The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
Pasco County Charter Schools Evaluation Framework [F.S. 1002.33(5)(c)(1)]
IMPORTANT REMINDER: New charter school applications should be submitted to the Pasco County Schools, Charter School Office at 20425 Land O' Lakes, Blvd. (Building 8), Land O' Lakes, FL. 34638.
A sponsor shall receive and review all applications for a charter school using the evaluation instrument developed by the Department of Education. A sponsor shall receive and consider charter school applications for charter schools to be opened at a time determined by the applicant. [F.S. 1002.33(6)(b)]
2024-25 Submission of New Charter Applications
New charter school applications should be submitted to the Pasco County Schools, Charter School Office at 20425 Land O' Lakes, Blvd. (Building 8), Land O' Lakes, FL. 34638. [F.S. 1002.33(6)(b)]
A sponsor shall receive and review all applications for a charter school using the evaluation instrument developed by the Department of Education. A sponsor shall receive and consider charter school applications for charter schools to be opened at a time determined by the applicant.
Applicants are required to submit three (3) hard copies of the application and one electronic copy (ex: flash drive). The application must be in a three-ring binder, tabbed by section and all pages numbered consecutively. Charter applicants are required to submit a “letter of intent” to the Charter School Office no later than 4 weeks prior to submitting a new charter school application. For more information and a sample letter of intent, visit our “Charter School Application Process” page.
The Charter School Office is available to meet with applicants to review the Florida charter application process and guidelines for completing an application. To schedule a meeting, please contact Jeff Yungmann, Charter School Office at (813) 794 – 2408 or
Applicants are required to use the Charter School Applicant Cover Sheet and Model Florida Charter School Application template provided.
To access important information for new charter applicants and the charter application template, visit our Charter School Application Process page.
Please note: If the District Charter Application Review Committee identifies any deficiencies in an applicant’s final application, the District will notify the applicant prior to denial. The applicant will have seven (7) calendar days to request a meeting with District staff to discuss the identified deficiencies and/or to provide written technical or non-substantive corrections or clarification, including, but not limited to, corrections of grammatical, typographical, and like errors or missing signatures. Applicants who request a meeting will be expected to provide, in writing, any technical or non-substantive corrections or clarifications, including, but not limited to, corrections of grammatical, typographical, and like errors or missing signatures, within seven (7) calendar days from the meeting date. Nothing contained herein alters the authority of the Pasco County School Board to approve or deny an applicant’s final charter application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted for final consideration.
Pursuant to s. 1002.33(6)(f)2, F.S., an approved charter school applicant must participate in training provided by the FL Department of Education following approval of the application by the School Board at least 30 calendar days before the first day of classes at the charter school. Please contact the Florida Department of Education’s Charter School Office at 1-800-447-1636 for details.
Charter schools are fully recognized as public schools. They are independently governed, free-standing public schools that offer parents and students an alternative public education outside the traditional school district system. The Charter, or contract, defines an individual school’s mission, curriculum and instructional strategies, goals and objectives, and all areas of accountability to its Sponsor, parents, students and community. It also outlines the school’s management, operations, and financial responsibilities. During the 2022-23 school year, over 382,367 students were enrolled in 726 charter schools in 47 Florida districts.
In accordance with Florida statute, charter schools are required to be non-profit organizations, each governed by its own board of directors made up of community members and parents with business, finance, education, and legal backgrounds. The governing board is responsible for setting policy, approving the annual budget, and ensuring the school is financially sound and operating within the required fiscal guidelines. Charter schools teachers and staff are employees of the charter school, not employees of the school district in which the school is located. Teachers are required to hold a valid Florida teaching certificate and must meet state requirements for certification. As with Florida’s traditional public schools, charter schools receive funds based on their full-time equivalent (FTE) student enrollment. Additional funding can be obtained through grants and private donations.
Pasco County charter schools operate under performance contracts, called a Charter, with the District School Board of Pasco County. The District School Board, through its Charter Schools Department, monitors each school for compliance with the charter and local, state and federal regulations.
For a list of Pasco County charter schools, click Charter School List. Parents interested in learning more about a charter school, or for information on enrollment, please contact the charter school directly. Pasco County School District does not enroll students into a charter school.
Individuals interested in employment opportunities must contact the charter school directly. Charter school employees are NOT employees of the District School Board of Pasco County. The School District does not maintain information related to charter school employment.