The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment (PLACE) is a fee-based school-age before- and after-school activity program designed to provide an active and enriching environment for children who must arrive at school early, stay late, and/or require supervised activities on most school holidays.
ASEP STEAMsational Summer @ PLACE is a fee-based, individually themed, specialty summer program that provides opportunities for students in grades K-8 to be immersed in hands-on activities where they will experiment, invent, build, design, and create!
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers STAR Academy is a federally funded program that provides elementary students with an array of academic enrichment activities outside their regular day at no charge to the participants.
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers DELTA Academy is a federally funded program that provides students in low- performing schools with an array of academic enrichment activities outside the regular school day at no charge to its participants.
ASEP's new CAMP A2Z takes students on an exciting journey from beginner to expert with fun, hands-on actvities focusing on STEAM and more.