The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.

Employee Benefits and Risk Management
Updates for reemployment and volunteering for retirees
Retirees Serving as Volunteers

Retirees may provide volunteer services with an FRS employer without violating the termination requirements if the following criteria are met:  

  1. The volunteer may not accept any compensation for volunteer service.  

  1. The volunteer may not volunteer more than 20% of the hours previously worked for the FRS employer. This equates to an average of 8 hours per week.  

  1. The duties of the volunteer differ from the duties they were originally assigned as an employee.  

  1. The volunteer’s schedule and willingness to serve is controlled by the volunteer.  

It is the responsibility of each volunteer retiree to ensure they are following the criteria above and keeping accurate records of volunteer service hours and logging these hours in Raptor as appropriate and within the guidelines listed above.  

Reemployment for Retirees

There are termination requirements that affect your retirement benefit if you are employed with FRS employers in any capacity/arrangement (paid or unpaid) during the first 6 calendar months after your effective retirement date without DROP participation or after your DROP termination date. 
You must meet the definition of termination by remaining unemployed by any FRS employers for the first six calendar months of your retirement or the first six calendar months after your DROP termination date. If you return to work during this six-calendar month period, you will void your retirement and must repay all benefits received, including your DROP accumulation payout. Providing any service to any FRS employer that may create an employment relationship through any arrangement (paid or unpaid), including OPS, adjunct, election poll work, temporary employment, or working through a third party that provides service to an FRS employer, etc.

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