Early Childhood Programs
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) FAQ

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is a state-funded free three hour per weekday early learning program designed to prepare children for success in kindergarten.

Florida Department of Education Division of Early Learning VPK Fact Sheet

  • To be eligible to participate in the VPK program, children must be 4 years old on or before September 1st of the academic year they plan to attend.
  • Children must be Florida residents living within Pasco county to apply for one of our Pasco County Schools VPK programs.

You may obtain a list of current eligible private and *public VPK programs in Pasco and Hernando Counties at the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando

*Public school locations may vary. The application for the school year in which you are applying will list the available schools. If a school's waitlist becomes extensive, it will be removed from the list of available schools.

  • You must obtain a VPK Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando in PDF format prior to applying for any VPK program.
    • To obtain a VPK Certificate of Eligibility (COE), go to their website elcph.org, create a family portal, and *submit an application for the VPK Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
  • If you choose a private VPK provider, apply directly with them.
  • If you choose a Pasco County School, follow steps 1 to 3 on our VPK page under the academic year you wish your child to attend.

*The Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando will usually not begin accepting applications prior to January 1st of the acadamic year for which you are applying. They are a separate entity from Pasco County Schools, so always reach out directly to them for their most current information: (727) 569-1004 or (727) 233-8291.

  • If you have difficulties with creating a family portal or applying for the VPK Certificate of Eligibility (COE), please reach out to the the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando. They are a separate entity from Pasco County Schools, so always reach out directly to them for technical assistance: (727) 569-1004 or (727) 233-8291.
    • To download your VPK Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from your Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando family portal, click the blue bar as indicated in the screenshot below, taking note of your file name and save location for easy uploading:

Click blue

Space is very limited at our VPK schools, and enrollment is not guaranteed.

  • The VPK spaces for ALL classrooms are on a first come, first served basis.
  • Hardship applications will not be considered for our VPK programs.
  • We cannot accommodate sibling preference as there are not enough spots to accommodate every sibling at each school site. 
  • VPK-only classes have up to 18 spaces available. Once those spaces are filled, all other applicants will be placed on a waitlist.
  • VPK inclusion classes consist of children with a diagnosed disability (IEP/ESE) who can benefit from being around typically developing children (VPK). VPK inclusion classes have up to 9 VPK spaces available. Once those spaces are filled, all other applicants will be placed on a waitlist.
  • Placement on the waitlist does not guarantee a vacancy will occur, but waitlist applicants will be contacted if a vacancy does occur during the school year.
  • Please do not contact the elementary schools directly if you have questions about enrollment.
  • You may reach out to the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco & Hernando to get a list of available private VPK providers if your child is waitlisted for the Pasco Schools VPK program(s) of your choice.
  • If you apply during the initial application window in January, you will be notified during the same Notification and Acceptance Window that School Choice has set for the year.
    • For 2025-2026, the Notification and Acceptance Window is 3/3/2024-3/12/2024.
  • If you apply later in the year, please see the confirmation pop-up when you submit your application for more information about the notification turnaround time. 
  • Children who attend one of our Pasco County Schools VPK programs will receive 3 free hours of instruction each weekday the first 3 hours of the school day. Extended hours are available for an additional *fee. VPK extended hours will follow the school site's regular bell schedule.

*Fees may vary. The application will list the fee for the school year in which you are applying.

  • If your child will attend a private VPK program, please reach out directly to them for that information.

Yes. Please indicate on your Pasco Schools VPK application that your child has an IEP/IFSP or a suspected disability, and we will reach out to your for more information.

Prior to applying to any VPK program, please complete the appropriate step below: