shall be accepted at face value subject to validation if required by the receiving school’s accreditation.

If validation of the official transcript is deemed necessary for accreditation purposes by the receiving school and the student is a home education student, then credits or grades shall be validated through performance during the first grading period. A student transferring into a school shall be placed at the appropriate sequential course level. A high school student should have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 after the first grading period in order to receive credit.

Home Education Transfer of Credits. (This information is to assist parents and school officials regarding transcripts when enrolling in a public or private high school.)

For more information, contact:
The Office for Student Support Programs and Services
Home Education Office email
Phone: (813) 794-2782
Fax: (813)794-2915

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