The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
I’d like to send in a kudos to Kathy Huntzinger in SSPS. She’s been a wonderful team and my “lifeline.” Without Kathy, I would not be able to do job 100%. We work so well together and we’re able to accomplish so much together. Kathy is always positive and upbeat; you would never find her without a smile on her face. Kathy deserves more than a kudos! I am definitely blessed to have her as my team and I am thankful!
Jennifer Francisco
Kudos to Ms. Huyck who is an English Teacher of “Harry Schwettman Education Center” she is an outstandingly amazing human being with an amazing heart, she is the most empathetic and sympathetic person you will ever meet, everyday she looks out for her kids. Defends kids when others verbally attack and most importantly she has a rapport with her kids and a relationship which in my opinion is super important in being teacher, I have a mental illness and she is very understanding by it.
Thank you Ms. Huyck for being the best teachers in Pasco County!! We love you!
- Your Students
Just wanted to let you know that driver Kevin was super courteous, professional and thoughtful.
We decided to follow the charter bus, that the team was on, as he put it “in case their bus broke down we could take the players on to the game”. This was very thoughtful of him.
Even through all the Tampa/Orlando traffic he was super upbeat.
On the way home a driver would not let the bus move over into the next lane, even with the signal on.
That driver swung around, cut us off and HARD brake checked us. Kevin kept his cool and reacted quickly. Then asked all of us if we were ok. Big thanks!!
I know sometimes bus drivers are often overlooked, so we just wanted to make sure he got his KUDOS for the day.”
Thanks so much!
Good afternoon. I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for Rachel Hatten, Rebecca Wright, Kristin Ingold, Mandy Phillips, Mike Witfoth, and Roger Middleton. This cross departmental team has come together to visit 14 schools over the course of a week and a half to ensure they are prepared for the official Cambridge authorization visits in March. Their team effort has helped to ensure schools don’t feel overwhelmed and have all the support needed for successful visits. OLL is especially grateful for the support from Maintenance and ARM in making this a success.
Have a great weekend!
Samantha Del Valle
Kudos to two of our bus drivers, Barbra Columbus and Laura Olsson, who volunteer in the reading initiative!
I am so proud of them!
Bonnie Rudge
FSS - Transportation Central
Good Morning,
For the past 5 years, we have hosted an annual Souper Bowl Food Drive Competition at our PLACE Sites. This food drive is a friendly competition between our sites and usually results in a large number of donated food items. Therefore, we wanted to take time to send a big THANK YOU to Sunlake High School’s Principal, Michael Cloyd, and Band Director, Brandon Slaughter for allowing us to borrow Sunlake High School’s band trailer to collect and transport over 9,300 donated food items to The Volunteer Way. Their willingness to share this trailer made the collection and delivery process of the donated items, that support the less fortunate families in our communities, much more efficient than previous years. Thank you again for all your help in our community food drive, it is truly appreciated.
Paul Baker, Technology Specialist
Kevin Kirchhoff, ASEP Resource Teacher
Good morning, Ms. Hetzler-Nettles!
Happy Friday! I'm sure you are looking forward to the 3-day weekend!
I have written before regarding Mr. Baker; however, he continues to make such a meaningful impact on Nicky, and I wanted to let you know how much we continue to appreciate him and his contributions to the Cypress Creek community.
Aside from the knowledge Mr. Baker shares and the strong qualifications he brings to the table with regard to his content area, he is an inspirational and supportive teacher. He has continuous conversations with his students regarding their current academic and future career plans and enthusiastically supports their participation in their extra-curricular activities, whether it's showing up at a game to cheer his students on or making a donation to their sports team.
The impact Mr. Baker makes on Nicky on a daily basis is heartwarming and long-lasting. Nicky comes home and continually shares with us the current project he and a team of peers are working on. He looks forward to his class every single day because he understands the real world benefit and truly enjoys the creative thinking required. Additionally, Nicky appreciates the extra care Mr. Baker provides for his students. He recently met with Nicky and reviewed his course card advising him on which courses to take given his future goals. He's even researched colleges for him that have strong engineering and lacrosse programs because he knows Nicky would like to play lacrosse in college.
Every student should have the experience of a "Mr. Baker" in their lives. He is in education for the right reasons; he clearly cares deeply for his students - both their academic well-being and their emotional and social well-being.
I love that Nicky still has two more years with Mr. Baker in the engineering program and will continue the strong relationship he has with him.
You've got a great man on your hands!
Warmest regards,
Kim V.
I want to recognize Karen and Peter on Bus 143 – they are really going above and beyond with our kids. They work extra hard on building relationships w/ kids and understanding their needs while maintaining a positive approach -this helps everyone to have a safe ride.
Here’s two examples of Karen and Peter’s good work:
1. They recently worked with a student to improve his bus behavior and advocated for the successful removal of his safety vest. Outstanding!
2. They set behavior goals with kids. Today, they spent their own money and rewarded their bus kids with donuts and milk for a great week of bus behavior. Who does that?? They do and it makes a difference!
Good morning, I wanted to take a minute to submit a KUDOS to Coach Scott Love and the Fivay Girl’s Varsity Basketball team. They were in the semi-final game last night and I was on duty for supervision. At the end of the game there was one fan who was upset by some of the calls and the overall outcome of his team losing to the Falcons and began to make a scene. He was asked to leave and followed out of the gym, but the FHS players and coaches had to walk right past him to get to their locker room. Despite his rude and angry outbursts on his way out, the team stayed positive and showed tremendous class in the face of the foul things he was saying about them. Their attitude shows the sportsmanship being taught and demonstrated by Coach Love and staff!
Danielle Lawrence
I just wanted to say thank you.
My son was always dreaming of learning to weld, fabricate and design custom cars. But where do you go to learn how to? He was one of the first students accepted to your welding program. He's going to graduate this year. I can't thank Pasco county SD and Marchman enough for partnering to offer these courses.
After almost two years of incredible instruction by his welding teacher he's turned into a motivated career oriented "animal." He actually LOVES school. Although he was a good student he didn't like his first year and a 1/2 at Sunlake HS before he transfered.
Rather then spending his time on weekends and nights sitting around playing video games, he's designing, fabricating and welding things like his latest creation I attached.
This is what school should be like at every high school. You should graduate with a choice of skills that allow any student to go to college or pursue a trade. You should all be proud of yourselves and expand this incredible model throughout the district.
Again, Thank you!
Michael Hill