Employee Benefits and Risk Management
Retirement Services

FRS New Hire | FRS Reemployment403(b)/457(b) Authorized Providers

MidAmerica Special Pay Plan | FICA Alternative Plan

Click the button below to schedule an appointment with Retirement Services.

Book an appointment with Pasco County Schools-HREQ

Our ​Folder icon Retirement Guide can answer many frequently asked questions about FRS, Retiree Benefits, and Sick Leave Payouts.

Employees who want to change their contributions to a 403(b), 457(b), or ROTH 403(b) account must visit: https://sra.tsacg.com/index.php

Employees who need to complete a plan transaction (rollover, transfer, cash distribution, loan) for a 403(b), 457(b), or ROTH 403(b) must visit: https://transaction.tsacg.com/index.php

Retirement Services are provided by the Employee Benefits and Risk Management Section of the Office for Human Resources and Educator Quality.  The purpose of Retirement Services is to assist employees with planning and preparing for a successful transition from an active employee to retirement.  Our goal is to provide employees the tools and resources needed to plan and prepare for retirement while employed with Pasco County Schools.

Retirement Estimate

Employees have two options for obtaining a retirement estimate:

When you log in, you will be connected to your custom home page where you can print your current estimate or create an estimate based on a future retirement date or age at retirement. You will need your FRS PIN to access your account. If you do not have your PIN, you may request your PIN through the PIN reminder process at http://www.myfrs.com/changePin.htm.


Each year the Office for Human Resources and Educator Quality hosts an Annual Retirement Planning Fair designed to help employees plan and prepare for retirement. The retirement fair features representatives who are available to answer questions and talk to employees about the Florida Retirement System, MidAmerica Special Pay Plan and 403(b) Investment Plans.

Employees within five years of retirement are encouraged to attend the annual retirement fair.

Retirement Services is available for virtual one on one appointments.The one on ones will boost your Retirement IQ on the following retirement topics and better prepare you for retirement:

  • Service Retirement (Pension or Investment Plan)
  • DROP Enrollment
  • Retirement Exit
  • Leave Payout
  • Retiree Health Benefits
  • What to Expect from FRS After Retirement
  • Becoming Medicare Eligible

Please click here to schedule an appoinment with Retirement Services. 

Florida Retirement System (FRS)

The FRS offers valuable support to help you make informed decisions about your personal retirement goals.  You can receive free, confidential and unbiased retirement and financial planning services online, by phone or even in person via workshops.


The free MyFRS Financial Guidance Line is staffed by experienced, unbiased financial planners who are available to discuss any issue you think is important to your financial future. Retirement counselors are also available to discuss Pension Plan issues or questions.

The MyFRS.com website is your gateway to a host of tools and information about the FRS Pension Plan and Investment Plan. The user-friendly and easy to navigate website is a place you should visit frequently. The site includes:

  • Summary Plan Descriptions for both the Investment Plan and the Pension Plan, which outline the provisions of the plan you selected.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Simple financial calculators that let you estimate savings goals, mortgage and loan payments, inflation impacts and expenses, etc.
  • Details about some of the free retirement and financial planning workshops sponsored by the FRS.Advisor Service
  • Free online ADVISOR SERVICE creates a picture of your current financial situation and helps you answer the following questions:
    • Will I have enough money to retire?
    • How do I invest my retirement savings?
    • How do I stay on track to achieve my goals?

Depending on which retirement plan you elected, the ADVISOR SERVICE gives you access to a host of important retirement planning information. Call the toll free MyFRS Financial Guidance Line, select Option 2 and a financial planner will assist you.

For additional FRS resources visit www.MyFRS.com

Voluntary Retirement Savings

The most common reason employees give for not investing or planning for their future is that they do not have any available money. What they fail to realize is that the financial planning process may actually identify ways to free up funds to meet defined goals and objectives. A great way to start this process is to contact one of the Board approved investment companies to schedule an appointment with a representative.

All regularly scheduled employees are eligible to contribute to a 403(b), 457(b) and/or Roth 403(b) plan through payroll deductions. If you participate in a voluntary retirement savings plan, you are fully vested in your contributions and earnings at all times. Once you are ready to establish a 403(b), 457(b) and/or Roth 403(b) account, you should research the authorized investment provider companies and investment products available to you. Choose an investment product(s) that is suitable to help you meet your retirement goals and contact an Investment Provider Representative to open an account. You many only choose from the list of investment provider companies approved the Pasco County Schools.


Contact Us: 

All retirement questions can be sent to:    retirementsvcs@pasco.k12.fl.us

Retirement Services Team

Retirement Services Specialist-Instructional Staff               Lynette Camano        acamano@pasco.k12.fl.us    

Retirement Services Specialist-Non-Instructional Staff       Kari Neller                  kneller@pasco.k12.fl.us                          

Contact Us!