Human Resources and Educator Quality
Compensation Information

2024-2025 Salary Information

The District and United School Employees of Pasco (USEP) have completed the collective bargaining agreement for the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to collectively offer the following benefits to our employees for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Base salary increases of 3.5% for all employees that earned a year of service credit with the District.
  • An increase in all referendum salary supplements for all non-administrative staff.
  • An increase of $459.36 per employee in Board sponsored health insurance, for a total of $8,700 per employee paid towards our comprehensive health insurance plan.
  • Continuation of a free health insurance option for all employees.

To view the current salary referendum supplement table, select the applicable group; Instructional, SRPNNB, Professional Technical. Further salary referendum supplement information can be found in the MOUs here.

Click here to view the 2024-2025 salary schedules. 

At this time, HREQ and Finance are unable to provide individual salary information to staff for 2024-2025. Specific information regarding these increases can be found on the Employee Relations website under Contracts & Negotiations.

Please view the FAQs below for answers to commonly asked questions. Information will be updated as it becomes available. 

Employees can utilize Employee Self Service (ESS) to view their pay. Select Pay/Tax information, then Paycheck Simulator.

Staff in Human Resources and Educator Quality (HREQ) and Finance/Payroll do not currently have individual salary increase amounts for employees. Base salary adjustments are scheduled to be included in the October 11th pay. You may view your current salary in Employee Self Service (ESS) under Pay/Tax information. Your updated salary will be visible in ESS on October 11th. 

Increases to employees' new base rates of pay are scheduled for October 11, 2024. 

The District will target a special payroll on Friday, November 1, 2024, to provide eligible employees with retroactive pay on their base salary (and any applicable academic/athletic supplement) increases stemming back to the start of their 2024-2025 work calendar.

All adjustments associated with increases to eligible employees’ referendum salary supplement (RSS) amounts will take effect with the November 8, 2024, paycheck

Employees that earned a year of service credit for the 2023-2024 school year will be eligible for the 3.5% base salary increase. 

Year of service credit means you were employed in an active pay status for 1 day more than half the year for your position's work calendar. Typically if you start prior to January 1st, you will earn a year of service credit for that school year. For example, a teacher on a 196-day calendar must work 99 days (half of 196+1) to obtain a year of service credit. 

Instructional staff that did not earn a year of service credit will receive an increase of 1.064%. SRP staff that did not earn a year of service credit will receive an increase of 1.25%. 

Instructional personnel who wish to receive additional compensation for an advanced degree or eighteen (18) semester hours successfully completed after the conferral date of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree must submit the request form and transcripts to the Office for Human Resources and Educator Quality department. The Educational Supplement Request Form can be found in your TalentEd account, listed under "Available Forms."

Advanced degree supplements will be paid at the following rates, which are based upon a 196 day school year:

  • a) Bachelors +18 - $800 
  • b) Masters Degree - $2,700 
  • c) Masters + 18 - $3,400 
  • d) Education Specialist - $4,400 
  • e) Doctoral Degree - $5,400 

The SRP levels are used to place NEW hires based on the SRP guidelines. Employees that have been with the district may not see their pay reflected on a level since "steps" went away several years ago and salary increases have been based on percentages.

When referring to the placement schedule, please keep in mind that placement levels do NOT equate to the old steps or represent years of service.

Per the MOU, Bus Drivers and Transportation Assistants will have their salary referendum calculated by multiplying the number of days x 8 hrs x hrly salary referendum amount.

Ex.) 189 x 8 x .80 = $1,209.60 annually


Additional Supplement calculation:

Ex.) 189 x 8 x $1.00 = $1,512 annually

Yes. Salary referendum supplements provided to employees will be considered a portion of an eligible employee’s compensation and will be part of that employee’s salary for the purposes of Florida Retirement System (FRS), Social Security, Medicare, and other mandatory payroll contributions and deductions.

Your total district years of service will be used to determine the salary referendum supplement regardless of your position. This means current and previous district years where a year of service credit was earned.

Total teaching years will be used to determine the RSS amount. This includes teaching experience with the district and outside of the district that has already been verified when employed.

Retirees are not eligible for the increase or retro. Any employee that has resigned prior to 9/17/2024 will not be eligible for the increase or retro.

Creditable Service

It is the employee's responsibility to provide required documentation in order to receive credit for previous work experience.  Refer to this year's salary schedules for current rates of pay.

Instructional and School Related Personnel must complete, sign, and send a Verification of Employment form to each employer in order to receive credit for prior work experience. Salary credit will be applied once verification is received and reviewed by the Office for Human Resources and Educator Quality. Approved salary credit will be applied retroactively to the first day of employment or the beginning of the school year, whichever is later. Verifications of Employment must be received within six (6) months from the first day of employment to be eligible for retroactive pay.

Non-Instructional Non-Bargaining (NNB), Professional Technical, and Administrative personnel should include all related work experience on their application.  Placement within the range of the appropriate salary schedule will be based on an evaluation of experience, knowledge, and a comparative review of other employees with the same title by the Office for Human Resources & Educator Quality (Compensation) and the hiring administrator.


Employee Classification Categories

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes standards for minimum wages, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor. For the purpose of overtime compensation, employees are classified as either exempt or non-exempt. These exemptions are narrowly defined, and statutory overtime provisions may not be waived for those classified as non-exempt.

Non-Exempt: Employees in non-exempt positions are entitled to receive overtime compensation when they work more than 40 hours in a work week.

Exempt: Employees in exempt positions are not entitled to overtime compensation.


Extra Hours/Overtime Pay

Non-exempt employees may be requested by their supervisor to work extra hours at times when workloads or unusual circumstances make it necessary.  Employees will be paid their regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of their contracted hours up to 40 hours in a work week.  Employees will be paid one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week. 

Only actual hours worked in a given workweek are included when determining which hours constitute overtime.  For example, non-work holidays, vacation days, and other leave are not included.  All overtime hours must be approved in advance, and working overtime without prior authorization may result in disciplinary action.



Most employees are paid every 2 weeks.  For a listing of pay dates and pay periods, view the Payroll Calendars under Finance Services.  Just click on the calendar that corresponds to your position.  View your current salary information by viewing your paystub in Employee Self Service.



Verification of Employment (Form Updated 3/28/23)
PFP Opt-In Form
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All Instructional staff and SRP New Hires HREQ Staffing Contact
Instructional advanced degree pay
Internal SRPs transferring positions HREQ Compensation
NNB, ProTech, &  Admin salaries HREQ Compensation
Employment verifications
Employee Self-Service

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