Schools will be open on Wednesday, September 25, but all activities and events are canceled, except for before-and-after-school PLACE/ASEP programs. District Offices and Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, September 26, AND FRIDAY, September 27, including after school programs, ASEP, and PLACE. We encourage families and employees to take the necessary precautions based on their specific circumstances and recognize that individuals may need to make their own choices regarding safety and preparedness.  More information is available on our WEATHER page.

The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.

Conservation and Recycling Operations
students looking at laptop

The District School Board of Pasco County’s (DSBPC) recycling program began in 1991 after Pasco County built a waste-to-energy facility. During this time, the DSBPC was assessed a disposal fee of over $300,000. This action prompted School Board Members to find ways to reduce solid waste lowering solid waste disposal fees. The DSBPC recycles to conserve natural resources and educate students and employees on the importance of protecting the environment. Each year, the solid waste hauling and disposal fees are expected to increase, as our student enrollment and county grows. The more we recycle, the lower our solid waste hauling, disposal and tax assessments will be. This can lead to significant savings for the entire District.



How to use a paper towel


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