The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
Mission Statement:
The Purchasing Services Department utilizes all funds available benefiting our students, classrooms, teachers, and support personnel by providing information for the acquisition of equipment, materials, supplies, and services at a fair and reasonable price.
Values and Guiding Principles of Public Procurement:
Accountability - Taking ownership and being responsible to stakeholders for our actions; essential to preserve the public trust and protect the public interest.
• Apply sound business judgment
• Be knowledgeable of and abide by all applicable laws and regulations
• Be responsible stewards of public funds
• Maximize competition to the greatest extent practicable
• Practice due diligence
• Promote effective, economic, and efficient acquisition
• Support economic, social, and sustainable communities
• Use procurement strategies to optimize value to stakeholders
Ethics - Acting in a manner true to these values; essential to preserve the public’s trust.
• Act and conduct business with honesty and integrity, avoiding even the appearance of impropriety
• Maintain consistency in all processes and actions
• Meet the ethical standards of the profession
Impartiality - Unbiased decision-making and action; essential to ensure fairness for the public good.
• Be open, fair, impartial, and non-discriminatory in all processes
• Treat suppliers equitably, without discrimination, and without imposing unnecessary constraints on the competitive market
• Use sound professional judgment within established legal frameworks to balance competing interests among stakeholders
Professionalism - Upholding high standards of job performance and ethical behavior; essential to balance diverse public interests.
• Be led by those with education, experience, and professional certification in public procurement
• Continually contribute value to the organization
• Continually develop as a profession through education, mentorship, innovation, and partnerships.
• Develop, support, and promote the highest professional standards in order to serve the public good.
• Seek continuous improvement through on-going training, education, and skill enhancement.
Service - Obligation to assist stakeholders; essential to support the public good.
• Be a crucial resource and strategic partner within the organization and community.
• Develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders.
• Develop collaborative partnerships to meet public needs.
• Maintain a customer-service focus while meeting the needs, and protecting the interests, of the organization and the public.
Transparency - Easily accessible and easy to understand policies and processes; essential to demonstrate responsible use of public funds.
• Exercise discretion in the release of confidential information.
• Maintain current and complete policies, procedures, and records.
• Provide open access to competitive opportunities.
• Provide timely access to procurement policies, procedures, and records.
• Adopted by NGIP, October 23, 2010