Vanessa Hilton, Chief Academic Officer
Kevin Shibley, Assistant Superintendent for Administration Elizabeth Kuhn, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services
Dr. Kim Moore, Assistant Superintendent for Career and Innovative Programs Dr. Monica Ilse, Assistant Superintendent – High Schools
Marcy Hetzler-Nettles, Assistant Superintendent – Middle Schools Cortney Gnatt, Assistant Superintendent – Elementary Schools Kimberly Poe, Assistant Superintendent – Elementary Schools Tom Barker, Assistant Superintendent – Elementary Schools
General Operating Fund Detail Budget 1-273
Debt Service Funds Detail Budget 1-29
Capital Projects Funds Detail Budget 1-33
Special Revenue Funds Detail Budget 1-24
Internal Service Funds Detail Budget 1-17
Trust and Agency Funds Detail Budget 1-8
Enterprise Fund Detail Budget 1-6
Dear Chairman and School Board Members:
The Proposed Budget of the District School Board of Pasco County for fiscal year 2022-2023 is submitted herewith. This budget has been developed based on the mission and goals of the School Board. The budget includes all Governmental and Proprietary Funds of the District and the proposed tax rate for the 2022 calendar year.
Florida Law requires the School Board to adopt a balanced budget each fiscal year for all funds under its jurisdiction: General Fund, Debt Service Funds, Capital Outlay Funds, Special Revenue Funds and Trust & Agency Funds.
The law is very specific in defining the process and timetable to be followed in adopting the budget and ad valorem property tax millage rates. By law, the School Board must conduct two public hearings on the proposed budget and millage rates.
The County Property Appraiser is required by law to certify to each taxing authority in the County the assessed value of all non-exempt taxable real property. The Property Appraiser, who is independent of the School Board, is required to provide this certification no later than July 1 each year.
Based on the 2022 tax roll provided by the Department of Revenue and certified by the Commissioner of Education on July 19, 2022, the following is a summary of millages to be levied on the 2022 tax roll for the 2022-2023 fiscal year:
Proposed 2022-2023
Final 2021-2022
Increase/ (Decrease)
State Required Local Effort | 3.268 | 3.562 | (0.294) |
Prior Period Adjustment | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Local: | |||
Discretionary Effort | 0.748 | 0.748 | 0.000 |
Local Capital Improvement Millage Total Millage Levy | 1.500 5.516 | 1.500 5.810 | 0.000 (0.294) |
The taxable value of property in Pasco County has experienced an increase this year. The tax base increased $7.4 billion (it is now $46.6 billion) this fiscal year. This reflects an increase of 18.88% in the tax base. The required local effort is set at
3.268 mills. The Local Capital Improvement Millage will remain at 1.500 mills. The remaining 0.748 mills is Discretionary Millage. The 0.748 millage generates an average of $391.48 per unweighted full-time student. A compression adjustment is calculated to equalize the funding to all school districts at the State average level of $719.62. Since the Required Local Effort is set by the Legislature each year, the District School Board has limited flexibility in determining the millage. Additionally, the State bases the District’s funding on the assumption that it will levy the full 0.748 Discretionary mills. If the District fails to levy the full discretionary amount, it will lose $28.1 million in compression adjustment revenue from the State.
Under the proposed rate, the owner of a $175,000 home, after deduction of the $25,000 homestead exemption, would pay
$827.40, which is a decrease of $44.10 from 2021 millage.
MILLAGE Amount Amount
Taxable Value $ 150,000 $ 150,000
School Taxes 2022-2023
School Taxes 2021-2022
ASSESSED VALUE | $ 175,000 | $ 175,000 |
Less: Homestead Exemption | (25,000) | (25,000) |
Required Local Effort* | $ 490.20 | $ 534.30 |
Prior Period Adjustment | - | - |
Discretionary Effort* | 112.20 | 112.20 |
Capital Projects | 225.00 | 225.00 |
Total $ 827.40 $ 871.50
* Since the Legislature sets the rate, the District has limited flexibility in setting millage rates. The District is required to levy for the Required Local Effort and bases the compression adjustment on the assumption that the full Discretionary Millage is levied.
The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for recommending a tentative budget and proposed ad valorem property tax millage rates to the School Board. By law, the School Board must advertise a tentative budget and the proposed millage rates in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the County within 29 days after receiving the certification from the Property Appraiser. The advertisement contains a budget summary, proposed millage rates and a notice of the date and time of the first public hearing on the budget. The advertisement was published in the Tampa Bay Times on July 24, 2022. The tentative Budget Hearing will be held on July 26, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the School Board Meeting Room.
The County Property Appraiser notifies each property owner, usually in mid-August, of the amount of the property tax levies proposed by each taxing authority in the form of a "TRIM" Notice (Truth-In-Millage). This notice will show the actual tax levies for the prior year and the proposed tax levies for the current year. The tax notice will also inform the taxpayer of the date, time and address when the final public hearing will be held.
The second public hearing is required to be held at least 65 days, but not more than 80 days after receiving the tax roll certification from the Property Appraiser. After this public hearing, the School Board adopts a resolution stating the ad valorem property tax millage rates to be levied and the final budget. The Final Public Hearing is scheduled for September 12, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., in the School Board Meeting Room.
The budgetary accounts of the District are grouped into funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards prescribed by the Florida Department of Education. The Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools manual has established a modified accrual basis of accounting as the standard for governmental fund budgeting and reporting. All Florida school districts must adhere to this basis.
The budget document contains budget information for each of the funds or fund groups of the District for which a budget must be adopted. Budgetary control is maintained at the function/object level. Each principal or department director is responsible for their respective budget. No expenditures are authorized that are in excess of budgetary appropriations. As with any projection, however, changes to appropriations are necessary in order to meet critical needs as they are identified. Therefore, budget amendments are prepared on a monthly basis and submitted to the School Board for approval. This provides the best use of limited resources.
Comparison of Budget – All Funds
The total budget for all funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year is $1,722,742,148. This is an increase of $251,833,771 or 17.12% above the same figure in the 2021-2022 Budget. The 2022-2023 total budget figure reflected below includes a General Fund operating budget of $848.6 million and a Capital Projects budget of $455 million.
Fund Titles | 2022-2023 Tentative Budget | Total Funds 2021-2022 Final Budget | Increase (Decrease) Over 2021-2022 | % Increase (Decrease) |
General Fund | $ 848,654,204 | $ 734,596,775 | $ 114,057,429 | 15.53 % |
Debt Service | 85,190,580 | 79,625,226 | 5,565,354 | 6.99 % |
Capital Projects | 455,052,969 | 339,199,507 | 115,853,462 | 34.15 % |
Special Revenue | 124,812,817 | 107,579,200 | 17,233,617 | 16.02 % |
Internal Service | 155,816,341 | 158,951,402 | (3,135,061) | (1.97) % |
Trust & Agency | 39,456,723 | 42,105,968 | (2,649,245) | (6.29) % |
Enterprise | 13,758,514 | 8,850,299 | 4,908,215 | 55.46 % |
Total All Funds | $ 1,722,742,148 | $ 1,470,908,377 | $ 251,833,771 | 17.12 % |
The following schedules present a comparison of the proposed budgets for all Governmental and Proprietary Funds of the District.
The General Fund serves as the primary operating fund for the District. It includes all annual local, state and federal funding, as well as the District’s required reserve funding. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or by contractual agreement to another fund are accounted for in this fund. Daily operating costs such as personnel salaries and benefits, transportation, utilities, materials and supplies are reflected in this fund.
The 2022-2023 General Fund budget is $848,654,204 a $114.1 million increase from the 2021-2022 General Fund budget. This represents a 15.53% increase from last year.
Over the past school year, students returned to brick and mortar schools and the District’s Pasco eSchool. The first K-8 grade school, Starkey Ranch K-8 was opened. Northwest Elementary and Hudson Middle School opened as Hudson Primary Academy, a PK-3rd grade school, and Hudson Academy as a 4th-8th grade school, respectively. In addition, James Irvin Education Center opened as the East Pasco Education Academy and Schwettman Education Center opened as the West Pasco Education Academy.
The District's unassigned fund balance is in a strong position and is projected to exceed the State 3% minimum requirement and the 5% goal established by the Board. In addition, the District's financial stewardship is evidenced by recent COPS ratings of an “A+” by Fitch, an “A1” by Moody’s and an “A” by Standard & Poor’s on the District’s bonds. The Moody’s issuer rating of Aa3 reflects the district's ability to repay debt and debt- like obligations without consideration of any pledge, security or structural features. The Fitch Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of AA- reflects the District's strong prospects for enrollment- driven revenue growth, a very limited ability to independently raise revenues, solid expenditure flexibility, a low long-term liability burden and sound reserves that provide for very strong gap closing capacity. The district's reserves have been steadily maintained slightly above its 5% spending reserve target in recent years, a level that is just below the reserve safety margin for a 'aaa' financial resilience assessment. If reserves are maintained at the current level or higher, Fitch believes such levels would be consistent with the reserve safety margin for a 'aaa' financial resilience assessment and could result in a potential positive rating action.
In addition to providing a high-quality education to every child, the District has a variety of state and federal mandates to which is must adhere. A number of these requirements extend beyond the District’s primary mission of education; however, they are vital to the District’s role as a valued community partner. For example, the District is required to provide facilities
and staff members for emergency shelters, operate the Head Start Program, work with other governmental entities to ensure appropriate community planning, feed children during the summer and contribute to the work of combating homelessness in the community. Even with limited resources, the District will continue to meet these obligations while prioritizing the needs of students as it works to streamline operations for maximum efficiency.
Resources to Support Operations
The District derives its operating income from a variety of federal, state, and local sources. The major categories of income sources for the General Fund are briefly described below. The District expects to receive 61.39% of the General Fund financial support from state and federal sources and 22.63% from local sources. The remaining 15.98% is comprised of transfers from other funds and carry forward fund balances (restricted and unrestricted).
This budget represents the funding level currently certified by the Department of Education, as of July 19, 2022.
Florida Education Finance Program Funding
The Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) provides the funding for General Fund expenditures. The funding formula requires a combination of state and local funds to fund education. For 2022-2023, FEFP funds provided to Pasco County comprise a total of $692,437,200. Of that amount, the state is providing $512,624,618 and local property taxes are providing
The State of Florida’s basic student allocation increased from $4,372.91 to $4,587.40, an increase of $214.49 from the amount that was funded during 2021-2022. The State applies a cost of living adjustment (District Cost Differential or DCD) to the basic student allocation. Pasco’s DCD is .9813. Therefore, Pasco will receive $4,501.62 per basic student allocation.
Included in the FEFP formula are allocations for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) totaling $33,157,373 Supplemental Reading totaling $4,673,515 and Supplemental Academic Instruction totaling $21,878,422.
The ESE guaranteed allocation will be used for educational programs and services for exceptional students. The Supplemental Reading Allocation will be used to improve reading throughout the District. The Supplemental Academic
Instruction allocation will be used to provide supplemental instruction, reading instruction, after-school instruction, tutoring, mentoring and for the extended school year program.
The Teacher Salary Increase allocation continues to be funded in the FEFP formula as a categorical in 2022-2023 with an allocation total of $22,582,278. House Bill 641 directs funds to increase teacher salaries as follows; 80% of each district’s allocation must be spent to increase the minimum base salary for full-time classroom teachers to $47,500 or the maximum amount achievable based on the district’s allocation of funds. Additionally, 20% of each district’s allocation must be spent to increase the salary of full-time classroom teachers funded through the FEFP who received an increase less than 2% as a result of the allocation and other full-time instructional personnel who are not eligible for increases through the 80% allocation. The District School Board of Pasco County increased the base salary for full-time teachers to $44,820 in 2021- 2022 and continues to strive to reach the minimum of $47,500, or the maximum amount achievable based on the 2022-2023 allocation of funds.
The State designates a large portion of FEFP funds for specific purposes, restricting the District’s discretionary use of these funds.
A summary of the Categorical Funding, that remains restricted, is described below:
Categorical Funding | Amount |
Class Size Reduction | $ 82,709,186 |
Safe School | 5,134,017 |
Mental Health | 3,902,301 |
Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance | 1,563,755 |
Total | $ 93,309,259 |
The primary source of local revenue is ad valorem real and tangible personal property taxes. School Boards are not empowered to levy any other taxes. In addition, the District earns interest on cash invested and collects other miscellaneous revenues.
Budgeted revenues from ad valorem taxes are based on applying millage levies to 96% of the non-exempt assessed valuation of real and personal property within Pasco County. Local taxes are presently projected to be $179,812,582.
Federal sources of revenue do not represent a significant revenue source to the District for the operating fund and are projected to remain at nearly the same level for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Unweighted | Program | Weighted | Base | District Cost | BASE | |||||
FTE | X | Cost | = | FTE | X | Student | X Differential | = | FUNDING | |
Factors | Students | Allocation | Factor | |||||||
Pasco | Pasco Avg. | Pasco | State | Pasco | Pasco | |||||
85,550.75 | 1.102 | 94,312.45 | 4,587.40 | 0.9813 | 424,558,398 | |||||
Supplemental | ||||||||||
Safe | Mental | ESE | Health Assistancce | Academic | ||||||
Compression | + | Schools | + | Health | + | Guaranteed | + & Supplemental Services | + | Instruction | + |
Adjustment | Allocation | Allocation | Allocation | Allocation | Allocation* | |||||
Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | |||||
1,792,518 | 5,134,017 | 3,902,301 | 33,157,373 | 5,435,396 | 21,878,422 | |||||
Teachers | ||||||||||
Supplemental | Funding | Instructional | Classroom | DJJ | ||||||
Reading | + | Compression | + | Materials | + | Transportation | + Supply | + | Supplement | + |
Allocation | Allocation | Assistance | ||||||||
Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | |||||
4,673,515 | 1,792,518 | 7,545,354 | 20,773,249 | 1,563,755 | 87,098 | |||||
Required | Net | Categorical | TOTAL | |||||||
Teacher | Gross | Local | State | Program | STATE | |||||
Salary Increase | + | State & Local | - | Effort/ | = | FEFP | + Funds | = | FINANCE | |
Allocation | FEFP | Proration | Allocation | Allocation | PROGRAM | |||||
Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | Pasco | |||||
22,582,278 | 577,253,996 | 147,338,564 | 429,915,432 | 82,709,186 | 512,624,618 |
School Level Services
Curriculum & Staff Development
District Services
The major portion of the general fund resources are committed to carrying out the educational programs offered to the residents of Pasco County.
Teaching alone comprises 65.03% of all expenditures.
Teaching combined with other school-level programs such as transportation, media, counseling, psychological services, school administration, community services, capital outlay and operations & maintenance comprises 93.38% of the operating budget.
Curriculum development and staff training comprises 3.36% of the operating budget.
District Services such as human resources, finance, purchasing, warehouse, data processing and mail services comprises 3.26% of the operating budget.
% of Total
TOTALS Appropriations
TEACHING | $482,563,137 | 65.03% | |
STUDENT SERVICES [Includes counselors, psychologists, visiting teachers, instructional media and instruction-related technology] | 52,338,150 | 7.05% | |
TRANSPORTATION | 36,103,345 | 4.87% | |
SUB-TOTAL - DIRECT SERVICES TO STUDENTS | $571,004,632 | 76.95% | |
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE | $67,699,520 | 9.12% | |
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION | 47,139,973 | 6.35% | |
COMMUNITY SERVICES | 756,089 | 0.10% | |
CAPITAL OUTLAY | 6,359,306 | 0.86% | |
SUB-TOTAL - INDIRECT SERVICES TO STUDENTS | $121,954,888 | 16.43% | |
TOTAL SCHOOL LEVEL SERVICES | $692,959,520 | 93.38% |
FISCAL SERVICES [includes accounting, budget, payroll, $3,472,961 0.47% accounts payable, and cash management]
CENTRAL SERVICES [includes purchasing, human 9,793,279 1.32%
resources, data processing and warehousing services]
SCHOOL BOARD | 660,085 | 0.09% | |
GENERAL ADMINISTRATION | 1,727,769 | 0.23% | |
TOTAL DISTRICT SERVICES | $24,158,128 | 3.26% | |
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS | $742,031,225 | 100.00% | |
RESERVES/TRANSFERS | 106,622,979 | ||
How Funds Are Distributed Per Student
Based on the Department of Education final funding calculation for fiscal year 2020-2021, the District received $7,858.08 per unweighted FTE. As shown below, Pasco County spends more money per student than allocated by the State. This reflects Pasco’s commitment to prioritizing resources in the classroom. The information below outlines more detail about how funds are expended per student.
Total K-12 Expenditures | $632,730,001 |
Less McKay Scholarships* | ($6,061,187) |
Less Family Enpowerment Scholarships* | ($2,924,849) |
Less Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance* | ($1,483,190) |
Less Charter School Funding* | ($72,317,667) |
Total Local, State and Federal Expenditures | $549,943,108 |
Total Unweighted FTE | 68,170.76 |
Total Funds per Unweighted FTE | $8,067.14 |
*The School District has no control over how the funds subtracted above are spent, as they are designated in Florida Statute. |
** Amounts for fiscal year 2021-2022 are not yet available.
The salaries of classroom teachers and teacher assistants that work directly with students
The cost to provide benefits to classroom teachers and teacher assistants that work directly with students
Textbooks, Supplemental Materials, Classroom Supplies, School-based Printing and Periodicals
Cost for providing substitute teachers when regular teachers are absent, any dues or fees for school-based employees
Tangible property such as desks, chairs, etc.
Instructional Support Staff Members (Media Specialist, Technology Specialist, School Nurse, School Social Worker, School Psychologist), School-based Administrators, Curriculum Development, Staff Development, Academic Coaches, Custodial Staff, Operation and Maintenance of Facilities, and Utilities
The cost to transport students to and from school, including the fuel, salaries and benefits for bus drivers and vehicle maintenance
Included in this category is the entire cost of our School Board Members, General Administration, Fiscal Services, District Administration of support personnel, Instructional Media, Curriculum Development, Central Services, Technology Services, and Facilities Services.
School districts are audited annually by an independent agency. Every three years, this audit is conducted by the Auditor General’s Office. Additionally, each program (i.e. Title I, Pre-K, Exceptional Student Education, Professional Development) receives regular independent audits to ensure funds are used in accordance with State and Federal guidelines.
The 2022-2023 budget for the Debt Service Fund is $85,190,580, a increase of $5.56 million or 6.99% above the 2021-2022 budget due to the terms of financing agreements and principal and interest payments.
The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. The District currently combines debt service funds into four groups as follows:
State Board of Education Bond Funds - used to account for principal and interest payments for various bonds issued by the State of Florida on the District’s behalf.
Capital Improvements Revenue Bond Funds - used to account for payments on Motor Vehicle License Tax Revenue Bonds, which are secured by racetrack funds and Jai Alai Fronton funds received annually by Pasco County.
Sales Tax Bond Funds - used to account for payments on the Sales Tax Bond, which is secured by forty-five (45) percent of the one (1) percent voter approved sales tax.
Certificate of Participation Funds - used to account for payments for obligations pertaining to lease payments from debt issued under a Master Lease Agreement with the Pasco County Leasing Corporation.
Lease-Purchase Contracts – used to account for the obligations pertaining to lease payments for computer, iPads, buses and service vehicles issued under a lease-purchase agreement.
The District must repay debt service prior to making any other expenditures. The principal and interest payments for fiscal year 2022-2023 are listed below:
Debt Service Type | Principal | Interest/Fees |
Certificates of Participation Notes | $ 16,727,613 | $ 19,457,748 |
State Board of Education Bond Funds | 774,000 | 167,870 |
Sales Tax Bond Funds | 19,355,000 | 1,971,566 |
Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds | 55,000 | 144,775 |
Lease-Purchase Contracts | 10,569,704 | 561,050 |
Total | $ 47,481,317 | $ 22,303,009 |
The 2022-2023 budget for the Capital Projects Funds is $455,052,969 which reflects a increase of $115.9 million or 34.15% above the 2021-2022 budget.
Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources that the District uses for acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and improvements to existing facilities. For the maintenance of approximately 2,400 buildings across the County and to account for the purchase of land, equipment, technology equipment, buses and motor vehicles.
Revenue and other financing sources for these funds are comprised of Impact fees and Capital Improvement Ad Valorem Tax Levy. On March 9, 2004, a referendum election, “Sales Tax Referendum,” was held to determine whether the County could levy a one (1) cent infrastructure sales surtax within the County. A majority of the voters of Pasco County voting in the Sales Tax Referendum approved the levy of the sales surtax. The sales surtax proceeds will be distributed to the District, the County and the municipalities, with the District receiving 45%. Its purpose is to build new schools and to renovate existing facilities. The District established the Penny for Pasco Oversight Committee to help monitor the needs and allocation of funding. Imposition of the surtax commenced January 1, 2005 and expired December 31, 2014. On November 6, 2012, voters signaled their approval for the continuation of the tax for another 10 years, beginning in January 2015. The projected revenue from “Penny for Pasco” is expected to generate approximately $296.6 million that will be used to provide much needed repairs and renovations to aging schools. It will also be used to improve energy efficiency in schools and to retrofit and equip older schools built before 1975 with the technology students need to succeed in the 21st century. In calendar year 2021, “Penny for Pasco” generated over $43.7 million in revenue and is on target to exceed $46 million in calendar year 2022.
Projected revenues by source are described below:
Projected Revenues | Amount |
Local Capital Improvement | $ 67,161,074 |
Impact Fees | 59,508,037 |
Sales Tax Proceeds | 44,288,734 |
Capital Lease Agreements | 10,079,155 |
Transfers from Other Sources or Funds | 1,172,600 |
Other Miscellaneous Local Sources | 1,342,764 |
Charter School Capital Outlay Funding | 4,037,215 |
Interest on Investment | 470,152 |
Capital Outlay & Debt Service Distributed | 2,111,663 |
Total | $ 190,171,394 |
The Capital Project appropriations are for the major renovations of Hudson High School and Gulf High School and the construction of Kirkland Ranch K-8 and Starkey Ranch K-8 classroom wing and Angeline 6-12 Academy. Major projects such as cafeteria renovations, replacement of HVAC systems, and infrastructure upgrades at various schools. Appropriations for capital debt service are to repay principal and interest payments for outstanding Certificates of Participation and Sales Tax Debt issues. Other uses of capital funds include improvements to existing facilities, capital equipment, technology, site acquisition, replacement of buses, vehicles, and portables.
Projected major appropriations and reserves are listed below:
Capital Projects | Amount |
New Schools | $ 121,289,926 |
Debt Service Payments | 57,253,793 |
Major Remodel/Re-Development | 79,675,898 |
Capital Maintenance Projects | 27,201,970 |
Sales Tax Debt Service Payments | 21,316,566 |
Equipment and Software | 16,126,642 |
Buses and Motor Vehicles | 5,649,000 |
Land | 6,657,200 |
Total | $ 335,170,995 |
The 2022-2023 budget for the Special Revenue Funds is $124,812,817 an increase of $17.2 million or 16.02% above the 2021-2022 budget.
Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted or committed to expenditures for specific purposes. The District uses these funds to account for the Food & Nutrition Services Program and to account for funds received from federal sources that are used for specific educational programs administered by the District.
The Food & Nutrition Service Fund operates during the regular school year, as well as, during the summer at many schools. This fund depends on local sales and funds from Federal and State programs for subsidizing school breakfast and lunch programs. The fund’s total budget is $45,884,437.00. During a normal school year with all students attending brick and mortar schools and when students are charged based off their eligibility, the District serves more than 22,255 breakfasts, 35,787 lunches, and 2,500 suppers daily. Meal participation is expected to decrease for the 22-23 school year due to the expiration of the current waiver allowing all students to eat for free. Meals are prepared and served at 79 sites. During the summer, the District provides on average 1,800 breakfasts, 2,600 lunches daily to Pasco County students.
In fiscal year 21-22, the District received an additional $59,987,715 under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Act (ESSER II), which are being used to support non-enrollment assistance, academic acceleration, technology assistance, and to continue initiatives supported by ESSER I funds in FY 20-21.
In late fiscal year 21-22, the District received an additional $129,343,276 under the American Rescue Plan (ESSER III). The funds are intended to recover from the impact COVID-19 has had on schools in Florida and to ensure federal requirements are met. In doing so, the District will focus on a continuous safe return to in-person instruction, students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs all while addressing the opportunity gaps that existed before but were exacerbated by the pandemic. As such, this funding will mostly focus on supporting learning loss within the District and continue projects that were supported by ESSER I funds and ESSER II funds in previous years.
In FY 22-23, the District will receive an additional $2,836,615.00 under the American Rescue Plan (ESSER III). These will be used to support Summer Learning Camps and High Impact Reading Interventions. This amount is not part of this budget and will be submitted to the Board for approval once we receive final notification from the Department of Education.
The amount received from these agencies is projected to be $54,043,579 and will be used to serve all Pasco students who qualify for the following programs:
Program | Amount |
Title I Programs | $ 25,346,479 |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | 21,335,558 |
Title II Programs | 2,429,924 |
Vocational Education Programs | 2,244,997 |
Title III Programs | 1,041,795 |
Pell | 805,000 |
Adult Education and Family Literacy | 682,626 |
Homeless Children & Youth | 157,200 |
Total | $ 54,043,579 |
The 2022-2023 budget for the Internal Service Funds is $155,816,341 which reflects a decrease of $3.1 million or 1.97% below the 2021-2022 budget.
The District has established internal service funds to account for the District’s fully self-insured program for employee group health and assistance program and self-insured programs for property, casualty liability and workers’ compensation. The total budget for these programs is $136,039,220. The internal service fund is also used to account for the Energy Management, Water Management, Waste Management and Exclusive Agreement Programs. The total budget for these programs is $19,776,674.
The District contributes $7,750 per employee per year for employees’ medical, life and flexible benefits. The District contribution per employee per year for employees’ medical and life has increased from $5,973 in calendar year 2012 to
$7,750 in calendar year 2022. This represents an increase of 29.75% since 2012. The total amount projected to pay these premiums in fiscal year 2022-2023 is $66,555,716. The contribution for premiums for property, casualty liability, workers’ compensation claims and administrative costs is $5,582,522. The District has been extremely proactive in reducing District costs for the operation of these programs. One such measure in recent years was moving to self-insured coverage, which yielded significant savings in this area. The District also operates six Health and Wellness Centers, to help defray costs associated with health care for employees and workers’ compensation services.
The 2022-2023 budget for the Expendable Trust Funds is $39,456,723, a decrease of $2.6 million or 6.29% below the 2021-2022 budget.
The majority of the Expendable Trust Funds are used to account for School Internal Funds and the District’s Early Retirement Plan.
The School Internal Funds account is used for the receipts, expenditures and fund balance for the financial activities in the internal accounts at the individual schools. These activities include but are not limited to athletic events, field trips, parent organizations, programs, class and special interest club projects, school stores, yearbook, book fairs and scholarships. The total budget for this fund is $24,332,456.
The purpose of the District’s Early Retirement Plan was to provide eligible employees, who elect to retire under the early retirement provisions, with a monthly benefit equal to the statutory reduction of the normal retirement benefits when early retirement precedes the normal retirement age of 62. The program is closed to new participants, however it will remain open until final payments are made to all current participants. The total budget for this fund is $14,963,261.
The remaining Expendable Trust Funds are used to assist children in need and provide funding for special programs to schools, as designated by the donor. The budget for these funds total $161,006.
The 2022-2023 budget for the Enterprise Fund is $13,758,514 an increase of $4.9 million or 55.46% above the 2021-2022 budget.
The Enterprise Fund is a completely self-supporting activity that does not receive funding from property taxes or any other District fund. It is used to account for the operations of the Office for After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP) including PLACE, Beyond the Bell, and STAR Academy.
ASEP was awarded four 21st Century Community Learning Center Grants which enabled them to continue funding programs at Quail Hollow Elementary School, RB Cox Elementary School, Fox Hollow Elementary School, and Hudson Primary during the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
ASEP operated in 27 elementary schools and 1 middle school during the regular 2021-2022 fiscal year. ASEP is expecting to serve approximately 2,402 students during the school year and summer months.
The Enterprise funds also reflect the Vending program which operates food and beverage machines throughout the District.
The budget is designed to ensure the smooth delivery of effective school operations while prioritizing the needs of Pasco’s students and the community. It is important for the District to have the flexibility to adapt to changing conditions during the year and to provide adequate reserves for the future. The budget development process is a reflection of State mandates, School Board actions, and careful planning. Budget development, review, and consideration were completed with a detailed review of every revenue and expenditure category within the context of the School Board’s goals, mission and financial policies.
The 2022-2023 budget reflects fiscal priorities which prioritize and support student achievement and sets aside funds to provide a salary and benefits package increase to all of our employees.
As with any projection, this budget will change during the year as needs change and critical areas are identified. Budget amendments will be submitted to the School Board for approval during the year in order to make the best use of available resources and maximize opportunities for the students of Pasco County. I hereby submit and recommend this budget to the Pasco County School Board for fiscal year 2022-2023.
Kurt S. Browning Superintendent of Schools
Tammy Taylor, MBA Chief Finance Officer
Michelle Williams
Director of Finance Services
FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023
Federal | 2,883,217 | 500,000 | 85,989,579 | 89,372,796 | ||||
State Sources Local Sources TOTAL REVENUES Transfers In Nonrevenue Sources FUND BALANCES - JULY 1, 2022 TOTAL REVENUES AND BALANCES | 518,068,519 | 1,107,568 | 7,291,642 | 406,716 | 526,874,445 | |||
192,008,423 | 2,188 | 171,627,997 | 9,734,017 | 105,024,562 | 16,072,802 | 10,757,965 | 505,227,954 | |
712,960,159 | 1,609,756 | 178,919,639 | 96,130,312 | 105,024,562 | 16,072,802 | 10,757,965 | 1,121,475,195 | |
4,548,045 | 69,390,441 | 1,172,600 | 5,810,001 | 80,921,087 | ||||
10,079,155 | 158,000 | 10,237,155 | ||||||
131,146,000 | 14,190,383 | 264,881,575 | 28,682,505 | 44,823,778 | 23,383,921 | 3,000,549 | 510,108,711 | |
848,654,204 | 85,190,580 | 455,052,969 | 124,812,817 | 155,816,341 | 39,456,723 | 13,758,514 | 1,722,742,148 |
Instruction Student Support Services Instructional Media Services Instructional & Curriculum Development Services Instructional Staff Training Instruction-Related Technology Board General Administration School Administration Facilities Acquisition Construction Fiscal Services Food Services Central Services Student Transportation Services Operation of Plant Maintenance of Plant Administrative Technology Services Community Services Debt Service Internal Funds Disbursements TOTAL EXPENDITURES Transfers Out FUND BALANCES - JUNE 30, 2023 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS & BALANCES | 482,563,137 | 29,076,230 | 134,618 | 511,773,985 | ||||
38,581,923 | 4,318,974 | 42,900,897 | ||||||
2,675,215 | 36,652 | 2,711,867 | ||||||
21,197,080 | 7,450,916 | 28,647,996 | ||||||
3,716,497 | 7,975,321 | 25,000 | 11,716,818 | |||||
11,081,012 | 1,899,198 | 12,980,210 | ||||||
660,085 | 1,564,000 | 2,224,085 | ||||||
1,727,769 | 2,232,362 | 3,960,131 | ||||||
47,139,973 | 136,410 | 313,300 | 47,589,683 | |||||
6,359,306 | 256,600,636 | 262,959,942 | ||||||
3,472,961 | 77,528 | 34,407 | 3,584,896 | |||||
31,646 | 44,256,237 | 44,287,883 | ||||||
9,793,279 | 357,811 | 90,689,850 | 100,840,940 | |||||
36,103,345 | 329,760 | 36,433,105 | ||||||
54,135,860 | 17,390,786 | 71,526,646 | ||||||
13,532,014 | 29,694 | 13,561,708 | ||||||
8,504,034 | 152,417 | 8,656,451 | ||||||
756,089 | 39,000 | 9,799,673 | 10,594,762 | |||||
69,784,326 | 69,784,326 | |||||||
15,540,000 | 15,540,000 | |||||||
742,031,225 | 69,784,326 | 256,600,636 | 98,299,816 | 108,592,655 | 17,168,000 | 9,799,673 | 1,302,276,331 | |
78,570,359 | 1,172,600 | 1,178,128 | 80,921,087 | |||||
106,622,979 | 15,406,254 | 119,881,974 | 25,340,401 | 46,045,558 | 22,288,723 | 3,958,841 | 339,544,730 | |
848,654,204 | 85,190,580 | 455,052,969 | 124,812,817 | 155,816,341 | 39,456,723 | 13,758,514 | 1,722,742,148 |
The District School Board of Pasco County will soon consider a measure to increase its property tax levy.
Last year’s property tax levy:
Initially proposed tax levy… $227,813,375
Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment
changes ($50,971)
Actual property tax levy… $227,864,346
This year’s proposed tax levy $257,264,225
A portion of the tax levy is required under state law in order for the school board to receive $512,624,618 in state education grants.
The required portion has increased by 4.40 percent, and represents approximately six tenths of the total proposed taxes.
The remainder of the taxes is proposed solely at the discretion of the school board.
All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on July 26, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the School Board Meeting Room at the District Office located at 7205 Land O’Lakes Boulevard, Land O’Lakes, FL 34638.
A DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing.
The District School Board of Pasco County will soon consider a measure to continue to impose a 1.500 mill property tax for the capital outlay projects listed herein.
This tax is in addition to the school board's proposed tax of 4.016 mills for operating expenses and is proposed solely at the discretion of the school board.
The capital outlay tax will generate approximately $67,161,074 to be used for the following projects:
Portables - Various Sites
HVAC - Various Sites Security Systems - Various Sites
School-wide Telephones - Various Sites Site Improvements - Various Sites
Renovations - Various Sites Paving Improvements - Various Sites
Roofing - Various Sites Athletic Improvements - Various Sites
Technology Retrofits - Various Sites Fuel Tank Repairs – Various Sites Health and Safety Retrofits – Various Sites Fire Alarm Upgrades – Various Sites
Energy Retrofits – Various Sites Flooring Replacements – Various Schools Traffic Safety Improvements – Various Sites Hurricane Enhancements – Various Schools Fire Safety – Various Sites Site Compliance – Various Sites
Lease-purchase of 35 school buses Purchase of fleet vehicles Lease-purchase of maintenance/warehouse vehicles
Lease-purchase of new computers - Various Schools & Sites Lease-purchase of new tablets - Various Schools & Sites
Purchase of Furniture/Fixtures/Equipment/Hardware - Various Schools & Sites Lease-purchase of software - Various Schools & Sites
US Bank (Debt Service on Certificates of Participation)
May include but not limited to (Asbestos Abatement, Radon Testing, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Environmental Auditing of Land Acquisitions, Indoor Air Quality Tests, and Water Testing to Comply with Clean Water Act)
Leasing of portable classrooms – Various Sites
Insurance premiums on district facilities
All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing to be held on July 26, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the school Board Meeting Room in the District Office located at
7205 Land O' Lakes Boulevard Land O' Lakes, FL 34638
A DECISION on the proposed CAPITAL OUTLAY TAXES will be made at this hearing.
1971-72 | 10.000 | mills | 10.000 | mills | ||
1972-73 | 10.000 | mills | 10.000 | mills | ||
1973-74 | 10.000 | mills | 10.000 | mills | ||
1974-75 | 8.000 | mills | 8.000 | mills | ||
1975-76 | 8.000 | mills | 8.000 | mills | ||
1976-77 | 8.000 | mills | 8.000 | mills | ||
1977-78 | 8.000 | mills | 8.000 | mills | ||
1978-79 | 8.000 | mills | 8.000 | mills | ||
1979-80 | 6.750 | mills | 6.750 | mills | ||
1980-81 | 1.359 | mills | 6.005 | mills | 7.364 | mills |
1981-82 | 1.359 | mills | 6.112 | mills | 7.471 | mills |
1982-83 | 0.965 | mills | 5.478 | mills | 6.443 | mills |
1983-84 | 0.943 | mills | 5.500 | mills | 6.443 | mills |
1984-85 | 0.943 | mills | 5.526 | mills | 6.469 | mills |
1985-86 | 1.500 | mills | 5.626 | mills | 7.126 | mills |
1986-87 | 1.500 | mills | 5.942 | mills | 7.442 | mills |
1987-88 | 1.000 | mills | 5.890 | mills | 6.890 | mills |
1988-89 | 0.851 | mills | 6.203 | mills | 7.054 | mills |
1989-90 | 1.453 | mills | 6.364 | mills | 7.817 | mills |
1990-91 | 1.503 | mills | 6.756 | mills | 8.259 | mills |
1991-92 | 1.503 | mills | 6.911 | mills | 8.414 | mills |
1992-93 | 1.503 | mills | 7.084 | mills | 8.587 | mills |
1993-94 | 2.000 | mills | 7.128 | mills | 9.128 | mills |
1994-95 | 2.000 | mills | 7.282 | mills | 9.282 | mills |
1995-96 | 2.000 | mills | 7.418 | mills | 9.418 | mills |
1996-97 | 2.000 | mills | 7.228 | mills | 9.228 | mills |
1997-98 | 2.000 | mills | 7.105 | mills | 9.105 | mills |
1998-99 | 2.000 | mills | 7.218 | mills | 9.218 | mills |
1999-00 | 2.000 | mills | 6.894 | mills | 8.894 | mills |
2000-01 | 2.000 | mills | 6.644 | mills | 8.644 | mills |
2001-02 | 2.000 | mills | 6.382 | mills | 8.382 | mills |
2002-03 | 2.000 | mills | 6.365 | mills | 8.365 | mills |
2003-04 | 2.000 | mills | 6.382 | mills | 8.382 | mills |
2004-05 | 1.500 | mills | 6.080 | mills | 7.580 | mills |
2005-06 | 1.500 | mills | 6.013 | mills | 7.513 | mills |
2006-07 | 1.500 | mills | 5.681 | mills | 7.181 | mills |
2007-08 | 1.500 | mills | 5.522 | mills | 7.022 | mills |
2008-09 | 1.500 | mills | 5.708 | mills | 7.208 | mills |
2009-10 | 1.500 | mills | 5.840 | mills | 7.340 | mills |
2010-11 | 1.500 | mills | 6.267 | mills | 7.767 | mills |
2011-12 | 1.500 | mills | 6.144 | mills | 7.644 | mills |
2012-13 | 1.500 | mills | 5.841 | mills | 7.341 | mills |
2013-14 | 1.500 | mills | 5.857 | mills | 7.357 | mills |
2014-15 | 1.500 | mills | 5.649 | mills | 7.149 | mills |
2015-16 | 1.500 | mills | 5.609 | mills | 7.109 | mills |
2016-17 | 1.500 | mills | 5.277 | mills | 6.777 | mills |
2017-18 | 1.500 | mills | 5.065 | mills | 6.565 | mills |
2018-19 | 1.500 | mills | 4.779 | mills | 6.279 | mills |
2019-20 | 1.500 | mills | 4.601 | mills | 6.101 | mills |
2020-21 | 1.500 | mills | 4.422 | mills | 5.922 | mills |
2021-22 | 1.500 | mills | 4.310 | mills | 5.810 | mills |
2022-23* | 1.500 | mills | 4.016 | mills | 5.516 | mills |
* Proposed |
ROTC | $ 683,217 | 0.1% |
OTHER | 2,200,000 | 0.3% |
Florida Education Finance | ||
Program (State Portion) | 429,915,432 | 50.6% |
State Categoricals | 82,709,186 | 9.7% |
Other State Revenues LOCAL AD VALOREM TAXES | 5,443,901 | 0.6% |
Required Local Effort &
Discretionary Tax 179,812,582 21.2%
Miscellaneous Local & Interest | 12,195,841 | 1.4% |
NONREVENUE | 0.0% | |
TRANSFERS | 4,548,045 | 0.5% |
Fund Balance | 131,146,000 | 15.5% |
2022-2023 | $ 848,654,204 | 100% |
TOTAL SALARIES | $421,212,848 | ||
BENEFITS | Retirement | 43,054,012 | |
Social Security | 25,681,107 | ||
Group Insurance | 68,895,351 | ||
Worker's Comp | 4,297,545 | ||
Unemployment Comp | 499,484 | ||
TOTAL BENEFITS | 142,427,499 | ||
Additional salaries and benefits are reported in categorical and district programs | |||
CATEGORICAL | Instructional Materials & Textbook 5,918,695 Media & Library Allocation 405,511 Safe School 5,796,086 Mental Health 3,529,054 Science Laboratories 110,840 State Grants 772,185 Supplemental Academic Instruction 22,049,586 Supplemental Reading 4,673,515 Turnaround Supplemental Services 1,533,095 | ||
Dual Enrollment 1,779,041 | |||
TOTAL CATEGORICAL | 46,567,608 | ||
SCHOOL CHOICE PROGRAMS | Charter Schools 72,810,738 | ||
FTE CONTRACTS | Baycare 120,003 | ||
PACE for Girls 400,011 Red Apple Contract 60,000 | |||
TOTAL FTE CONTRACTS | 580,014 | ||
UTILITIES | Telephone 200,000 Water & Sewer 2,500,000 Electric 12,500,000 Utilities/Other 120,100 Garbage Collection Fees 1,100,000 Wireless Network 900,000 | ||
TOTAL UTILITIES | 17,320,100 |
MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | In-House Maintenance | 3,500,000 | |
Outside Maintenance | 1,082,729 | ||
Tech Services Repairs | 145,150 | ||
Schoolwide Telephone Maintenance | 726,000 | ||
District-Wide Copy Machines | 1,061,369 | ||
Laser Printers/Owned | 421,000 | ||
Athletic Field & Maintenance | 130,880 | ||
Custodial Maintenance | 369,850 | ||
BUS TRANSPORTATION | Bus & Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,341,215 | ||
Gas & Diesel 4,157,510 | |||
District-Wide Transportation 600,440 | |||
MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES | Professional & Technical Services 3,202,479 | ||
Security Services 50,000 | |||
Communications 392,353 | |||
Travel 368,925 | |||
Insurance Premium 6,000 | |||
Purchased Services 313,343 | |||
Printing 130,640 | |||
Materials & Supplies 926,941 | |||
Other Expenses 1,744,314 | |||
Speech Therapy Services 22,500 | |||
Use of Facilities-Reimburse Schools 55,000 | |||
SCHOOLS ALLOCATIONS | Allocation per Teacher Unit 4,869,505 | ||
School Media 522,848 | |||
Principals' Travel 32,670 | |||
Comparability 211,840 | |||
CTE Non-Discretionary 246,526 | |||
DISTRICT PROGRAMS | TOTAL SCHOOLS' ALLOCATIONS Adults with Disabilities 21,803 | 5,883,389 | |
Advanced Placement 3,621,070 | |||
All County Music 22,572 | |||
Alternative Certification 134,565 | |||
Athletic Officials/Transportation 522,600 | |||
ARGUS Training Academy 110,662 | |||
Attorney Fees 462,000 | |||
Band Uniform Allocation 30,000 | |||
Blended Learning 441,500 | |||
Cambridge Program 1,798,065 | |||
Career Academies 52,087 | |||
Certified Athletic Trainers 300,000 | |||
Choral Allocation 30,000 | |||
District End of Course Exams 170,695 | |||
Early College Program 9,500 | |||
Fingerprinting 245,700 |
Fingerprinting Students to Work Program | 5,000 |
Florida Music Association Dues | 10,000 |
Gifted Program | 7,819 |
General Paper | 715,187 |
Health Services | 20,000 |
Identification Badges | 5,307 |
Industry Certification | 901,654 |
Instrument Repair Program | 85,000 |
International Baccalaureate Program | 2,031,916 |
Local Assessments | 129,976 |
Magnet Schools | 1,016,305 |
Mental Health Contracts | 80,000 |
Middle School Course Recovery | 75,000 |
Music Transportation | 63,000 |
Odyssey of the Mind | 4,500 |
Pasco's Vision - Elementary | 20,000 |
Pasco's Vision - Secondary | 20,000 |
Physical and Occupational Therapy Services | 22,500 |
Positive Coaching Trainers | 109,200 |
Professional Certification Renewal | 30,000 |
Professional Certification Replacements | 12,000 |
Professional Development | 341,110 |
Professional Educational Competency | 241,800 |
Recruitment Program | 328,100 |
Regular Education Home Instruction | 1,920 |
School Events | 77,828 |
Student Financial Assistance | 25,000 |
Teacher Assistance Program | 5,000 |
Temporary Personnel Services | 25,000 |
TOOLS | 44,575 |
Vocational National Competition | 30,600 |
World Language | 22,275 |
2022-2023 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $742,031,225
ESTIMATED REVENUE: | 2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | |
Federal | 3,255,500 | 2,883,217 | |
State - FEFP | 369,731,527 | 429,915,432 | |
State - Other | 81,878,627 | 88,153,087 | |
Local - Taxes | 162,237,628 | 179,812,582 | |
Local - Other | 11,420,789 | 12,195,841 | |
Non-Revenue Sources | 50,000 | 0 | |
Incoming Transfers | 7,914,191 | 4,548,045 | |
Fund Balance | 98,108,513 | 131,146,000 | |
Salaries & Benefits | 511,646,887 | 563,640,347 | |
Purchased Services | 97,073,227 | 135,970,695 | |
Energy Services | 16,258,100 | 16,777,610 | |
Materials and Supplies | 19,009,694 | 20,634,152 | |
Capital Outlay | 815,329 | 752,752 | |
Other Expenses | 8,492,077 | 4,255,668 | |
Outgoing Transfers | 101,088 | ||
Fund Balance | 81,200,373 | 106,622,980 | |
Object Project Budget Amount
1100 ‐ General Operating Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
4191 ‐ ROTC | 59100 ‐ ROTC‐Air Force | 12,000 |
59120 ‐ ROTC‐Navy | 35,000 | |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 47,000 | |
4202 ‐ Medicaid | 54910 ‐ Medicaid‐Administrative Claim | 1,600,000 |
54920 ‐ Medicaid‐Fee for Service | 600,000 | |
4202 ‐ Medicaid Total | 2,200,000 | |
4310 ‐ Florida Educ Finance Prg(FEFP) | 00000 ‐ General | 250,709,766 |
21250 ‐ Teacher Salary Increase | 22,582,278 | |
21400 ‐ Media & Library Allocation | 405,511 | |
21500 ‐ Inst Materials & Textbooks | 5,918,695 | |
21560 ‐ Science Laboratories | 110,840 | |
21570 ‐ ESE Apps | 101,731 | |
21620 ‐ Graduation Enhancement/DJJ Su | 87,098 | |
21650 ‐ Supple Reading Instruct‐K12 Rea | 4,240,656 | |
21700 ‐ Safe Schools | 4,642,959 | |
21750 ‐ Mental Health | 3,529,054 | |
22600 ‐ Transportation Revenue | 20,489,000 | |
73600 ‐ Family Empowerment Scholarsh | 29,329,350 | |
77900 ‐ Classroom Supply Funds | 1,563,755 | |
21800 ‐ SAI | 19,779,695 | |
23100 ‐ Dual Enrollment | 324,337 | |
21300 ‐ Turnaround Supplemental Servi | 1,533,095 | |
4310 ‐ Florida Educ Finance Prg(FEFP) Total | 365,347,820 | |
4315 ‐ Workforce Development | 26690 ‐ Workforce Development | 3,111,881 |
4315 ‐ Workforce Development Total | 3,111,881 | |
4317 ‐ Workforce Ed Perform Incentive | 26680 ‐ Voc Performance Based Incent | 22,000 |
4317 ‐ Workforce Ed Perform Incentive Total | 22,000 | |
4323 ‐ CO & DS Withheld/Admin Expense | 78000 ‐ CO & DS | 44,500 |
4323 ‐ CO & DS Withheld/Admin Expense Total | 44,500 | |
4343 ‐ State License Tax | 00000 ‐ General | 400,000 |
4343 ‐ State License Tax Total | 400,000 | |
4355 ‐ Class Size Reduct Oper Fds | 21600 ‐ Class Size Reduction Alloc | 74,466,060 |
4355 ‐ Class Size Reduct Oper Fds Total | 74,466,060 |
Object | Project | Budget Amount |
4399 ‐ Other Miscellaneous State Rev | 22601 ‐ Fuel Tax Refund | 175,000 |
55010 ‐ Basic School & Full Service Scho | 250,000 | |
56110 ‐ CEO Leadership Development | 6,750 | |
62500 ‐ Dealer's Tax Credit | 15,500 | |
4399 ‐ Other Miscellaneous State Rev Total | 447,250 | |
4411 ‐ District School Taxes | 00000 ‐ General | 179,812,582 |
4411 ‐ District School Taxes Total | 179,812,582 | |
4421 ‐ Tax Redemptions | 00000 ‐ General | 250 |
4421 ‐ Tax Redemptions Total | 250 | |
4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 00000 ‐ General | 361,990 |
4431 ‐ Interest On Investments Total | 361,990 | |
4433 ‐ Net Increase(Decrease) Fair Va | 00000 ‐ General | 100,000 |
4433 ‐ Net Increase(Decrease) Fair Va Total | 100,000 | |
4440 ‐ Gifts Grants & Bequests | 59660 ‐ FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES OF S | 118,885 |
4440 ‐ Gifts Grants & Bequests Total | 118,885 | |
4461 ‐ Adult Gen Education Course Fee | 00000 ‐ General | 50,000 |
4461 ‐ Adult Gen Education Course Fee Total | 50,000 | |
4462 ‐ Postsecon Vocation Course Fees | 00000 ‐ General | 450,000 |
4462 ‐ Postsecon Vocation Course Fees Total | 450,000 | |
4468 ‐ Financial Aid Fees | 00000 ‐ General | 45,000 |
4468 ‐ Financial Aid Fees Total | 45,000 | |
4491 ‐ Bus Fees | 00000 ‐ General | 20,000 |
4491 ‐ Bus Fees Total | 20,000 | |
4492 ‐ Transportation Serv/Sch Activi | 00000 ‐ General | 400,000 |
4492 ‐ Transportation Serv/Sch Activi Total | 400,000 | |
4493 ‐ Sale Of Junk | 00000 ‐ General | 50,000 |
4493 ‐ Sale Of Junk Total | 50,000 | |
4494 ‐ Receipt Of Federal Indirect Co | 00000 ‐ General | 3,050,000 |
4494 ‐ Receipt Of Federal Indirect Co Total | 3,050,000 | |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 00000 ‐ General | 4,000,000 |
12230 ‐ Tech Charge Reimbursement | 240,000 |
Object | Project | Budget Amount |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 12642 ‐ School Wide Telephone‐Operati | 10,000 |
14002 ‐ Baycare | 44,000 | |
44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 120,000 | |
45150 ‐ Drivers Education SAF | 80,000 | |
46300 ‐ ASEP Custodial/Media | 30,000 | |
69150 ‐ Employee Wellness Centers | 40,000 | |
70070 ‐ Environmental Education Center | 21,000 | |
70120 ‐ Professional Cert Renewal | 75,000 | |
70170 ‐ Fingerprinting | 45,000 | |
71510 ‐ Resource Recovery | 100,000 | |
71650 ‐ Band Uniform Allocation | 45,000 | |
72000 ‐ Use of Facilities | 60,000 | |
72010 ‐ Use of Fac/Reimburse Schools | 40,000 | |
72100 ‐ Use of Facilities/Labor Charge | 55,000 | |
74600 ‐ ASEP Program Reimb Fd 1100 | 386,269 | |
23100 ‐ Dual Enrollment | 25,000 | |
60200 ‐ Prof. Develop Certification Progr | 113,500 | |
61865 ‐ SSPS VPK | 310,000 | |
61880 ‐ College Readiness Assessments | 30,000 | |
70160 ‐ Professional Certification Additi | 55,000 | |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources Total | 5,924,769 | |
4498 ‐ Coll For Lost/Damaged/Sold Tex | 00000 ‐ General | 5,000 |
4498 ‐ Coll For Lost/Damaged/Sold Tex Total | 5,000 | |
4499 ‐ Receipts/Food Service Indirect | 00000 ‐ General | 1,069,947 |
4499 ‐ Receipts/Food Service Indirect Total | 1,069,947 | |
4670 ‐ Transfers From Internal Serv | 70200 ‐ Athletic Participation Fees | 294,200 |
13100 ‐ Positive Coaching Alliance | 109,200 | |
4670 ‐ Transfers From Internal Serv Total | 403,400 | |
4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 131,060,443 |
4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance Total | 131,060,443 | |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59120 ‐ ROTC‐Navy | 121,342 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 121,342 | |
0113 ‐ Anclote High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59110 ‐ ROTC‐Army | 96,209 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 96,209 |
Object | Project | Budget Amount |
0114 ‐ Fivay High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59120 ‐ ROTC‐Navy | 84,897 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 84,897 | |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59110 ‐ ROTC‐Army | 83,399 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 83,399 | |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59120 ‐ ROTC‐Navy | 90,889 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 90,889 | |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59100 ‐ ROTC‐Air Force | 77,550 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 77,550 | |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 4191 ‐ ROTC | 59110 ‐ ROTC‐Army | 81,931 |
4191 ‐ ROTC Total | 81,931 | |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 12010 ‐ Maintenance | 250,000 |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources Total | 250,000 | |
9571 ‐ After School Enrichment Prgs 4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 74600 ‐ ASEP Program Reimb Fd 1100 | 300,000 |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources Total | 300,000 |
Object Project Budget Amount
1300 ‐ Charter Schools Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 4310 ‐ Florida Educ Finance Prg(FEFP) | 00000 ‐ General | 60,203,232 |
21500 ‐ Inst Materials & Textbooks | 684,240 | |
21650 ‐ Supple Reading Instruct‐K12 Rea | 432,859 | |
21700 ‐ Safe Schools | 491,058 | |
21750 ‐ Mental Health | 373,247 | |
22600 ‐ Transportation Revenue | 284,249 | |
21800 ‐ SAI | 2,098,727 | |
4310 ‐ Florida Educ Finance Prg(FEFP) Total | 64,567,612 | |
4355 ‐ Class Size Reduct Oper Fds | 21600 ‐ Class Size Reduction Alloc | 8,243,126 |
4355 ‐ Class Size Reduct Oper Fds Total | 8,243,126 | |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 00000 ‐ General | 4,144,645 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project Total | 4,144,645 |
Object Project Budget Amount
1400 ‐ Voluntary PreK Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
4371 ‐ Voluntary Prekindergarten | 56960 ‐ Summer Voluntary Pre‐Kinder | 100,224 |
57008 ‐ Voluntary Prekindergarten Fall | 1,318,046 | |
4371 ‐ Voluntary Prekindergarten Total | 1,418,270 | |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 85,557 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance Total | 85,557 |
Object | Budget Amount | |
1100 ‐ General Operating | ||
Appropriations | ||
0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,697,262 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 442,561 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,409 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 206 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,150,238 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,910 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 65,021 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 922 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 110,753 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 28,741 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,106 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,079 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 13,185 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,031 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,715 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 31,946 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,064 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 9,064 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,061 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,361 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 118,173 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,406 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 123,579 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 24,101 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 24,101 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,500 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,632 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 550 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 55,182 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 175,448 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,506 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 188,954 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 101,506 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 101,506 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 148,581 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 975 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 195,256 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,060 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,561 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 17,621 | |
0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary Total | 3,053,487 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0031 ‐ Pasco High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,890,309 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,630,659 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,940 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 137,736 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 6,702,644 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 113,860 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 31,775 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 145,635 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 41,086 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,378 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 47,464 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 369,444 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,202 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 750 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 392,396 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,804 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,122 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 101,426 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,819 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 5,819 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,017 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 6,517 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 186,322 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,195 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 187,517 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 92,215 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,231 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 96,446 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 148,195 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 154,136 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 17,441 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 320,272 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,357 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,927 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 31,284 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,940 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 69,940 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,787 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 140,819 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,110 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 205,716 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 483,278 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 70,052 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 553,330 | |
0031 ‐ Pasco High Total | 8,866,406 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0032 ‐ Trinity Elementary 5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,147,737 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 474,102 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,751 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 18,230 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 800 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,649,620 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 83,205 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,145 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 85,550 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 240 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,401 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 47,901 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,663 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,246 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 47,909 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,496 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,496 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,416 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,098 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,400 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,214 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,481 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,481 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,061 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,392 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 99,453 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 85,046 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,747 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 105,193 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 250 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 250 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,819 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,819 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,477,691 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 348,242 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 775 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,826,708 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,790 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 80,061 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 120 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 101,971 | |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten Total | 20,877 | |
0032 ‐ Trinity Elementary Total | 4,053,843 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,984,174 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,218,338 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 16,490 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,865 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 7,890 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 7,252,757 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 178,894 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,365 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 36,135 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 290,394 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,396 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 25,557 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,327 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 450 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 25,827 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,120 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,113 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 37,033 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 37,378 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,102 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 46,480 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,222 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,800 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 8,022 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,995 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,860 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 73,855 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 182,151 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 182,151 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 155,963 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 134,122 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 250 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 250 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,597 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 97,597 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,967 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 19,967 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 90,672 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 665,391 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,850 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 766,313 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 303,618 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 58,495 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 362,263 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,103 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 36,103 | |
0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle Total | 9,514,654 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0059 ‐ Denham Oaks Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,684,440 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 620,943 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,284 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 300 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,327,567 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,593 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,700 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 75,993 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 257 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,418 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,490 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 13,290 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,504 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 30,654 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,220 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,926 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 33,146 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,965 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,586 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 13,551 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 64,016 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,140 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 69,156 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 93,048 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,290 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 108,338 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,366 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,232 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 47,598 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 288,470 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 288,970 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 332,974 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,180 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 344,154 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 478,934 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,848 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 529,982 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 361,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,222 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 437,240 | |
0059 ‐ Denham Oaks Elementary Total | 5,339,057 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0060 ‐ Chester W Taylor Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 782,639 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 199,423 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,960 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,002,522 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 141,127 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,084 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 144,211 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 36,545 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,472 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 44,017 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,592 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 63,493 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 58,697 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,838 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 75,535 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,069 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,069 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 995 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 900 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,795 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 74,471 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,152 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 85,623 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,929 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 28,929 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 105,283 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,139 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,787 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 155,209 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,097 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 73,097 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 184,753 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 184,753 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,842,571 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 465,826 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,503 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,309,900 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 203,574 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 69,289 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 340 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 273,203 | |
0060 ‐ Chester W Taylor Elementary Total | 4,448,356 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0061 ‐ Pasco Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,340,510 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 489,474 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,185 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,209 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 435 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,848,813 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,205 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,461 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 164 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,996 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 106,826 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,025 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,639 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 12,664 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,031 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,740 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 34,771 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 29 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,488 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 625 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,455 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,568 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 158,610 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,881 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 175,491 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,831 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,689 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 110,520 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 138,920 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 57,010 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,275 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 410 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 198,615 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,097 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 15,097 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,338 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,338 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 149,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 360,802 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,600 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 512,237 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,233 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,966 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 22,299 | |
0061 ‐ Pasco Elementary Total | 4,070,268 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,374,783 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,236,588 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 42,124 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 12,366 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,667,161 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,162,688 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 116,607 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 990 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50,183 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,330,468 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,217 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,217 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 242,373 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 242,373 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,120 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 27,167 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,586 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 387 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 28,973 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,353 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,588 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 8,941 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,826 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 52,648 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,276 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,661 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 64,937 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,028 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,074 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,342 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 82,444 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,920 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 20,920 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 85,227 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 85,227 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 77,516 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 550 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 78,066 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 214,790 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 587,082 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,780 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,842 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 819,494 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,546 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,198 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 65,744 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,828 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 3,878 | |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High Total | 8,579,658 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,485,759 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 690,934 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,932 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,300 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 10,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,206,925 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 15,643 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 69,426 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 99,269 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,140 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,511 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,464 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 59,365 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,283 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,351 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 51,634 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 36,518 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,841 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 41,359 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,584 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,353 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 21,437 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,658 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,238 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 73,896 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 52,443 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,411 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 57,854 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,941 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,581 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 145,022 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 49,235 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 50,135 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 260,059 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 260,159 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 549,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 188,245 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 743,195 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,857 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,473 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 49,330 | |
0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary Total | 4,879,091 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0069 ‐ Chasco Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,598,089 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 710,005 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,750 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,260 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,337,104 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,975 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,184 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,180 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,848 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 45,187 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 14,371 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,157 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 112 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 12,269 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,767 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 25,367 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,617 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 271 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 21,888 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,295 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,602 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,615 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,471 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 6,086 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 105,287 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,386 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 112,673 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 174,624 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,214 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 183,838 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,544 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 74,544 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 183,332 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,875 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 188,207 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,118 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 196,675 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,200 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 248,993 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,864 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 69,022 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 75,886 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 90,400 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,983 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 98,383 | |
0069 ‐ Chasco Middle Total | 4,459,398 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0070 ‐ Chasco Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,200,999 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 653,395 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,050 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,172 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,875,116 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,185 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 137,451 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,404 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 274,040 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 63,654 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 63,654 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,465 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,850 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 84,315 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,113 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,719 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 51,832 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,895 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,895 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,685 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 12,992 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,976 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,068 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 45,044 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,842 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 35,842 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55,627 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,715 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 63,342 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,142 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 27,142 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 263,328 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 263,328 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,077 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 365,768 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,758 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 437,603 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 298,044 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,327 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 352,971 | |
0070 ‐ Chasco Elementary Total | 5,590,116 | |
0071 ‐ Pasco Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,085,414 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 826,320 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,660 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 27,060 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,943,454 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 117,450 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 65,334 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,730 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,806 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 192,320 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 14,371 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,637 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,350 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 5,987 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,524 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,962 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 35,486 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,338 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,783 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 37,121 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 151 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,146 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 4,297 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 64,429 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,620 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 67,049 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,447 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 22,447 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 301,039 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 98,972 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,863 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 409,874 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 243,110 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 289,610 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 72,828 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 72,828 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,476 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 183,853 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,754 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 267,083 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 71,934 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,119 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 111,053 | |
0071 ‐ Pasco Middle Total | 5,472,980 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0072 ‐ Sunray Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,116,920 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 263,619 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,177 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,826 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 700 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,392,242 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,962 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 89,497 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,748 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 121,207 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,691 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,691 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,951 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,341 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 82,492 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,957 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 39,357 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,642 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,144 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 27,786 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 476 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 1,976 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,795 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,658 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 94,453 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,236 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,190 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 49,426 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 81,687 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,388 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 100,075 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 185,182 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 236,682 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,056 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 60,056 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 635,062 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 269,284 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,422 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 910,768 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 43,297 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 43,297 | |
0072 ‐ Sunray Elementary Total | 3,162,508 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,547,602 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,083,191 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,040 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 83,885 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,744,218 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,960,166 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 174,510 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,026 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,143,702 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,757 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,080 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 34,837 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 68,414 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 570 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 68,984 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,412 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,520 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 52,932 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,901 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,901 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 156 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,354 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 19,978 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 77,798 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,315 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 94,113 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,749 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,196 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 77,945 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 146,594 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,326 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 179,920 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,505 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 491 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 5,996 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 121,175 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 121,175 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,396,119 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 891,338 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 16,300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,144 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 3,318,901 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 120,065 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 216,969 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 339,034 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 273,292 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,942 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 316,234 | |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High Total | 10,520,870 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0074 ‐ Centennial Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,919,644 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 509,495 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,400 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,439,139 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,760 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,272 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,650 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 58,182 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,686 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 21,057 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,244 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,747 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 26,991 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,570 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,729 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 23,299 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,054 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,054 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,786 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,150 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 6,536 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,297 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,393 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 90,690 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 81,182 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,547 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 96,729 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,965 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 77,500 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,709 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 700 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 111,874 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,739 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,700 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 16,439 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 1,811 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 125,777 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 271,997 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,118 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 406,292 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 40,827 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 61,704 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,859 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 1,909 | |
0074 ‐ Centennial Middle Total | 4,366,706 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0082 ‐ Oakstead Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,559,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 738,024 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,451 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 28,548 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,340,924 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,003 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 109,641 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,675 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 160,319 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,674 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 20,835 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,520 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,598 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 40,118 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 836 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,483 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 6,483 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,521 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,078 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 20,599 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,878 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,443 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 75,521 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 102,317 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,189 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 114,506 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 106,106 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,068 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,400 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 116,574 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 105,887 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 105,887 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 33,767 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,022 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 37,789 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 71,355 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 551,192 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,650 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 624,197 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 202,895 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,760 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 237,655 | |
0082 ‐ Oakstead Elementary Total | 6,902,243 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0083 ‐ Gulf Highlands Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,090,455 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 654,706 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 600 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,770,061 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,974 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,072 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,400 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 170,446 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,460 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 5,460 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 92,001 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,418 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 96,419 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,714 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,351 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 22,065 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,302 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,007 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 33,309 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,315 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,740 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 20,890 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,042 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,331 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 35,373 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,157 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 49,357 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 111,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,578 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,221 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 138,621 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 228 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 1,228 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 81,878 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 43 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 81,921 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 809,823 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 456,513 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,600 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,274,936 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 551,450 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,142 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 587,792 | |
0083 ‐ Gulf Highlands Elementary Total | 5,287,878 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0084 ‐ Double Branch Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,977,328 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 987,952 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,579 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,328 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,995,687 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,496 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53,049 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 400 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 81,345 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,656 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,030 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 28,686 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 71,852 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,324 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 84,176 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,600 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,852 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 29,452 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,533 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 31,533 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,131 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,149 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,200 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,054 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,713 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,312 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 13,025 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,977 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 20,977 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 167,317 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,724 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,802 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 216,943 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,420 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,600 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 48,020 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,182 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 109,182 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,369 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 73,234 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 98,103 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 258,611 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,239 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 313,000 | |
0084 ‐ Double Branch Elementary Total | 5,088,183 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0085 ‐ Trinity Oaks Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,431,638 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 583,156 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,875 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,028,669 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 181,749 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,701 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 282,650 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 206 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 206 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,751 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 78,751 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,679 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,717 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 30,496 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,067 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 21,067 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,875 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,775 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,100 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 7,750 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,756 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 17,756 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,418 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,890 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 105,308 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,291 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,400 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 11,691 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,202 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 63,202 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 179,437 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 179,437 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 710,917 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 135,582 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,450 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 375 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 851,324 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 363,048 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 88,462 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 451,610 | |
0085 ‐ Trinity Oaks Elementary Total | 4,129,917 | |
0086 ‐ Dr John Long Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,751,043 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,168,414 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,670 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 43,350 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,005 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,968,482 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 145,766 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 18,739 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 169,705 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,259 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 21,420 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,738 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 67,788 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,571 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,980 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 43,551 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,541 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 3,541 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,984 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,300 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 24,758 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 77,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,999 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 103,821 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,403 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 1,403 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,306 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 85,434 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 106,740 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 68,540 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 68,540 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,092 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,319 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 113,411 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,168 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 179,557 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,250 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 248,975 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 330,170 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 40,029 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 370,499 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,304 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 2,304 | |
0086 ‐ Dr John Long Middle Total | 7,314,938 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0089 ‐ Paul R Smith Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,343,872 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 790,802 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 39,890 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,177,814 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 94,549 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 15,218 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,175 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 113,942 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,742 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 358 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 29,100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,640 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 47,640 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,371 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 3,571 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 36,270 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,320 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 40,590 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,500 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,500 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 148,400 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,796 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 161,196 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,930 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,672 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 55,602 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,177 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,796 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 85,973 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,237 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 2,237 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,700 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 19,750 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 167,071 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 167,221 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 471,778 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,204 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 525,182 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,471 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,183 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 79,654 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,910 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 29,910 | |
0089 ‐ Paul R Smith Middle Total | 6,542,882 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,391,748 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,706,072 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 58,689 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 8,180,009 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 159,953 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,940 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 32,380 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 195,273 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,423 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 32,164 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,402 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 57,452 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,816 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,866 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 26,682 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,541 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 3,541 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,045 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,592 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 27,211 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 67,263 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,542 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 73,805 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 97,406 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,221 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 98,627 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,825 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 93,123 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 22,441 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,528 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 227,917 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 471,487 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,473 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 510,960 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 230,860 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 230,860 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 170,979 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 451,620 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,220 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 645,819 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,222 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 66,422 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,009 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 820 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 4,829 | |
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High Total | 10,381,571 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0091 ‐ West Zephyrhills Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,732,360 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 573,747 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,241 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 84 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,322,782 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 149,123 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,661 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 184,734 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,423 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 32,164 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,643 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,645 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 24,288 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,600 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,034 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 24,634 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,006 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,162 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 4,218 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 102,329 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,430 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 106,759 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,240 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 321 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 83,561 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 88,446 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,566 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 98,012 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 121,662 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 121,662 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 336,189 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 373,095 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 712,684 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 164,478 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,844 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 195,347 | |
0091 ‐ West Zephyrhills Elementary Total | 4,910,845 | |
0092 ‐ New River Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,653,358 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 777,989 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,016 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,446,363 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 379,005 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 187,774 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 566,779 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,833 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 25,994 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,571 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,618 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 73,389 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,691 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 9,691 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,235 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,089 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 15,324 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,888 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,024 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,600 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,147 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 20,059 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,175 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,053 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 31,228 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 37,253 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,137 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 55,390 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 87,254 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,235 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,625 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 113,114 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 242,517 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,940 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 262,457 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 64,622 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 64,622 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,057,074 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 102,018 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,864 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,162,956 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,567 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 50,860 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 900 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 112,327 | |
0092 ‐ New River Elementary Total | 4,959,693 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0093 ‐ Gulf Trace Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,742,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 743,978 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,534 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,550 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,500,180 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,237 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,438 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 900 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 99,375 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,906 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,422 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 20,328 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,839 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 59,890 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,679 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,774 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 35,453 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,219 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,207 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 36,426 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,100 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 1,100 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,514 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,774 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 63,288 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,575 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,963 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 92,538 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,653 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,505 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,135 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 143,293 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,597 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,597 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 238,078 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 50 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 475 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 238,603 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 854,908 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 157,161 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,584 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,017,853 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,857 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,341 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 57,198 | |
0093 ‐ Gulf Trace Elementary Total | 4,369,122 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0100 ‐ Charles S Rushe Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,302,605 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 571,694 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,774 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,929 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,100 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,915,102 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,188,141 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74,726 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 990 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 33,980 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,297,837 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,678 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,251 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 26,929 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,153 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,045 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 34,198 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,447 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 12,447 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 908 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 908 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,452 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,600 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 7,152 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,996 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 10,996 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,310 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,031 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 83,341 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 633,716 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 141,218 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,700 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 780,634 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,420 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 3,420 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,010 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 48,010 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 50 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,104,492 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 983,605 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,680 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,050 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,093,827 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 285,771 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 80,826 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 450 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 367,047 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 192,165 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 194 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 192,609 | |
0100 ‐ Charles S Rushe Middle Total | 7,874,507 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0101 ‐ Sunlake High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,270,250 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,427,764 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 42,017 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,065 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 7,746,096 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53,856 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 48,640 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 102,496 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,905 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,420 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 43,325 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,261 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,523 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 80,784 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 40,680 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,817 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 55,497 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,609 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,609 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,016 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 9,016 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,936 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,325 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 87,261 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 48,027 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,597 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 51,624 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 420,699 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 93,100 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 990 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 35,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 549,789 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 94,193 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,448 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 97,641 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,306 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 69,306 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 56,322 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 429,290 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 13,325 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 46,513 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 545,450 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,402 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 117,602 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 87,606 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 87,606 | |
0101 ‐ Sunlake High Total | 9,646,102 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0102 ‐ Raymond B Stewart Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,098,758 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 344,354 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,925 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,456,537 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,100 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 203,788 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 21,870 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,430 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 282,188 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,564 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 42,885 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 32,740 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 32,740 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,642 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,106 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 38,248 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,353 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,353 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,613 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 3,613 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,916 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 54,916 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,577 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 37,399 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 145,715 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,290 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 147,005 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 114,262 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 129,262 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 555 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 934,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 519,741 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,328 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,458,390 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 58,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 64,680 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 625 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 124,223 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 125 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 125 | |
0102 ‐ Raymond B Stewart Middle Total | 5,811,439 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0103 ‐ Crews Lake Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,556,615 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 673,432 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,680 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,950 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,941 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,244,618 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 17,193 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,428 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,420 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,544 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 43,585 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,458 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,061 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 18,519 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,540 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,790 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 21,480 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,075 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,315 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 59,390 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,284 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,130 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 29,414 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,832 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 4,332 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,713 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 8,713 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,999 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 15,999 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 145,064 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,840 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 154,904 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,463 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 150 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 12,613 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 151,291 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 151,456 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,520 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 241,359 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,326 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 272,205 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 107,270 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 107,770 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 158,858 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,845 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 184,703 | |
0103 ‐ Crews Lake Middle Total | 5,329,701 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0110 ‐ Veterans Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,634,914 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 593,796 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,609 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,200 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,238,519 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 76,938 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55,260 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,482 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 144,680 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,459 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 5,459 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,108 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 16,108 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,600 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,043 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 28,143 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,861 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 3,861 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,627 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,190 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,519 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 62,520 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,395 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,453 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 88,848 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 304,280 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74,171 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,795 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 150 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 389,596 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 62,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 62,200 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 70,659 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 70,659 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 122,962 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 194,535 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,648 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 325,145 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 62,235 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 62,235 | |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten Total | 20,877 | |
0110 ‐ Veterans Elementary Total | 4,534,040 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0112 ‐ Watergrass Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,298,369 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 917,367 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,970 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 350 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,222,856 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 129,141 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,850 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 160,941 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,452 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 20,613 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,192 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 14,342 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,539 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,673 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 59,812 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,360 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,380 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 25,740 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,667 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,835 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,076 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 167,857 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,357 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 179,214 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,244 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,459 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 134,703 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,198 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,700 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 14,898 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,410 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 800 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 11,210 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 133,442 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 210 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 133,652 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 179,819 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 151,270 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,510 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 335,599 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 133,684 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 100,098 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 233,782 | |
0112 ‐ Watergrass Elementary Total | 5,565,438 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0113 ‐ Anclote High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,833,526 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 750,900 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 35,204 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 145,929 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,150 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 550 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,770,259 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 103,654 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 920 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,205 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 108,279 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 30 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,961 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,237 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 62,348 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,120 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,986 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 40,106 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,792 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 27,710 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,064 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,690 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 11,254 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,298 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,591 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 40,889 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,120 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 1,120 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 52,037 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,200 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 58,237 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 405,973 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 158,640 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,150 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,050 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 572,813 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,546 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 11,546 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,823 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 38,823 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,478 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,732 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 53,210 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,276,411 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 482,192 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,635 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,772,738 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,825 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,907 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 180 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 83,912 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,280 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,384 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 123,664 | |
0113 ‐ Anclote High Total | 6,776,938 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0114 ‐ Fivay High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,803,079 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 617,764 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,575 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 70,835 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,800 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,511,053 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,242,771 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 301,128 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,740 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,802 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,598 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 3,556,039 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 42,116 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 569 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 42,685 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 225 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 480 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 705 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,453 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,087 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 62,540 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,505 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,505 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,941 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,571 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,635 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 125 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 16,272 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 135,750 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,409 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 171,159 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 52,839 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,978 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 56,817 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,922 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 124,298 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 17,436 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,800 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 229,456 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,219 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 12,219 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 448 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,293 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,741 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,550 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 120 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 1,670 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 56,122 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 989,710 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,806 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,195 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,453 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,071,286 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 191,174 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 126,677 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 880 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 318,731 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,928 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 27,928 | |
5900 ‐ Other Instruction | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 350 |
5900 ‐ Other Instruction Total | 350 | |
0114 ‐ Fivay High Total | 9,085,156 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0117 ‐ Odessa Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,492,654 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 843,122 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,369 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,494 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,356,639 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,634 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 224,062 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,680 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 328,376 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,161 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 73,461 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,625 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 85,086 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,597 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,969 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 63,566 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,844 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,844 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,938 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 6,438 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,184 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 18,184 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,072 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,559 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 93,631 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 58,119 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 65,619 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 270,012 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 80,191 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 351,703 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 139,226 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 139,226 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 256,052 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 231,948 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 950 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 488,950 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 168,295 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 86,629 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 254,924 | |
0117 ‐ Odessa Elementary Total | 6,276,347 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0119 ‐ Sanders Memorial Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,072,417 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 551,897 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,236 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,550 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,632,100 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 59,739 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 249,576 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,478 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 324,793 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,345 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,345 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 26,596 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 26,596 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,465 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,408 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 49,873 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 36,443 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,584 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 49,027 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,416 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,635 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 17,051 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,076 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,091 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 35,167 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,643 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,455 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 34,098 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,031 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,949 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 28,180 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,300 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,200 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 23,500 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 193,395 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 193,395 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 183,501 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 422,462 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,692 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 611,655 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 146,467 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,409 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 176,376 | |
0119 ‐ Sanders Memorial Elementary Total | 5,221,156 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0120 ‐ Quail Hollow Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,840,141 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 578,865 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,836 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,117 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,433,959 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 48,690 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,729 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 104,919 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,739 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,739 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,643 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 19,443 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,351 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 2,451 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,903 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 2,903 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,416 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,112 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 13,528 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 842 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 842 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,624 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 700 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 80,324 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,354 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 48,491 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 135,545 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53,971 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,466 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 58,537 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 132,732 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,124 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 134,856 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 127,347 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 88,745 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,100 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 219,192 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 48,746 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 26,577 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 75,523 | |
0120 ‐ Quail Hollow Elementary Total | 3,284,761 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0121 ‐ Shady Hills Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,014,925 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 560,978 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 400 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,579,303 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,789 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,857 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,516 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 64,162 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,526 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,619 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 18,145 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,490 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 4,590 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,080 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 18,480 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,932 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 30,932 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,489 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,667 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 4,656 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,267 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,413 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 74,680 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 77,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,452 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 89,502 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,750 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,460 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 46,210 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 151,767 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,881 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 216,448 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 147,523 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,924 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 149,447 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 89,771 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 168,778 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,300 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 259,849 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,852 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 42,852 | |
0121 ‐ Shady Hills Elementary Total | 3,599,256 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0122 ‐ Wiregrass Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,080,026 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 996,990 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 600 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,946 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,338 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 350 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,105,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,648 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74,289 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,600 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 137,537 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,656 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,031 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 28,687 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 95,580 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 73 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 95,653 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,227 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,478 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 42,705 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 287 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 287 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,614 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,347 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,635 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 25,596 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,099 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 25,099 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,782 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 91,782 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,233 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 249 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,252 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 91,734 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 194,185 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,675 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 240,860 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 48,576 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,875 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 52,451 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,777 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 145,841 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,432 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 218,050 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 122,692 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 67,895 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 190,587 | |
0122 ‐ Wiregrass Elementary Total | 5,346,278 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0123 ‐ Cypress Creek High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,286,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 676,213 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 33,843 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 99,340 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,100 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,105,446 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 189,870 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 193,070 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 28,741 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,150 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,343 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 79,593 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,961 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,469 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 90,430 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,100 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 3,100 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 154 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,300 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 6,954 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 137,137 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,555 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 145,692 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,164 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 21,164 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,580 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 65,269 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 990 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 87,339 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,920 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 20,920 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,465 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 30,465 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,283 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 49,433 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,485,815 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 808,363 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,654 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 3,305,032 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 134,538 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 76,680 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 212,218 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 84,151 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 84,351 | |
0123 ‐ Cypress Creek High Total | 8,463,948 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0125 ‐ Bexley Elementary School | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,725,105 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 809,941 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,853 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,448 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,571,847 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 234,928 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 69,204 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,637 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 327,769 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,416 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 10,416 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,557 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 1,557 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,538 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,356 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 60,894 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,600 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 31,600 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 154 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 1,154 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 112,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,338 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 123,645 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 57 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 57 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,500 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 750 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 48,250 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 285,283 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53,233 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 338,766 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 181,838 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 181,838 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,104,579 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 563,405 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,669,984 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 130,741 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 116,423 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 375 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 247,539 | |
0125 ‐ Bexley Elementary School Total | 6,615,316 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,941,746 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 734,868 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,400 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,384 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,140 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,689,538 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 128,121 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,218 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,140 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 750 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 160,129 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,656 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,656 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,849 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 7,999 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,543 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,678 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 39,721 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,001 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 1,001 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,355 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 2,355 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,417 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,417 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,750 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 774 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 63,524 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,058 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,684 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,235 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 18,977 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 77,500 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 86,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 22,050 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,105,529 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 68,766 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,473 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,193,768 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 185,635 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 125,041 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 75 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 310,751 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 76,374 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 225 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 76,599 | |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High Total | 4,676,485 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,366,887 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,165,533 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,740 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 76,466 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,612,126 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 497,234 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 265,117 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 27,550 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,031 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 797,932 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 479 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 38,800 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 237,078 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 237,178 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 8,050 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,714 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 19,714 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,612 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,186 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 115,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,706 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 120,756 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 53,602 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 53,647 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 231,766 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 80,748 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 313,514 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,708 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 25,708 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 417 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 17,417 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 42,159 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 42,359 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 464,045 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 509,639 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,098 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 980,782 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,540 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 5,540 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,280 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,300 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 31,580 | |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High Total | 8,323,289 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0132 ‐ Woodland Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,606,122 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 742,157 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,567 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,325 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,365 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,370,536 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,789 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,223 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,900 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 74,912 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 119,842 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,395 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 134,237 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,010 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 20,010 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,906 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 26,203 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 103,109 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,470 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,036 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 31,506 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,916 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,785 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 16,701 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 149,006 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,798 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 165,804 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,704 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 50,904 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,259 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 87,559 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 265 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,070 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 11,335 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 101,559 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,481 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 103,040 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 258,046 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 351,174 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,980 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 615,200 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 297,327 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,049 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 331,376 | |
0132 ‐ Woodland Elementary Total | 5,116,229 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0133 ‐ Cypress Creek Middle School | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,840,123 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 641,066 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,160 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,572 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,049 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,590 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,515,560 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 67,285 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 23,128 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,208 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 98,621 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,161 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,100 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,159 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 66,459 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,613 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,549 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 61,362 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,633 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 6,633 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,067 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 800 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 1,867 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 70,388 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,647 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 83,035 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,262 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,497 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 63,759 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 175,356 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 173,610 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,520 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 351,286 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 94,196 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,018 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 104,214 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4 |
9100 ‐ Community Services Total | 4 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 116,272 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 116,317 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,055,969 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 684,875 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,850 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,100 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 3,760,794 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,232 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,349 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 30 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 47,111 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,952 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 11,152 | |
0133 ‐ Cypress Creek Middle School Total | 7,307,335 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0142 ‐ Kirkland Ranch Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,682,196 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 458,856 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 36,340 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 444 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,184,336 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,965 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,790 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,896 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 38,958 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 108,062 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,461 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 109,523 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 40,911 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,012 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 54,923 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,017 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 1,017 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,052 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,102 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 63,154 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 243,650 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 66,464 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 310,114 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 231,066 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 231,066 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,688 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 784 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,472 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,338 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 11,338 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,077 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 41,077 | |
0142 ‐ Kirkland Ranch Academy Total | 3,047,978 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0201 ‐ Connerton Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,804,913 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 776,510 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,709 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 22,456 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,950 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 550 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,622,088 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,187 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 66,235 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 704 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 122,126 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,877 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 35,618 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,988 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 17,988 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,860 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,753 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 56,613 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,811 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 8,811 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,028 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,148 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 6,176 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,366 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 20,366 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 127,593 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,174 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 134,767 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 60,668 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 68,668 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,140 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 24,140 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,148 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 84,148 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,419 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 439,710 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 550 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 462,679 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,012 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 90,676 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,300 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 222,988 | |
0201 ‐ Connerton Elementary Total | 5,887,176 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0211 ‐ Mittye P Locke Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,165,770 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 465,967 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,788 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 554 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 900 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,636,979 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,323 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,651 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,278 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 129,502 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,892 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 16,263 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,230 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 954 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 55,184 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 37,820 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,017 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 42,837 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,938 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 8,938 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,066 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,351 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 93,011 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,240 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 105,251 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 94,484 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,894 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 97,378 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 87,669 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,387 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,842 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 93,898 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 171,780 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,739 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 218,519 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 101,329 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,110 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 102,439 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 880,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 267,300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,148,840 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 16,721 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 77,094 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 94,315 | |
0211 ‐ Mittye P Locke Elementary Total | 3,764,694 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,447,933 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 455,208 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,810 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,157 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 750 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,913,858 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 254,795 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 89,305 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 348,600 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 47,901 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 114,818 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,380 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 131,198 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,285 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,068 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 61,853 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,375 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,375 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,223 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 2,223 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 76,545 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,736 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 97,281 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,773 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 10,773 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 94,458 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 65,752 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 160,510 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,558 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,371 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 110,929 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 63,237 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 63,237 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,560 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74,313 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 88,873 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,839 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,365 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 105,204 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,043 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,574 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 82,617 | |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy Total | 3,229,432 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0251 ‐ San Antonio Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,303,120 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 677,026 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 700 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,080 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,259 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,991,185 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 149,301 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33,721 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 750 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 24,800 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 209,072 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,463 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 17,834 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,500 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 63,401 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,945 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,945 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 68,990 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,880 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,875 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 32,755 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,006 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,156 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 116,977 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,941 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 118,918 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,686 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,912 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 78,598 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 156,410 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,063 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,271 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 450 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,200 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 169,394 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,379 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 2,379 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 300 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 68,210 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 323,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 350 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 395,360 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 215 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 265 | |
0251 ‐ San Antonio Elementary Total | 4,151,607 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0261 ‐ Gulf Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,204,666 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 844,454 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,239 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 31,548 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 6,650 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,102,757 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,988 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,100 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 67,588 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,371 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,725 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 16,096 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,951 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 12,951 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,741 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,613 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 39,354 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,302 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,133 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 29,435 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,152 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 152 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 13,304 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,234 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 54,434 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,250 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 6,250 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 142,701 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,612 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 147,313 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 151,904 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 78,078 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,636 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 15,300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 249,918 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 283 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 283 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 58 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 58 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 95,581 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 263,520 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,288 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,050 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 365,839 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 189,981 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 183,408 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 373,489 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,983 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 65,983 | |
0261 ‐ Gulf Middle Total | 6,545,052 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0271 ‐ Richey Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,210,879 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 811,092 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,408 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,149 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 11,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,057,928 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,860 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,081 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,247 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 120,188 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,611 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 47,932 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,334 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 21,634 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,834 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,626 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 55,460 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,992 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 6,992 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,609 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,472 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 9,081 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 145,446 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 44,432 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 189,878 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 92,123 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,167 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 101,290 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 157,179 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 61,753 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 15,300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 234,282 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 247,765 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,800 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 254,565 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,631 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,569 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 133,200 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,972 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 271,636 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,440 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 341,048 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,742 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 138,324 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 275 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 185,341 | |
0271 ‐ Richey Elementary Total | 5,758,819 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0311 ‐ Cotee River Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,070,223 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 450,049 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,350 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,525,122 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 126,167 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,424 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,013 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,212 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 183,816 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,768 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 5,768 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,001 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 51,902 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,966 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 47,966 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 36,606 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 36,606 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,456 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 143 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 75 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,406 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,080 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 307 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 807 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,064 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,762 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 85,826 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,165 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 41,215 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,857 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 88 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 25,945 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 173,479 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 173,479 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 436,151 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 320 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 481,671 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 249,724 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 223,007 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 472,731 | |
0311 ‐ Cotee River Elementary Total | 5,147,934 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0321 ‐ Lacoochee Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 969,441 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 391,575 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,020 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,367,036 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,219 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 124,000 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 85 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 180,804 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,712 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,712 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 67,122 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 67,122 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 18,080 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,889 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 21,069 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,880 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,440 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 32,320 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,502 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,865 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,725 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 63,925 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,657 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 13,657 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,877 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,009 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 48,386 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 186,635 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,975 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 201,610 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 207,913 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 208,113 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 177,470 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 40,003 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,815 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 219,288 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,432 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 3,432 | |
0321 ‐ Lacoochee Elementary Total | 2,447,339 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0331 ‐ Gulf High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,003,042 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,434,327 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,533 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,287 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 600 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,490,289 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,345 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 70,228 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 74,235 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 179,058 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,440 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 13,440 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 239,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,929 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 265,397 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 28,627 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 848 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 755 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,800 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,710 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 107,477 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,914 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 143,391 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 3,750 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 3,750 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,414 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 52 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 49,466 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,819 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 870 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 12,800 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 111,489 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 204,155 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 204,155 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 73,548 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,347 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 74,895 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,915,866 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 319,850 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,591 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 52,230 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 3,307,537 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,943 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,915 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 38,858 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 186,923 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,264 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 209,187 | |
0331 ‐ Gulf High Total | 9,135,249 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0341 ‐ Schrader Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,535,056 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 674,220 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,460 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,930 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,227,666 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 290,666 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 115,372 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 407,238 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,340 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,501 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,776 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 64,677 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,091 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,909 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 68,000 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 32,164 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 32,164 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 151 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 151 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,335 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,335 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 53,218 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,842 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 58,060 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,289 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,618 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,440 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 52,347 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 219 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 219 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 32,814 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 107 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 32,921 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 272,301 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 246,601 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,700 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 522,602 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 115,412 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 52,977 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 168,389 | |
0341 ‐ Schrader Elementary Total | 4,658,270 | |
0342 ‐ Bayonet Point Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,429,968 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 668,327 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,740 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,384 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,111,919 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 260,457 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55,215 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,380 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 321,052 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,904 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,904 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,053 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 4,153 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,215 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,117 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 58,632 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,621 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,571 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 22,192 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,094 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,419 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,381 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,520 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,609 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 6,129 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 32,371 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 80,272 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,996 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 33,873 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,000 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 8,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 116,598 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,350 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 121,948 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 249,456 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,166 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 253,622 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 347,658 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 59,432 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 407,140 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,652 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 16,652 | |
0342 ‐ Bayonet Point Middle Total | 4,462,869 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,971,962 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 439,035 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,750 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,416,747 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 201,654 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 125,440 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,685 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 328,879 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,056 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,056 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 74,706 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,861 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 105,567 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,520 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 54,421 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,686 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,921 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 45,607 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,023 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 19,858 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,649 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,311 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 97,960 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,405 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 5,405 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,193 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,928 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,297 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 111,668 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,892 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 12,392 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 56,923 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 56,923 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 614,799 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 307,689 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 930,988 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,401 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,617 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 69,018 | |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary Total | 4,256,489 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0401 ‐ Centennial Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,522,890 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 667,298 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,860 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,063 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 10,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,210,111 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,426 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,885 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 95,561 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,594 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 3,594 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,433 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 34,783 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,598 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 22,638 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,332 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,639 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,888 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33,211 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 79,099 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 10,250 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,607 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 57,429 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 111,925 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,309 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,673 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 122,407 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 185,582 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,967 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 207,549 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 149,581 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 568 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 150,149 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 372,061 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 417,861 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 188,588 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33,102 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 222,490 | |
0401 ‐ Centennial Elementary Total | 4,648,560 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0411 ‐ Seven Springs Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,021,545 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 431,041 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,280 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 85 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,455,951 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,580 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 155,197 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 160 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,155 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 192,092 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,347 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 5,347 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,732 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 7,832 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,053 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,301 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 350 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 61,704 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,614 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,006 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 25,620 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 7,750 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 99,071 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,740 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 110,811 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 85,386 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,452 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 91,838 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 186,829 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 160 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 192,989 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,814 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 83,214 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 110,207 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 206,604 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,060 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 322,871 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,427 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,872 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 81,299 | |
0411 ‐ Seven Springs Elementary Total | 3,639,318 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0421 ‐ Deer Park Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,485,523 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 417,530 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,645 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,295 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,917,993 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,710 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 106,860 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,450 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 165,020 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,936 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,798 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 25,734 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,646 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 78,646 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,138 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,906 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 30,044 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,219 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,242 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 30,461 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,690 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,047 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 16,737 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,377 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,729 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 129,106 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,157 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 92,107 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 119,611 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,197 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 138,308 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 194,171 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,559 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 219,730 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 984 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 3,984 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 599,140 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 288,980 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,195 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 889,315 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 219,796 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 155,747 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 375,543 | |
0421 ‐ Deer Park Elementary Total | 4,112,728 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0451 ‐ Mary Giella Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,483,965 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 619,761 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,510 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,650 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,117,886 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 176,092 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,047 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,160 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 281,399 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 45,200 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 37,820 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,209 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 41,029 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,653 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 30,653 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,499 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 12,906 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,456 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,239 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 40,695 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 52,049 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,101 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 60,150 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 89,128 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 60,142 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,973 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 240 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 156,983 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,385 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,385 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,130 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 31,230 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,098,571 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 128,760 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,600 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,230,131 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,432 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,970 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 60,502 | |
0451 ‐ Mary Giella Elementary Total | 4,112,149 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0461 ‐ Thomas E Weightman Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,230,469 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 838,563 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,069 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,646 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,079,247 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 246,543 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 129,635 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,670 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 385,748 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,100 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,261 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,265 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 24,315 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,583 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,598 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 25,181 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,954 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 1,954 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,472 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,400 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,235 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,016 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,228 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 79,244 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 87,088 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,952 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 93,040 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 152,192 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 188,354 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,787 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 354,333 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,423 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 14,423 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 32,428 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 32,428 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,114,031 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 429,162 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,129 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,617 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,574,939 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 602,209 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 93,521 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,625 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 697,355 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,509 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 39,759 | |
0461 ‐ Thomas E Weightman Middle Total | 7,442,462 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,729,057 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,753,419 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 49,622 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 64,152 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,600,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,081,316 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 211,272 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 990 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 52,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,345,578 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,951 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,814 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 25,765 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 244,049 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 244,049 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 94,194 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,587 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 107,281 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,706 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,745 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 18,451 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,510 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,084 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 72,074 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,275 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 89,349 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 64,622 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,582 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 81,204 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 242,805 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 96,888 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 347,693 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,446 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 799 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 51,245 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 330,163 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 127,974 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 460,137 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 94,646 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 94,846 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,455 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 22,455 | |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High Total | 9,502,387 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,390,480 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 733,296 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,783 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,702 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,152,261 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 478,617 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 560,010 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 22,888 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,061,515 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,927 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 299 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 36,226 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,359 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,000 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 53,359 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,153 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,997 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 53,550 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,106 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 3,106 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,198 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,032 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 4,730 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,944 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,709 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 70,653 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,856 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 43,017 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,580 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,932 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 29,512 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55,580 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 55,580 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 110,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 231,850 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,050 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 343,061 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 150,571 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 168,744 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 319,315 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 150 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 150 | |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle Total | 7,226,035 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,270,120 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 879,871 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,960 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,157,951 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 241,241 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,973 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,874 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,303 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 331,391 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,353 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,353 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 74,412 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 74,487 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,454 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,832 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 43,286 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,652 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 5,652 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,649 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,200 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,863 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,291 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,788 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 40,079 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,662 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,150 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 65,812 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,870 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 89,370 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,544 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,544 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,389 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 82,389 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,577,147 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 44,829 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,900 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,624,876 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,916 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 99,305 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 165,221 | |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy Total | 4,701,274 | |
0521 ‐ Hudson High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,952,066 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,210,400 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 33,940 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 89,769 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,800 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,290,975 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 98,185 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50,040 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 148,225 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,289 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,415 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,704 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,433 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 31,433 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,039 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,375 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 60,414 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,443 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,137 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 24,580 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,637 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,380 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 24,017 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,543 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,773 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 73,316 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 56,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 59 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 56,380 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 92,080 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 91,818 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 13,316 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 205,214 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,150 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 439 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 28,589 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 167,832 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 167,832 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,160,013 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 239,897 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 42,539 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,442,449 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 868,874 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,646 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 941,520 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 282,270 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,706 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 298,976 | |
0521 ‐ Hudson High Total | 7,816,624 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,221,427 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 641,707 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,791 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,780 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,800 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,888,505 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 206,801 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,788 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,604 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 259,293 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,375 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,536 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,565 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,728 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 24,793 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,223 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 34,463 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,056 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,056 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,268 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 17,375 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 63,042 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 63,042 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,387 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,527 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 89,914 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 86,799 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 267 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 87,066 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,719 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 14,719 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,343 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 83,377 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 282,771 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 364,900 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,100 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 649,771 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,604 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,610 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 50,614 | |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary Total | 4,289,524 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,168,766 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,918,046 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,427 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 128,854 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,999 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 16,550 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,261,642 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 178,792 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 89,545 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 18,814 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 48,780 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 335,931 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,049 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,980 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 29,029 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,443 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 69,443 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 64,940 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,393 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 88,333 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,122 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 275 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 19,865 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,868 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,715 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 82,583 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 104,717 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,615 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 133,332 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,762 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 124,758 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 22,396 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 191,416 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 17,500 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 17,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,374 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,276 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 7,650 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 48,591 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 76 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 48,667 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,736,398 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 180,097 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,185 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,936,680 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 281,094 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 60,599 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,350 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 343,043 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 300,859 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,067 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 305,526 | |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High Total | 9,870,640 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0901 ‐ Anclote Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,542,066 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 418,930 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,050 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 680 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,963,726 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 199,703 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,294 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,150 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 220,147 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,037 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 4,037 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,896 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 79,057 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,878 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,631 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 43,509 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,404 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,537 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 27,941 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 980 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,050 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,337 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,240 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,013 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,140 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 67,393 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,417 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,809 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 90,226 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,613 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,767 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,436 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 145,916 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 62,027 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 67,527 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,283 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 49,433 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,666 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 171,545 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,510 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 236,721 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 209,625 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,171 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 243,796 | |
0901 ‐ Anclote Elementary Total | 3,253,766 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0902 ‐ Pine View Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,310,644 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 425,922 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 700 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,975 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,050 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,768,291 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,470 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 369,869 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,750 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,700 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 410,789 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,100 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,261 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 74,567 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 74,620 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 42,340 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,722 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 35 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 53,097 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,302 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 26,302 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,031 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 302 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 950 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,751 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,600 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,850 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 55,450 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 81,771 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,659 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 110,430 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,192 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,532 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 305 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 11,029 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,574 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 15,574 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 184,589 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 184,589 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 100,059 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 98,434 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,075 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 199,568 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 266,391 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 87,119 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 353,660 | |
0902 ‐ Pine View Elementary Total | 4,304,411 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0911 ‐ Gulfside Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,922,706 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 510,169 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,206 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,445,081 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,950 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,370 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,839 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 78,159 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,302 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,302 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 63,521 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,427 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 71,948 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,600 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 29,340 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,791 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,791 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,212 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,512 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 15,559 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,902 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,934 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 70,836 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,296 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 25,296 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,866 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,272 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 9,138 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 136 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 136 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 97,433 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 97,433 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 147,245 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 148,414 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,645 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 297,304 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,122 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 57,322 | |
0911 ‐ Gulfside Elementary Total | 3,204,645 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0921 ‐ Pine View Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,392,791 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 929,174 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 22,347 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,047 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,366,359 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,780 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 126,111 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 145,391 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 19,181 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,393 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33,555 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 350 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 56,298 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,006 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 55,506 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,022 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,720 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 25,742 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,282 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 8,782 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 71,793 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,730 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 84,523 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,867 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,086 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 86,953 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 126,677 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 12,300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 138,977 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,420 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 3,420 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,759 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 23,759 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,854 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 20,254 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 977,446 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 290,041 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,680 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,990 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,286,157 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,184 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 109,835 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 201,519 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 245,332 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,945 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,600 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 292,877 | |
0921 ‐ Pine View Middle Total | 6,815,698 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0932 ‐ Calusa Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,130,313 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 509,678 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,792 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,512 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,171 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,660,466 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,336 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 66,868 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,058 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 147,362 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,725 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,725 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,114 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,189 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 69,303 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,201 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 33,441 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,923 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 5,923 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,313 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 800 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,413 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,342 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,505 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 69,847 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,560 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,942 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 58,502 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 229,725 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,842 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 269,567 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,794 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 13,794 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 85,516 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 162,873 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 249,589 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 68,382 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 51,906 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 120,288 | |
0932 ‐ Calusa Elementary Total | 3,703,220 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0941 ‐ Moon Lake Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,664,919 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 633,720 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,200 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,307,589 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,250 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,462 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,545 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,096 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 100,353 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,951 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,793 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 25,744 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,100 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,359 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 63,459 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,262 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,319 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 60,581 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,653 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 30,653 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,574 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,103 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 693 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,770 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,260 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,273 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 11,533 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33,924 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 33,924 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 88,592 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,064 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 91,656 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,265 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 23,765 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 128,874 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,846 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 133,720 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 242,668 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 211,769 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,100 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 456,537 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,979 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 135,944 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 163,923 | |
0941 ‐ Moon Lake Elementary Total | 4,518,207 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,630,408 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 549,469 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 15,328 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,626 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74,513 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 35,150 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 109,663 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,458 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,918 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 16,376 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 170,160 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,679 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 178,839 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,351 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 22,091 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 33 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 33 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,036 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,416 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 18,815 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 205,762 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,020 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 213,782 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,340 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,356 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 82,696 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 98,891 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 494 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 99,385 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 85,848 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 95,848 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,425 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 75 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 62,500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 101,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 455,452 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,966 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,175 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 570,428 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,135 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 148,646 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 214,781 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,115 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 34,115 | |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy Total | 5,931,183 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0961 ‐ Lake Myrtle Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 984,089 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 350,082 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,573 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,345,744 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 102,280 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 133,215 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,650 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,950 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 247,095 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,845 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 3,845 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,822 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 67 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 65,889 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,183 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,435 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 56,818 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,874 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 6,874 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,474 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,151 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 3,625 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 113,041 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,774 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 131,815 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 84,955 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,859 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 99,814 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 243,658 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 83,944 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,491 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 336,093 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 64,162 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 64,162 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 131,217 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,921 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 135,138 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 994,469 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 289,464 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,147 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,287,080 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 240,761 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 82,076 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 200 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 323,037 | |
0961 ‐ Lake Myrtle Elementary Total | 4,107,029 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
0991 ‐ Marchman Technical College | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,228,581 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 374,025 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,570 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,918 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 842 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 22,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,640,936 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,465 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 84,945 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 969 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 54 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 88,483 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,536 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 469 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 4,005 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,977 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,955 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 30,932 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 68 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 136 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 204 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,750 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 72,739 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 50,884 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,302 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 463 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 52,649 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 72,660 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,637 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 82,297 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 263,887 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,658 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,479 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 311,024 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 14 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,050 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,079 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 51,629 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,526 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 354 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 4,880 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,531 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 140 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 169 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 7,840 | |
0991 ‐ Marchman Technical College Total | 2,347,632 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
1411 ‐ Starkey Ranch K‐8 | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,691,706 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,695,976 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,441 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,590 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,426,313 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 17,105 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 108,078 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,290 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 36,295 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 169,768 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,214 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 11,214 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 77,745 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 78,145 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,640 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,955 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 85,595 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,738 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,539 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 64,277 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,614 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,097 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 34,211 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 163,779 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,878 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 205,657 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,500 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 7,500 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,399 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 66,399 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,677 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,527 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,732 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 71,936 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 37,075 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 62,075 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,385 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 83,385 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,840,015 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 572,676 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,300 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 5,417,991 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,036 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,700 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 7,736 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,752 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 12,752 | |
1411 ‐ Starkey Ranch K‐8 Total | 10,804,954 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
2061 ‐ Sand Pine Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,132,166 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 444,670 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,633 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,591,969 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 155,751 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,892 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,458 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 236,101 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,952 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 607 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 24,559 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 73,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,824 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 77,759 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 19,840 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,158 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,489 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 25,647 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,875 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 16,343 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,498 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 14,498 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,093 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 9,093 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 85,605 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,842 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,336 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 133,783 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,742 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 2,242 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 219,123 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 219,123 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 67,703 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 308,477 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 378,430 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,432 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 57,017 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 60,549 | |
2061 ‐ Sand Pine Elementary Total | 3,809,936 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
2071 ‐ Wesley Chapel Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,130,839 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 634,979 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,386 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,030 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,783,234 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 276,121 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 200,979 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,440 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,475 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 488,015 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,833 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,994 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,905 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 24,350 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 60,255 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,828 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 35,568 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,000 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 39,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,257 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,412 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 14,681 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,557 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,242 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 75,799 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 87,202 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,812 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 102,014 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 72,215 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,963 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,457 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 137,635 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,250 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 54,250 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,845 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,460 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 21,405 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,258,889 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 225,232 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,564 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,493,685 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 98,622 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 98,622 | |
2071 ‐ Wesley Chapel Elementary Total | 5,427,157 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
2081 ‐ Longleaf Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,289,887 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 791,810 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,091 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,090,088 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,189 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,908 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,610 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,438 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 75,145 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,031 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 5,031 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 62,667 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,407 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 187 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 70,261 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,321 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 40 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 20,361 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,302 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,004 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 28,306 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 155 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,708 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 16,226 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 116,140 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 24,042 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 140,182 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,217 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,919 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 57,136 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 238,372 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 43,819 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,573 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 288,964 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,821 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 16,821 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 127,756 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 216,317 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,875 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 347,048 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 457,932 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,372 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 292 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 489,596 | |
2081 ‐ Longleaf Elementary Total | 4,645,165 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
2091 ‐ Seven Oaks Elementary | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,631,652 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 647,677 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,660 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,303,989 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 59,770 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 52,965 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,592 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 114,327 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,340 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 22,501 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,979 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 160 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 52,040 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,551 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 44,596 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,061 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 5,061 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,363 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,572 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,500 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 17,435 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,663 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,557 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 93,220 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,657 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 88 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 55,745 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 164,078 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,840 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,863 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 219,781 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 55,730 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 55,730 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 111,711 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 558 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 112,669 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 304,098 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,200 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 354,498 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 79,033 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 48,023 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 320 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 127,376 | |
2091 ‐ Seven Oaks Elementary Total | 4,578,968 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
2101 ‐ Baycare | ||
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,558 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,558 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,903 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 9,903 | |
2101 ‐ Baycare Total | 12,461 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4081 ‐ Pasco Girls Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 238,157 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,253 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 266,410 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,292 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,292 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,325 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 47,065 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 92 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 92 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,520 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 59,856 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 870 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 65,246 | |
4081 ‐ Pasco Girls Academy Total | 380,105 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4301 ‐ Dayspring‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,849 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,613 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 24,462 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 131 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 131 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 859 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 859 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 705 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 705 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,030 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 2,030 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 5 | |
4301 ‐ Dayspring‐Charter Total | 28,192 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4302 ‐ Academy At The Farm‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,960 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,541 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 9,501 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,581 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 725 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 10,306 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,271 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 1,271 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,434 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 492 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 6,926 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,480 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 4,480 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,150 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,150 | |
4302 ‐ Academy At The Farm‐Charter Total | 33,634 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4307 ‐ Countryside Montessori Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,661 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,867 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 12,528 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,037 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,037 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 7,255 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 864 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 8,119 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 699 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 699 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 74 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 74 | |
4307 ‐ Countryside Montessori Academy Total | 22,457 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4321 ‐ Athenian Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 956 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 956 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 31 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,419 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,422 | |
4321 ‐ Athenian Academy Total | 3,409 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4323 ‐ Imagine‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,876 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,560 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 10,436 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,506 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,506 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,520 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 4,520 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 7,841 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,061 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 8,902 | |
4323 ‐ Imagine‐Charter Total | 25,364 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4326 ‐ Classical Preparatory School | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,721 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,692 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 18,413 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 420 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 420 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,419 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 2,450 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,221 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,221 | |
4326 ‐ Classical Preparatory School Total | 22,504 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4327 ‐ Learning Lodge Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,876 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 744 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 7,620 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 289 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 289 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 570 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 570 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 7,629 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,731 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 10,360 | |
4327 ‐ Learning Lodge Academy Total | 18,839 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4328 ‐ Pepin Academies of Pasco Cnty | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,060 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,660 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 15,720 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 319 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 319 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 485 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 485 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,268 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,268 | |
4328 ‐ Pepin Academies of Pasco Cnty Total | 17,792 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4329 ‐ Plato Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,899 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 963 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 7,862 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 668 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 668 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 288 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 288 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 705 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 705 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 7,717 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,825 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 9,542 | |
4329 ‐ Plato Academy Total | 19,065 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4330 ‐ Union Park Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,221 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,264 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 16,485 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 767 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 767 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 574 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 574 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 775 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 775 | |
4330 ‐ Union Park Charter Total | 18,601 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4332 ‐ Pinecrest Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,833 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,818 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 13,651 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 832 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 832 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 47 | |
4332 ‐ Pinecrest Academy Total | 14,530 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4333 ‐ Innovation Preparatory Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,628 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,235 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 12,863 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 576 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 576 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 843 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 843 | |
4333 ‐ Innovation Preparatory Academy Total | 14,282 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4334 ‐ Dayspring Academy Jazz Campus | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,485 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 865 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,350 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,308 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,311 | |
4334 ‐ Dayspring Academy Jazz Campus Total | 7,661 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5242 ‐ Girls Pace | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,486 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,649 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 36,135 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 15,820 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,779 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 18,599 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,112 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 5,112 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 761 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 761 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,870 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 19,870 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,296 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 400,011 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 403,307 | |
5242 ‐ Girls Pace Total | 483,784 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5881 ‐ Sheriffs Detention Center | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 10,344 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,854 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 769 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 16,967 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,065 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 4,065 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 2 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 326 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 326 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 11 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 26,689 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,349 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 29,038 | |
5881 ‐ Sheriffs Detention Center Total | 50,409 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
6997 ‐ Energy & Marine Center | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,425 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 84,514 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 86,939 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,936 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 8,486 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 164,048 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,051 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 166,099 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17 |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 17 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,500 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 4,500 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,597 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,378 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 41,975 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 7,750 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,400 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 38,597 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,025 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 49,622 | |
6997 ‐ Energy & Marine Center Total | 394,788 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7004 ‐ Pasco eSchool‐Flvs Franchise | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 409,884 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,291,477 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,707,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,423,361 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 103,280 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,515 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 164,295 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,161 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,809 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 26,970 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,389 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 34,389 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 775 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 775 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,572 |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 6,572 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 142 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 11,449 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 96,716 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 565 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 97,281 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 188,263 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,987 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 235,250 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 74,468 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,650 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,500 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 85,618 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,000 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 10,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,314 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 54,314 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 4,416,792 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 304,531 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 70,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 4,808,323 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 179,433 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 58,038 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 237,471 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 269,129 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,896 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 293,025 | |
7004 ‐ Pasco eSchool‐Flvs Franchise Total | 9,489,093 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7006 ‐ Pasco Virtual Course Offerings | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 244,767 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 80,958 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 326,725 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,703 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 18,703 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,374 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 20,374 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,825 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 3,825 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,143 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 4,143 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 97,577 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,768 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 120,345 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 183,462 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 183,462 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 606,780 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 200,229 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 808,009 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,200 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,674 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 54,874 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,773 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,902 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 94,675 | |
7006 ‐ Pasco Virtual Course Offerings Total | 1,635,135 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7023 ‐ Virtual Instruction Program | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 715,994 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 67,043 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 826,537 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 51,825 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 52,825 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,516 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 9,516 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,182 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 3,182 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,785 |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 6,785 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,393 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 43,385 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,000 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 73,778 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 153,143 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 153,143 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,226 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,500 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 109,726 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,721 |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 15,721 | |
7023 ‐ Virtual Instruction Program Total | 1,251,213 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7071 ‐ East Pasco Education Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,238,598 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 334,884 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,185 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,580,867 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 104,402 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 49,917 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 155,319 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 47,901 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 599 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 48,500 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,095 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,191 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 67,286 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,782 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 10,082 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,158 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 277 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 22,435 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,521 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,115 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 13,636 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,627 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,152 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 80,779 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,588 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,400 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 26,988 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 100,090 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,140 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,139 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 142,669 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,183 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 33,183 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,283 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,764 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 53,047 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 160,347 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 129,902 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 290,299 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 108,677 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 51,042 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 159,719 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 77,577 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 678 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 78,255 | |
7071 ‐ East Pasco Education Academy Total | 2,763,064 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
7081 ‐ Juvenile Detention Center | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 228,894 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,090 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 505 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 248,489 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,294 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,294 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 288 |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 288 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,461 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,180 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 26,641 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,804 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,033 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 2,837 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 32,286 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 32,286 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,007 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 800 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 56,807 | |
7081 ‐ Juvenile Detention Center Total | 369,642 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8031 ‐ Pasco High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,439 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 798 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,237 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 305 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 305 | |
8031 ‐ Pasco High Adult Ed Total | 4,542 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,439 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 668 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,107 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 435 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 435 | |
8063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High Adult Ed Total | 4,542 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8081 ‐ James Irvin Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 522,308 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 59,539 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 581,847 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,532 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 25,532 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 75,464 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,064 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 84,528 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 800 |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 800 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 93,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,350 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 120,818 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,283 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 49,283 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,334 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 4,334 | |
5400 ‐ Adult General | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 41,754 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 104,997 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,500 | |
5400 ‐ Adult General Total | 154,251 | |
8081 ‐ James Irvin Adult Ed Total | 1,021,393 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 8,646 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 651 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 9,297 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 885 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 885 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,365 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 1,365 | |
8090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High Adult Ed Total | 11,547 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8113 ‐ Anclote High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,207 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,207 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 955 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 955 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 843 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 843 | |
8113 ‐ Anclote High Adult Ed Total | 7,005 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8131 ‐ Zephyrhills High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,439 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 798 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,237 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 258 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 258 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 47 | |
8131 ‐ Zephyrhills High Adult Ed Total | 4,542 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8331 ‐ Gulf High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,207 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 388 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,595 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,344 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,344 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 66 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 66 | |
8331 ‐ Gulf High Adult Ed Total | 7,005 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8471 ‐ River Ridge High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,207 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,213 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 837 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 837 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 955 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 955 | |
8471 ‐ River Ridge High Adult Ed Total | 7,005 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8521 ‐ Hudson High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,207 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 460 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,667 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 383 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 383 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 955 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 955 | |
8521 ‐ Hudson High Adult Ed Total | 7,005 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 8,646 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,792 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 11,438 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 109 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 109 | |
8801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High Adult Ed Total | 11,547 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
8991 ‐ Marchman Tech College Adult Ed | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,473,110 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 232,376 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 720 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,352 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 220 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,708,778 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,418 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 348 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 60 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 180 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 5,006 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 117,350 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 27,942 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 145,292 | |
6190 ‐ Other Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 90,731 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,541 | |
6190 ‐ Other Student Support Services Total | 99,272 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 152 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 174 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 554 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 50,911 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,200 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 930 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 53,041 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,580 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 600 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 2,180 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,400 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,400 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,266 |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 1,266 | |
5400 ‐ Adult General | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 98,286 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 179,877 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 660 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 17,500 | |
5400 ‐ Adult General Total | 296,323 | |
8991 ‐ Marchman Tech College Adult Ed Total | 2,341,112 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9000 ‐ Superintendent | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 262,595 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 29,440 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 18,100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,394 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 314,829 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,751 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,820 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 10,571 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,909 |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 8,909 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 71,980 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 180 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 23,000 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 97,660 | |
9000 ‐ Superintendent Total | 431,969 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9001 ‐ School Brd Members & Attorneys | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 219,575 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 45,830 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 114,392 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 23,063 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 403,860 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 100,546 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 150 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 100,696 | |
7100 ‐ Board | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 22,264 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,300 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,945 | |
7100 ‐ Board Total | 45,509 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 150 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 150 | |
9001 ‐ School Brd Members & Attorneys Total | 550,215 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 44,500 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 48,500 | |
7100 ‐ Board | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 80,000 |
7100 ‐ Board Total | 80,000 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,000 |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 2,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 260,142 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 260,142 | |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses Total | 390,642 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9003 ‐ Misc Grants & Programs | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,862,570 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 386,639 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 175,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 746,844 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,171,053 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,281 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,239,929 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 5,242,210 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,867 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 1,867 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 40,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 290,757 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 29,329,350 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 29,660,107 | |
9003 ‐ Misc Grants & Programs Total | 40,075,237 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9004 ‐ Projected Budget | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 250,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 442,100 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,533,095 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,237,195 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 250 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 250 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,000,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 28,125 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 35,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,063,125 | |
9004 ‐ Projected Budget Total | 4,300,570 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9005 ‐ Communication | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 533,040 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 68,797 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 35,150 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,350 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 13,786 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 656,123 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,062 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 126,853 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 145,915 | |
6150 ‐ Parental Involvement | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,464 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,390 | |
6150 ‐ Parental Involvement Total | 31,854 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 68,256 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,978 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 89,234 | |
7720 ‐ Information Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 131,019 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,500 | |
7720 ‐ Information Services Total | 134,519 | |
9005 ‐ Communication Total | 1,057,645 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9006 ‐ Pasco Education Foundation | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,000 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,563 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services Total | 35,313 | |
9006 ‐ Pasco Education Foundation Total | 36,313 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9007 ‐ Internal Audit | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 279,378 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,737 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,297 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 400 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,170 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 337,982 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 44,105 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 260 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 44,365 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,494 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 8,944 | |
9007 ‐ Internal Audit Total | 391,291 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9009 ‐ Enterprise Resource Planning | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 53,740 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,151 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 67,891 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 672 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 672 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,089 |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv Total | 4,089 | |
9009 ‐ Enterprise Resource Planning Total | 72,652 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9010 ‐ Asst Supt for Support Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,722 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,850 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 35,572 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 107 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 107 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 144,900 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 24,373 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 171,673 | |
9010 ‐ Asst Supt for Support Services Total | 207,352 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9011 ‐ Employee Relations | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 512,616 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,510 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 108,800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,030 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,478 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 688,934 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,860 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,518 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 213 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 12,791 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,600 |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 8,600 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,666 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 111,139 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 27,121 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,550 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,873 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,300 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 159,649 | |
9011 ‐ Employee Relations Total | 869,974 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9012 ‐ Planning Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 182,802 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,777 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,750 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 202,329 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,030 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 4,030 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 119,082 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 104,042 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 46,687 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 270,111 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 150 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 150 | |
9012 ‐ Planning Services Total | 476,620 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 25,171 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 25,171 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,454 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 5,454 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,000 |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 15,000 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 138,724 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,646 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 160,370 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,009 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 37,009 | |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist Total | 243,004 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9019 ‐ Construction Svcs & Code Compl | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,132,293 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 95,482 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,485 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,600 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,257 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,245,617 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 81 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 650 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 10,731 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 287,364 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,700 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,029 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 306,693 | |
9019 ‐ Construction Svcs & Code Compl Total | 1,563,041 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 255,652 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 302 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,175 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,215,105 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 330 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,475,564 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 45,237 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 115,164 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 161,401 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,200 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 1,200 | |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer Total | 5,638,165 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9021 ‐ Finance Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,609,174 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 404,076 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 107,740 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,750 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 30,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,184,240 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,669 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 132,700 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 134,369 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 191,832 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,700 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 39,539 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 234,771 | |
9021 ‐ Finance Services Total | 2,553,380 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9024 ‐ Payroll 7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,572 |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 1,572 | |
9024 ‐ Payroll Total | 1,572 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,500,000 |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 12,570,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 15,070,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 50,100 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 50,100 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,100,000 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 1,100,000 | |
9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op Total | 16,220,100 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,075,394 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,800 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 661,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,029 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,764,423 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,799 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 3,933,910 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 3,942,717 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 12,765 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 379,716 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 274,612 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 16,757 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 699,650 | |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services Total | 6,406,790 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9032 ‐ Transportation‐East | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,703,675 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 120,654 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 163,300 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,989,529 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 32,208 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 43,208 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 605,088 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,022,922 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,500 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 3,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,000 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 1,646,510 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,184 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,596 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 33,780 | |
9032 ‐ Transportation‐East Total | 3,713,027 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9033 ‐ Transportation‐West | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,038,370 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,326,343 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,200 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 4,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 72,250 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,445,163 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,240 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,830 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 22,750 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 32,820 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 698,382 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 537,391 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 265,815 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 1,501,588 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,502 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,502 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,400 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,400 | |
9033 ‐ Transportation‐West Total | 6,012,473 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9034 ‐ Transportation‐Central | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,728,825 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,690,863 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 271,250 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,695,438 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,349 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 4,599 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 660,000 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,400 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 6,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,600 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 693,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 31,419 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,620 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 41,039 | |
9034 ‐ Transportation‐Central Total | 5,434,576 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9035 ‐ Transportation‐N/W Garage | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 3,319,468 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,602,865 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 253,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,178,833 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,472 |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 7,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 33,900 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 45,372 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 26,730 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,400 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 41,130 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,974 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 3,974 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,184 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 30,184 | |
9035 ‐ Transportation‐N/W Garage Total | 5,299,493 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9036 ‐ Transportation‐CNG Fueling Sta | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 759 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 150,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 150,759 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,853 |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 200,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 215,353 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,704 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,300 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,000 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 104,754 | |
9036 ‐ Transportation‐CNG Fueling Sta Total | 470,866 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9037 ‐ Transportation‐South | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 412,500 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 157,355 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,400 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 90,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 670,755 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,988,140 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 380 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,000,120 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,030,522 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 34,100 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 1,064,622 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 30,322 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,627 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 43,949 | |
9037 ‐ Transportation‐South Total | 3,779,446 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9038 ‐ Transportation‐Southeast | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,873,624 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 285,849 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 142,300 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,308,673 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,018,426 |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 3,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 56,800 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,078,226 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 154,708 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,000 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 157,708 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 7,750 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,400 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,450 | |
9038 ‐ Transportation‐Southeast Total | 4,581,807 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9040 ‐ Purchasing Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 155,896 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 145,482 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 700 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 308,078 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 459,621 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,200 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 462,921 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 65,561 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 51,900 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 10,500 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services Total | 127,961 | |
9040 ‐ Purchasing Services Total | 898,960 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9045 ‐ Baycare Behavioral Health 5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 120,003 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 120,003 | |
9045 ‐ Baycare Behavioral Health Total | 120,003 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9051 ‐ Distribution Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 552,546 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 210,614 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,201 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 13,350 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 788,711 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 7,200 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,075 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 23,550 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services Total | 29,125 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,000 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 25,000 | |
9051 ‐ Distribution Services Total | 850,036 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9052 ‐ Mail Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,551 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 303,425 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,050 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 900 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 35,146 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 358,072 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 439 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 14,939 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,024 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 8,786 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services Total | 85,560 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 300 | |
9052 ‐ Mail Services Total | 458,871 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9053 ‐ Plant Operations Admin Complex | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 336,408 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 53,877 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 397,285 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 89,000 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,875 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 108,875 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 283 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,001 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 6,184 | |
9053 ‐ Plant Operations Admin Complex Total | 512,344 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9056 ‐ Lakeview Express | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,384 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,384 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 19,845 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 19,845 | |
7600 ‐ Food Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,417 |
7600 ‐ Food Services Total | 9,417 | |
9056 ‐ Lakeview Express Total | 31,646 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 101,601 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 554,404 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,743,825 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 42,850 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,283 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,475 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,456,438 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,163,676 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 67,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 69,600 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,300,776 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,657 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services Total | 35,157 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 694,715 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,326 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,119,800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,250 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 700 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 1,860,791 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,053,797 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 773,731 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 98,502 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 330,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 17,573 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant Total | 7,276,103 | |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services Total | 14,929,265 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9070 ‐ Deputy Superintendent | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,292 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 480 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 415 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 39,137 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,100 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 255 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 10,455 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 159,900 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 161 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,231 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 197,692 | |
9070 ‐ Deputy Superintendent Total | 247,284 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9071 ‐ Safety and Security Officer | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 475,302 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 92,636 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,977,394 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,550,332 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 76,782 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 44,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 131,782 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 27,930 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 35,680 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 792 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 40,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 68,800 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 109,592 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,869 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,500 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 21,369 | |
9071 ‐ Safety and Security Officer Total | 3,848,755 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9312 ‐ Human Resources | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,906,189 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 278,856 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 276,050 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 25,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 138,116 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,630,211 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 15,500 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,250 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 16,750 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 440,937 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 88,762 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 241,279 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 774,478 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 717,000 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 717,000 | |
9312 ‐ Human Resources Total | 4,138,439 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9313 ‐ HR On Assignment | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 296,796 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 296,796 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 54,434 |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 54,434 | |
9313 ‐ HR On Assignment Total | 351,230 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9410 ‐ Asst Supt for Administration | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,084,226 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 178,890 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 400 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,264,116 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,446 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 13,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 44,946 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 147,397 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,860 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 15,110 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 179,767 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 20,877 | |
9410 ‐ Asst Supt for Administration Total | 1,509,706 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9420 ‐ Information Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,110,269 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 730,811 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,407,256 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,435 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 925 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 26,136 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,279,832 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 108 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,700 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,425 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 10,733 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 100,926 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,775 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv Total | 104,703 | |
9420 ‐ Information Services Total | 4,395,268 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9421 ‐ Telecommunications | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,431,298 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 160,725 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,025,940 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 2,629,563 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 90,756 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 516,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 609,256 | |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200,000 |
7900 ‐ Operation of Plant Total | 200,000 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,536 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 81,600 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant Total | 95,136 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 233,895 |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv Total | 233,895 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,909 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 29,909 | |
9421 ‐ Telecommunications Total | 3,797,759 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9422 ‐ Technology Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 726,698 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 158,996 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 86,125 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,700 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 988,419 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 425 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 425 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 78,750 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 134,985 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 870,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,250 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
8200 ‐ Administrative Technology Serv Total | 1,089,985 | |
9422 ‐ Technology Services Total | 2,078,829 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9423 ‐ Records Management | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 32,217 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,140 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 51,957 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,241 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,291 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 900 | |
7760 ‐ Internal Services Total | 910 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 165,714 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,000 | |
8100 ‐ Maintenance of Plant Total | 196,714 | |
9423 ‐ Records Management Total | 251,872 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9500 ‐ Asst Supt Student Achievement | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,097 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,197 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,928 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 7,928 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 108,758 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 47,433 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,000 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 157,191 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 49,349 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,367 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 57,716 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 200 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 200 | |
9500 ‐ Asst Supt Student Achievement Total | 228,232 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9501 ‐ Asst Superintendent High | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 23,307 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 24,807 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 200 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 700 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 134,126 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 34,467 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,500 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 173,093 | |
9501 ‐ Asst Superintendent High Total | 198,600 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9503 ‐ Asst Superintendent Middle | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 44,615 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 200 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 49,315 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 103,661 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,633 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 113,294 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 25,368 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,614 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 28,982 | |
9503 ‐ Asst Superintendent Middle Total | 191,591 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9504 ‐ Asst Superintendent Elementar | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 439,223 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 155,960 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 750 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 606,233 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 486 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 8,986 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 43,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 44,792 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 350 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 89,060 | |
9504 ‐ Asst Superintendent Elementar Total | 704,279 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9505 ‐ Asst Supt Career & Innovative | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,551 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 570 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 620 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 250 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 44,491 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 103,360 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 103,360 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,908 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,760 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 12,668 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 44,948 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,666 | |
7200 ‐ General Administration Total | 58,614 | |
9505 ‐ Asst Supt Career & Innovative Total | 219,133 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,773,829 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 665,312 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 579,473 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 768,978 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 40,253 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 4,831,345 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,700 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,853 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 117,250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 358,500 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 560,303 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 152 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 405,511 | |
6200 ‐ Instructional Media Services Total | 416,970 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 904,374 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 214,472 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 8,461 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 750 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 52,719 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 1,182,276 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 716,493 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 363,180 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 27,250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,750 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 10,000 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 1,124,673 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,307 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 154 | |
6500 ‐ Instruction‐Related Tech Total | 11,461 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 107,496 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 1,453 | |
7300 ‐ School Administration Total | 108,949 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,194 |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 12,194 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 63,000 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 63,000 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 23,520 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,500 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 31,020 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 360,421 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 24,951 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,010,834 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 140,978 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,200,000 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 3,745,184 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 53,613 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,792 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 66,905 | |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning Total | 12,154,280 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9526 ‐ CFA at WCHS | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4,263 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 23,970 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,250 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 94,530 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 137,213 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 700 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 808 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 54,932 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,750 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 62,682 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,850 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,894 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 93,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,300 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,300 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services Total | 144,244 | |
9526 ‐ CFA at WCHS Total | 344,947 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9527 ‐ CFA at RRHS | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 70,355 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,386 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 53,285 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 7,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 18,220 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 161,246 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,896 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,700 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 8,596 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 14,014 |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 14,014 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,576 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 80,522 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,921 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,749 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 153,422 | |
9100 ‐ Community Services Total | 263,190 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 32,337 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 32,337 | |
9527 ‐ CFA at RRHS Total | 479,383 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 6,581,446 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 664,413 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 657,675 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 27,830 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 14,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 120,104 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 8,065,468 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 777,774 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 368,323 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 552,009 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 239,701 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,920 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 1,940,727 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,542 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 59,950 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 106,492 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 367,314 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 68,179 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 250 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250 | |
6120 ‐ Guidance Services Total | 435,993 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 39,778 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,303 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 84,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,954 | |
6130 ‐ Health Services Total | 208,035 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,716 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,253 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 250,220 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 44,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,880 | |
6140 ‐ Psychological Services Total | 394,169 | |
6150 ‐ Parental Involvement | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 59,000 |
6150 ‐ Parental Involvement Total | 59,000 | |
6190 ‐ Other Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,171 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,400 | |
6190 ‐ Other Student Support Services Total | 21,571 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 401,632 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 327,260 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,150 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,722 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 742,764 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,233 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 41,240 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 309,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 30,000 | |
6400 ‐ Instructional Staff Training Total | 445,473 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 9,645 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 993 | |
7730 ‐ Staff Services Total | 10,638 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 69,083 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 40 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 27,569 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 96,692 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,877 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,827 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 400 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 30,104 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 223,037 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 905,383 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 492,350 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 46,767 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 400 | |
5200 ‐ Exceptional Total | 1,671,937 | |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support Total | 14,229,063 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 61,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 364 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 17,566 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 52,052 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,500 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 142,682 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 30,600 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 30,600 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 299,481 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 137,772 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,660 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 449,013 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 120,649 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 107,077 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250 | |
5300 ‐ Career Education Total | 227,976 | |
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education Total | 850,271 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9580 ‐ Accountability Research & Mea | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 401,056 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 124,548 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 541,950 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 158,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 139,229 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,365,483 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,917 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 51,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 58,917 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,000 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 8,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,500 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 82,500 | |
7710 ‐ Planning Research Dev Eval | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 177,661 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 82,298 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 182,556 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 50,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 400 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,757 | |
7710 ‐ Planning Research Dev Eval Total | 494,672 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 60 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 60 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,500 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,500 | |
9580 ‐ Accountability Research & Mea Total | 2,003,132 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9999 ‐ Reserves 5000 ‐ Instruction | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 106,465,356 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 106,465,356 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves Total | 106,465,356 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
1300 ‐ Charter Schools | ||
Appropriations | ||
4301 ‐ Dayspring‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 277,043 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 277,043 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,010,171 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 6,010,171 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 444,221 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 444,221 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,126,460 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 1,126,460 | |
4301 ‐ Dayspring‐Charter Total | 7,857,895 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4302 ‐ Academy At The Farm‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,032,667 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 5,032,667 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 879,763 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 879,763 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,748 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 9,748 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 54,354 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 54,354 | |
4302 ‐ Academy At The Farm‐Charter Total | 5,976,532 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4307 ‐ Countryside Montessori Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 219,030 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 219,030 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 91,060 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 91,060 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,536 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 5,536 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,846,412 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,846,412 | |
4307 ‐ Countryside Montessori Academy Total | 3,162,038 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4321 ‐ Athenian Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 169,488 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 169,488 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,860,610 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,860,610 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 245,568 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 245,568 | |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 23,883 |
7800 ‐ Student Transportation Service Total | 23,883 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 461,240 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 461,240 | |
4321 ‐ Athenian Academy Total | 3,760,789 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4323 ‐ Imagine‐Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,201,610 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 7,201,610 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 52,208 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 52,208 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 441,650 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 441,650 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 308,650 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 308,650 | |
4323 ‐ Imagine‐Charter Total | 8,004,118 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4326 ‐ Classical Preparatory School | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 474,060 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 474,060 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 574,332 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 574,332 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,171,999 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 9,171,999 | |
4326 ‐ Classical Preparatory School Total | 10,220,391 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4327 ‐ Learning Lodge Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 119,466 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 119,466 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,117 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 4,117 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,459,840 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 2,459,840 | |
4327 ‐ Learning Lodge Academy Total | 2,583,423 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4328 ‐ Pepin Academies of Pasco Cnty | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 331,853 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 331,853 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,385,262 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 4,385,262 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,053 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 5,053 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 377,461 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 377,461 | |
4328 ‐ Pepin Academies of Pasco Cnty Total | 5,099,629 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4329 ‐ Plato Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,652,254 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 3,652,254 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 27,488 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 27,488 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 234,960 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 234,960 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 200,795 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 200,795 | |
4329 ‐ Plato Academy Total | 4,115,497 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4330 ‐ Union Park Charter | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,500,767 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 6,500,767 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 237,685 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 237,685 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 148,991 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 148,991 | |
4330 ‐ Union Park Charter Total | 6,887,443 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4332 ‐ Pinecrest Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 121,626 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 121,626 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,365 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 9,365 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 430,307 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 430,307 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,054,930 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 9,054,930 | |
4332 ‐ Pinecrest Academy Total | 9,616,228 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4333 ‐ Innovation Preparatory Academy | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,274,457 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,274,457 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,659,926 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 5,659,926 | |
4333 ‐ Innovation Preparatory Academy Total | 6,934,383 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
4334 ‐ Dayspring Academy Jazz Campus | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,669,043 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,669,043 | |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,495 |
7400 ‐ Facilities Acquistion& Cons Total | 2,495 | |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 87,585 |
5100 ‐ Basic FEFP K‐12 Total | 87,585 | |
4334 ‐ Dayspring Academy Jazz Campus Total | 1,759,123 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9021 ‐ Finance Services | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,136 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 577,859 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 598,995 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 920 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 920 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 73,676 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,636 | |
7500 ‐ Fiscal Services Total | 79,312 | |
9021 ‐ Finance Services Total | 679,227 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,039 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 8,039 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,214 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 2,214 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,941 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,807 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 32,748 | |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning Total | 43,001 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 49,173 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,400 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 520 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 925 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 52,218 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 965 |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 965 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 138,655 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 16,973 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 155,628 | |
7100 ‐ Board | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,300 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 60 | |
7100 ‐ Board Total | 10,860 | |
7700 ‐ Central Services | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 35,995 |
7700 ‐ Central Services Total | 35,995 | |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support Total | 255,666 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
1400 ‐ Voluntary PreK | ||
Appropriations | ||
9590 ‐ Early Childhood Programs | ||
5000 ‐ Instruction | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 784,170 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 339,681 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,200 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,384 | |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 1,127,435 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,169 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 490 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
6100 ‐ Student Support Services Total | 21,659 | |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 4 |
6110 ‐ Attendance & Social Work Total | 4 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 121,654 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,936 | |
6300 ‐ Instructional & Curr Dev Srv Total | 137,590 | |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 46,305 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 13,210 | |
5500 ‐ Prekindergarten Total | 59,515 | |
9590 ‐ Early Childhood Programs Total | 1,346,203 |
Function | Object | Budget Amount |
9999 ‐ Reserves 5000 ‐ Instruction | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 157,624 |
5000 ‐ Instruction Total | 157,624 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves Total | 157,624 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | ||
Federal | 500,000 | 500,000 | |
State | 1,259,577 | 1,107,568 | |
Local | 26,364 | 2,188 | |
Incoming Transfers | 63,675,903 | 69,390,441 | |
Unappropriated Fund Balance | 14,163,382 | 14,190,383 | |
Payment on Bonds and Loans | 46,514,440 | 47,481,317 | |
Interest | 18,858,306 | 22,190,509 | |
Dues and Fees | 105,000 | 112,500 | |
Outgoing Transfers | 17,360 | - | |
Unappropriated Fund Balance | 14,130,120 | 15,406,254 | |
Object | Budget Amount | |
2100 ‐ SBE COBI Bonds | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 1,098,273.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4322 ‐ CO & DS Withheld/SBE/COBIBonds | 884,318.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 884,318.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 213,955.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 213,955.00 |
Revenue Total 1,098,273.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 941,870.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 774,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 166,870.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 941,870.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 156,403.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 156,403.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 156,403.00 |
Appropriations Total 1,098,273.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2211 ‐ CIRB 2020 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 446,556.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4341 ‐ Racing Commission Funds | 223,250.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 223,250.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 223,306.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 223,306.00 | |
Revenue Total | 446,556.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 199,775.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 55,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 142,275.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 2,500.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 199,775.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 246,781.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 246,781.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 246,781.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 446,556.00 |
Project Object Budget Amount
2919 ‐ QSCB 2009
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 8,946,218.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 1,306.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 942,359.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 943,665.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 8,002,553.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 8,002,553.00 | |
Revenue Total | 8,946,218.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 276,400.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5720 ‐ Interest | 268,400.00 |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 8,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 276,400.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 8,669,818.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 8,669,818.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 8,669,818.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 8,946,218.00 |
Project Object Budget Amount
2920 ‐ COPS 2013A
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 4,009,962.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 23.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 4,007,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 4,007,898.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,064.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 2,064.00 | |
Revenue Total | 4,009,962.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 4,007,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 3,000,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 1,002,875.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 4,007,875.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 2,087.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,087.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 2,087.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 4,009,962.00 |
Project Object Budget Amount
2921 ‐ Sales Tax Bonds 2013 Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 12,185,041.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 12,134,125.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 12,134,125.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 50,916.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 50,916.00 | |
Revenue Total | 12,185,041.00 | |
Appropriations 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 45,916.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 45,916.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 45,916.00 | |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 12,139,125.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 10,725,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 1,409,125.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 12,139,125.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 12,185,041.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2922 ‐ QSCB 2014 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 6,073,544.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4199 ‐ Miscellaneous Federal Direct | 500,000.00 |
4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 699.00 | |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 1,276,446.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 1,777,145.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 4,296,399.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 4,296,399.00 | |
Revenue Total | 6,073,544.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 687,750.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5720 ‐ Interest | 682,750.00 |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 687,750.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 5,385,794.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 5,385,794.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 5,385,794.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 6,073,544.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2923 ‐ COPS 2015 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 5,625,980.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 33.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 5,624,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 5,624,908.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,072.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,072.00 | |
Revenue Total | 5,625,980.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 5,624,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 4,265,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 1,354,875.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 5,624,875.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 1,105.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,105.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,105.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 5,625,980.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2925 ‐ COPS 2014B | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 7,328,616.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 42.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 7,327,493.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 7,327,535.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,081.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,081.00 | |
Revenue Total | 7,328,616.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 7,327,493.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 6,517,613.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 804,880.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 7,327,493.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 1,123.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,123.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,123.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 7,328,616.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2926 ‐ Sales Tax Bonds 2016 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 3,784,175.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 3,772,881.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 3,772,881.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 11,294.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 11,294.00 |
Revenue Total 3,784,175.00
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 3,777,881.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 3,590,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 182,881.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 3,777,881.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 6,294.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 6,294.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 6,294.00 |
Appropriations Total 3,784,175.00
Project Object Budget Amount
2927 ‐ COPS 2016A
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 1,824,314.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 10.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 1,823,250.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 1,823,260.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,054.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,054.00 |
Revenue Total 1,824,314.00
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 1,823,250.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 720,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 1,098,250.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 1,823,250.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 1,064.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,064.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 1,064.00 |
Appropriations Total 1,824,314.00
Project Object Budget Amount
2928 ‐ Sales Tax Bonds 2018 Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 5,416,679.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 5,409,560.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 5,409,560.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 7,119.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 7,119.00 |
Revenue Total 5,416,679.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 5,409,560.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 5,040,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 364,560.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 5,409,560.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 7,119.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 7,119.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 7,119.00 |
Appropriations Total 5,416,679.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2929 ‐ COPS 2018A | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 4,821,223.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 29.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 4,798,650.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 4,798,679.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 22,544.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 22,544.00 |
Revenue Total 4,821,223.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 4,803,650.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 1,670,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 3,128,650.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 4,803,650.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 17,573.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 17,573.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 17,573.00 |
Appropriations Total 4,821,223.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2930 ‐ COPS 2020A | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 563,325.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 4.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 551,443.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 551,447.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 11,878.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 11,878.00 |
Revenue Total 563,325.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 556,443.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 10,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 541,443.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 556,443.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 6,882.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 6,882.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 6,882.00 |
Appropriations Total 563,325.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2932 ‐ COPS 2020C | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 2,821,859.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 17.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 2,808,250.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,808,267.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 13,592.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 13,592.00 |
Revenue Total 2,821,859.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 2,813,250.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5720 ‐ Interest | 2,808,250.00 |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,813,250.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 8,609.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 8,609.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 8,609.00 |
Appropriations Total 2,821,859.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2933 ‐ COPS 2020D | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 1,496,238.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 9.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 1,476,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 1,476,884.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 19,354.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 19,354.00 |
Revenue Total 1,496,238.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 1,481,875.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 545,000.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 931,875.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 1,481,875.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 14,363.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 14,363.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 14,363.00 |
Appropriations Total 1,496,238.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2934 ‐ COPS 2021A | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 3,405,662.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 13.00 |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 3,370,500.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 3,370,513.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 35,149.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 35,149.00 | |
Revenue Total | 3,405,662.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 3,375,500.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5720 ‐ Interest | 3,370,500.00 |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 5,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 3,375,500.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 30,162.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 30,162.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 30,162.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 3,405,662.00 |
Project Object Budget Amount
2951 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicles 15‐16 Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 693,461.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 693,267.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 693,267.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 | |
Revenue Total | 693,461.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 693,267.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 684,260.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 8,007.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 693,267.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 194.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 693,461.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2953 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 16‐17 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 705,201.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 705,007.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 705,007.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 |
Revenue Total 705,201.00
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 705,007.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 681,472.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 22,535.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 705,007.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 194.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 705,201.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2955 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 17‐18 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 690,088.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 689,894.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 689,894.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 |
Revenue Total 690,088.00
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 689,894.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 657,687.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 31,207.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 689,894.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 194.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 |
Appropriations Total 690,088.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2956 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computers 18‐19 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 24,827.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 24,634.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 24,634.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 193.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 193.00 | |
Revenue Total | 24,827.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 24,634.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 23,280.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 354.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 24,634.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 193.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 193.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 193.00 |
Appropriations Total 24,827.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2957 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 18‐19 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 793,362.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 793,169.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 793,169.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 193.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 193.00 | |
Revenue Total | 793,362.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 793,169.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 716,379.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 75,790.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 793,169.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 193.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 193.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 193.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 793,362.00 |
Project Object Budget Amount
2958 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computer 19‐20 Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 775,093.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 274,239.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 274,239.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 500,854.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 500,854.00 |
Revenue Total 775,093.00
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 691,700.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 674,413.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 16,287.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 691,700.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 83,393.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 83,393.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 83,393.00 |
Appropriations Total 775,093.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2959 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 19‐20 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 1,027,054.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 684,241.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 684,241.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 342,813.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 342,813.00 | |
Revenue Total | 1,027,054.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 684,241.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 628,112.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 55,129.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 684,241.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 342,813.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 342,813.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 342,813.00 |
Appropriations Total 1,027,054.00
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2960 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computers 20‐21 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 2,287,359.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 2,232,732.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,232,732.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 54,627.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 54,627.00 | |
Revenue Total | 2,287,359.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 2,287,166.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 2,241,188.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 44,978.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,287,166.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 193.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 193.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 193.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 2,287,359.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2961 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 20‐21 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 662,012.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 661,818.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 661,818.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 | |
Revenue Total | 662,012.00 | |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 661,818.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 631,642.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 29,176.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 661,818.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 194.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 194.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 194.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 662,012.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2962 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computers 21‐22 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 2,116,072.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 2,113,635.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,113,635.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,437.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 2,437.00 | |
Revenue Total | 2,116,072.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 2,113,635.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 2,065,114.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 47,521.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 2,113,635.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 2,437.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,437.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 2,437.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 2,116,072.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2963 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 21‐22 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 1,040,881.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 677,324.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 677,324.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 363,557.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 363,557.00 | |
Revenue Total | 1,040,881.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 677,324.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 602,596.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 73,728.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 1,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 677,324.00 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves | 363,557.00 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 363,557.00 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 363,557.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 1,040,881.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2964 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computers 22‐23 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 745,242.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 745,242.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 745,242.00 | |
Revenue Total | 745,242.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 745,242.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 667,794.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 67,448.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 10,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 745,242.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 745,242.00 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2965 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicle 22‐23 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | 363,657.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 363,657.00 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 363,657.00 | |
Revenue Total | 363,657.00 | |
Appropriations 9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer | 363,657.00 | |
00000 ‐ General | 5710 ‐ Redemption Of Principal | 295,767.00 |
5720 ‐ Interest | 57,890.00 | |
5730 ‐ Dues & Fees | 10,000.00 | |
00000 ‐ General Total | 363,657.00 | |
Appropriations Total | 363,657.00 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | |
State | 4,996,577 | 7,291,642 |
Local | 130,158,586 | 171,627,997 |
Incoming Transfers | 1,423,962 | 1,172,600 |
Capital Lease | 12,916,002 | 10,079,155 |
Appropriated Fund Balance | 189,704,380 | 264,881,575 |
Building & Fixed Equipment | 111,358,299 | 189,842,612 |
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment | 15,393,126 | 16,957,948 |
Motor Vehicles/Buses | 5,560,000 | 5,721,467 |
Land | 1,556,000 | 6,657,200 |
Improvements Other than Building | 4,295,960 | 11,338,634 |
Remodeling | 20,055,314 | 22,484,976 |
Computer Software | 3,082,496 | 3,597,799 |
Outgoing Transfers | 71,169,334 | 78,570,359 |
Appropriated Fund Balance | 106,728,978 | 119,881,974 |
Object | Budget Amount | |
3212 ‐ Capital Improvements 2020 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 311,652 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 1,369,929 | |
Revenue Total | 1,681,581 | |
Appropriations 0121 ‐ Shady Hills Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 175,034 |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 136,618 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 1,369,929 |
Appropriations Total | 1,681,581 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3423 ‐ PECP 22‐23 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4397 ‐ Charter School C/O Funding | 4,037,215 |
Revenue Total | 4,037,215 | |
Appropriations 9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 00000 ‐ General | 5900 ‐Transfers | 4,037,215 |
Appropriations Total | 4,037,215 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3611 ‐ CO & DS | ||
Revenue | ||
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 7,127,005 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 3,433,906 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4321 ‐ CO & DS Distributed | 2,065,258 |
4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 14,224 | |
4325 ‐ Interest/Undistributed CO & DS | 46,405 |
Revenue Total 12,686,798
Appropriations 0069 ‐ Chasco Middle 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 98,553 |
0070 ‐ Chasco Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 49,276 |
0086 ‐ Dr John Long Middle 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 215,050 |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 97,750 |
85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 92,457 |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle 85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,000 |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 575,000 |
0991 ‐ Marchman Technical College 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 525,692 |
2061 ‐ Sand Pine Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 167,682 |
2071 ‐ Wesley Chapel Elementary 85200 ‐ Re‐Roofing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 172,270 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 286,000 |
85010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 10,192,068 |
Appropriations Total 12,686,798
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3717 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 16‐17 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 87,879 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 359,523 | |
Revenue Total | 447,402 | |
Appropriations 0401 ‐ Centennial Elementary 85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,991 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 430,411 |
Appropriations Total | 447,402 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3718 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 17‐18 | ||
Revenue | ||
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,257,530 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 499,443 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 5,077 |
Revenue Total | 2,762,050 | |
Appropriations | ||
0060 ‐ Chester W Taylor Elementary | ||
85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 61,661 |
0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 686,400 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High | ||
85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 23,809 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High | ||
82010 ‐ Athletic Bleacher Renov | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 92,279 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High | ||
85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 31,859 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High | ||
82020 ‐ Athletic Facilities Renov | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 796,463 |
9035 ‐ Transportation‐N/W Garage | ||
86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,764 |
9053 ‐ Plant Operations Admin Complex | ||
85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 514,800 |
9999 ‐ Reserves | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 539,015 |
Appropriations Total | 2,762,050 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3719 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 18‐19 | ||
Revenue | ||
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 3,869,156 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 236,360 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 7,644 |
Revenue Total | 4,113,160 | |
Appropriations 0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary | ||
85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 30,000 |
0114 ‐ Fivay High | ||
82040 ‐ Athletic Sound & Scoreboards | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,880 |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High | ||
82040 ‐ Athletic Sound & Scoreboards | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 27,855 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High | ||
86200 ‐ Outside Covered Areas | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 60,000 |
0961 ‐ Lake Myrtle Elementary | ||
85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 26,000 |
9033 ‐ Transportation‐West | ||
83240 ‐ Compliance w/Env Regulations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 47,647 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services | ||
85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 85,800 |
85100 ‐ Maintenance Capital Projects | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,487,200 |
85120 ‐ Flooring Renovations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 377,520 |
85180 ‐ Fire Alarm Systems | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
85190 ‐ Generator Repairs/Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 57,200 |
9420 ‐ Information Services | ||
84510 ‐ Quest System | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,362,852 |
9999 ‐ Reserves | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 299,406 |
Appropriations Total | 4,113,160 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3720 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 19‐20 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 1,347,894 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 5,770 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 2,325 |
Revenue Total | 1,355,989 | |
Appropriations 0031 ‐ Pasco High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 13,382 |
0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,610 |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,300 |
0069 ‐ Chasco Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,414 |
0071 ‐ Pasco Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,186 |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 21,817 |
0074 ‐ Centennial Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,281 |
0086 ‐ Dr John Long Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,651 |
0089 ‐ Paul R Smith Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,009 |
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 7,117 |
0100 ‐ Charles S Rushe Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,738 |
0101 ‐ Sunlake High |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 14,314 |
0102 ‐ Raymond B Stewart Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,225 |
0103 ‐ Crews Lake Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,342 |
0113 ‐ Anclote High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,771 |
0114 ‐ Fivay High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,640 |
0123 ‐ Cypress Creek High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,356 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,423 |
0133 ‐ Cypress Creek Middle School 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,602 |
0261 ‐ Gulf Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,054 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 24,627 |
0342 ‐ Bayonet Point Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,027 |
0461 ‐ Thomas E Weightman Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,466 |
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 61,954 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 19,422 |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,149 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 11,449 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriations 0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,296 |
0921 ‐ Pine View Middle 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,692 |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,498 |
1411 ‐ Starkey Ranch K‐8 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 613 |
9420 ‐ Information Services 84045 ‐ LCD Projectors | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 826,500 |
9430 ‐ Supervisor of Athletics 84010 ‐ Athletic Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 83,685 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 146,379 |
Appropriations Total | 1,355,989 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3721 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 20‐21 | ||
Revenue | ||
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 4,815,727 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 495,309 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 8,888 |
4640 ‐ Transfers From Special Revenue | 1,172,600 |
Revenue Total 6,492,524
Appropriations 0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle | ||
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 188,970 |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High 85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 55,000 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 54,130 |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy 85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 41,679 |
0411 ‐ Seven Springs Elementary 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 314,600 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 442,242 |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy 86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 131,944 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 61,952 |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50,000 |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 284,960 |
2071 ‐ Wesley Chapel Elementary 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7071 ‐ East Pasco Education Academy 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 39,279 |
9019 ‐ Construction Svcs & Code Compl 83270 ‐ Enhanced Hurricane Protection Compl | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 11,440 |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50,000 |
9033 ‐ Transportation‐West 86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50,000 |
9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 84070 ‐ FNS Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,172,600 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 82010 ‐ Athletic Bleacher Renov | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 171,600 |
82060 ‐ Gym Floor Maintenance | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 263,120 |
86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 623,480 |
82040 ‐ Athletic Sound & Scoreboards | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 85,800 |
81000 ‐ Portables | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 450,000 |
85500 ‐ Energy Retrofits | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 114,400 |
86180 ‐ Site Improvement‐Water/Sewer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 114,400 |
9420 ‐ Information Services 83051 ‐ Network IP Phone Infrastructure | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 600,000 |
9527 ‐ CFA at RRHS 85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 456 |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support 84050 ‐ ESE Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 66,120 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 790,552 |
Appropriations Total | 6,492,524 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3722 ‐ Local Capital Improvement 21‐22 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 7,759,101 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 2,866,445 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 14,653 |
Revenue Total | 10,640,199 | |
Appropriations 0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,287 |
0031 ‐ Pasco High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,000 |
82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 105,045 |
0059 ‐ Denham Oaks Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,000 |
84075 ‐ Cooler/Freezer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,475 |
0060 ‐ Chester W Taylor Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,861 |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 27,000 |
0069 ‐ Chasco Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,064 |
0070 ‐ Chasco Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 11,000 |
0071 ‐ Pasco Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 57,846 |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 21,416 |
0082 ‐ Oakstead Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 23,584 |
86150 ‐ Site Improv Bus Loop & Parking | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 762,600 |
0083 ‐ Gulf Highlands Elementary |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,408 |
0089 ‐ Paul R Smith Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,424 |
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 11,000 |
0091 ‐ West Zephyrhills Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,770 |
0092 ‐ New River Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,300 |
0100 ‐ Charles S Rushe Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,675 |
0101 ‐ Sunlake High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,406 |
0102 ‐ Raymond B Stewart Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,442 |
0112 ‐ Watergrass Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,000 |
0122 ‐ Wiregrass Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,542 |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 40,371 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 224,000 |
0271 ‐ Richey Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 14,068 |
0311 ‐ Cotee River Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,212 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,800 |
84005 ‐ District Wide School Furniture | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 12,200 |
0341 ‐ Schrader Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,165 |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 12,026 |
0411 ‐ Seven Springs Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,738 |
0421 ‐ Deer Park Elementary 85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 229,320 |
0451 ‐ Mary Giella Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 57,249 |
0461 ‐ Thomas E Weightman Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 29,974 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 37,219 |
82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 13,600 |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 12,670 |
86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 83,116 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,400 |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 14,557 |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,900 |
0902 ‐ Pine View Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,394 |
0921 ‐ Pine View Middle 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 20,000 |
85110 ‐ HVAC Repairs & Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 170,322 |
0941 ‐ Moon Lake Elementary |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,952 |
85250 ‐ FNS Renovations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 428,370 |
84075 ‐ Cooler/Freezer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 99,432 |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 84075 ‐ Cooler/Freezer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 104 |
0961 ‐ Lake Myrtle Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 865 |
2061 ‐ Sand Pine Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,976 |
2071 ‐ Wesley Chapel Elementary 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,358 |
6997 ‐ Energy & Marine Center 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 45,350 |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 149,757 |
84005 ‐ District Wide School Furniture | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 273,500 |
9007 ‐ Internal Audit 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 613 |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist 83211 ‐ Annual Health‐Safety AED Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 45,760 |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 84210 ‐ School Buses | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 393,500 |
84051 ‐ ESE Seat Belt Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 11,020 |
84520 ‐ Transportation Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 219,285 |
9033 ‐ Transportation‐West 86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 392,000 |
86180 ‐ Site Improvement‐Water/Sewer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 250,000 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 487,467 |
83210 ‐ Health‐Safety‐Life | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
85251 ‐ Kitchen Epoxy | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
9062 ‐ Custodial Services |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 415,000 |
9420 ‐ Information Services 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 43,097 |
84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,534,614 |
9421 ‐ Telecommunications 84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 40,000 |
9430 ‐ Supervisor of Athletics 82070 ‐ Athletic Storage Sheds | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 26,312 |
84011 ‐ Annual Weightroom Equipment Upgrad 5600 ‐Capital Outlay 131,560 | ||
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,000 |
9580 ‐ Accountability Research & Mea 84000 ‐ District Wide Equipment | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,633 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 2,972,628 |
Appropriations Total | 10,640,199 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3723 ‐ Local Capital imprv 22‐23 | ||
Revenue | ||
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District | ||
00000 ‐ General | 4413 ‐ District Local Capital Improv | 67,161,074 |
Revenue Total | 67,161,074 | |
Appropriations | ||
0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle | ||
85160 ‐ Exterior Building Renovations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 358,644 |
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High | ||
82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 572,000 |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 335,801 |
0113 ‐ Anclote High | ||
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 162,480 |
0114 ‐ Fivay High | ||
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 190,113 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High | ||
82000 ‐ Athletic Facility Maint & Renv | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 858,000 |
0321 ‐ Lacoochee Elementary | ||
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 127,980 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High | ||
86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 448,767 |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle | ||
86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 263,732 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High | ||
82050 ‐ Athletic Fields & Courts | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 150,344 |
86140 ‐ Site Improvements‐Paving | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 330,667 |
0941 ‐ Moon Lake Elementary | ||
86000 ‐ Site Expansion | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,880 |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy | ||
86190 ‐ Site Improvements‐Cov Walkways | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 236,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriations 9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5900 ‐Transfers | 5,390,482 |
84220 ‐ Motor Vehicles | 5900 ‐Transfers | 5,268,377 |
81160 ‐ Signs‐Marquee | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,880 |
85000 ‐ Renovations & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 572,000 |
00000 ‐ General | 5900 ‐Transfers | 36,528,339 |
84006 ‐ Annual Furniture Portable & Growth | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 110,200 |
9012 ‐ Planning Services 81170 ‐ Signs‐FISH | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 22,040 |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 84220 ‐ Motor Vehicles | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,144,000 |
9034 ‐ Transportation‐Central 86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 460,000 |
9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 85250 ‐ FNS Renovations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
84075 ‐ Cooler/Freezer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 600,600 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 81150 ‐ Storage Buildings | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 74,360 |
83240 ‐ Compliance w/Env Regulations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
85160 ‐ Exterior Building Renovations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 457,600 |
83250 ‐ Compliance with ADA regulations | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 114,400 |
83260 ‐ Fire Safety | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 171,600 |
86190 ‐ Site Improvements‐Cov Walkways | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 114,400 |
9099 ‐ Construction In Progress 86110 ‐ Site Improvements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,200,000 |
9421 ‐ Telecommunications 84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 300,000 |
83000 ‐ Telecom Renv & Remodeling | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,372,800 |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning 84020 ‐ Instrument Eq Rotation | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 165,300 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 7,556,688 |
Appropriations Total | 67,161,074 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3900 ‐ Interlocal Agreement | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 3,584,766 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 50,723 | |
85190 ‐ Generator Repairs/Replacements | 4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 200,000 |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 2,616 |
Revenue Total | 3,838,105 | |
Appropriations 9009 ‐ Enterprise Resource Planning 84500 ‐ ERP System | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,145,133 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 85190 ‐ Generator Repairs/Replacements | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 70,292 |
9099 ‐ Construction In Progress 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 153,052 |
88025 ‐ SRK8‐Starkey Ranch Middle "JJ" | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,268,463 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 1,201,165 |
Appropriations Total | 3,838,105 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3904 ‐ School District Impact Fees | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 73,362,267 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 14,416,301 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 86,274 |
4496 ‐ Impact Fees | 59,508,037 | |
Revenue Total | 147,372,879 | |
Appropriations 0142 ‐ Kirkland Ranch Academy 89030 ‐ New East Technical High School | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,312,419 |
1411 ‐ Starkey Ranch K‐8 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 13,441,839 |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 00000 ‐ General | 5900 ‐Transfers | 5,921,950 |
9012 ‐ Planning Services 86000 ‐ Site Expansion | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 6,600,000 |
9021 ‐ Finance Services 80010 ‐ Habitat for Humanity | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 57,200 |
87500 ‐ Expansion Site | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,319,000 |
9099 ‐ Construction In Progress 89035 ‐ New School 6‐12 Academy ‐LOL Area | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,326,002 |
89030 ‐ New East Technical High School | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,956,088 |
88025 ‐ SRK8‐Starkey Ranch Middle "JJ" | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000,284 |
87500 ‐ Expansion Site | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 44,242,267 |
87505 ‐ Smith 54 (SW Land O'Lakes New K‐8) | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,000,000 |
89999 ‐ Pepin Academy ‐ Charter School | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 26,195,830 |
Appropriations Total | 147,372,879 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3905 ‐ Sales Tax | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 4,433,121 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 8,986,470 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4418 ‐ Local Sales Tax | 44,288,734 |
4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 19,341 | |
Revenue Total | 57,727,666 | |
Appropriations 0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 382,848 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 457,774 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 188,554 |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 396,460 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 24,846,290 |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 182,227 |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 00000 ‐ General | 5900 ‐Transfers | 21,316,566 |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 85210 ‐ Playground Structures | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 228,800 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 9,728,147 |
Appropriations Total | 57,727,666 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3928 ‐ Sales Tax Bonds 2018 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 653,389 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 65,455 | |
Revenue Total | 718,844 | |
Appropriations 0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 664,634 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 54,210 |
Appropriations Total | 718,844 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3929 ‐ COPS 2018A | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 8,915,272 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 203,071 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 34,157 |
Revenue Total 9,152,500
Appropriations 9999 ‐ Reserves
99999 ‐ Fund Balance 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance 9,152,500
Appropriations Total 9,152,500
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3932 ‐ COPS 2020C | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 22,769,418 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 3,004,301 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 184,390 |
Revenue Total | 25,958,109 | |
Appropriations 9099 ‐ Construction In Progress 89030 ‐ New East Technical High School | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 654,161 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 25,303,948 |
Appropriations Total | 25,958,109 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3935 ‐ COPS 2021B | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 63,289,681 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 14,053,331 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 90,563 |
Revenue Total | 77,433,575 | |
Appropriations 0331 ‐ Gulf High 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 33,962,220 |
9021 ‐ Finance Services 86100 ‐ Facility Expansion/Addition | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,000,000 |
9099 ‐ Construction In Progress 89035 ‐ New School 6‐12 Academy ‐LOL Area | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 24,211,242 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 14,260,113 |
Appropriations Total | 77,433,575 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3950 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Computers | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 105,461 |
00000 ‐ General | 4724 ‐ Capital Lease Agreements | 5,574,155 |
Revenue Total | 5,679,616 | |
Appropriations 9420 ‐ Information Services 84080 ‐ Computers ‐ Administrative | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,574,155 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 105,461 |
Appropriations Total | 5,679,616 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3951 ‐ Lease‐Purchase Vehicles | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 5,097,836 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 4,414,397 | |
00000 ‐ General | 4724 ‐ Capital Lease Agreements | 4,505,000 |
Revenue Total | 14,017,233 | |
Appropriations 9031 ‐ Transportation Services 84210 ‐ School Buses | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,505,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 9,512,233 |
Appropriations Total | 14,017,233 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
3982 ‐ S&S 20‐21 | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 562,395 |
4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 71,291 | |
Revenue Total | 633,686 | |
Appropriations 0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,440 |
0059 ‐ Denham Oaks Elementary 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,000 |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 116,170 |
85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 64,000 |
0093 ‐ Gulf Trace Elementary 85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,280 |
0101 ‐ Sunlake High 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 64,000 |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,000 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 64,000 |
0132 ‐ Woodland Elementary 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,000 |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 13,605 |
0271 ‐ Richey Elementary 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,511 |
85170 ‐ Fencing | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 41,058 |
85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 64,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
0472 - River Ridge Middle 85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 48,000 |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary | ||
85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 915 |
83221 ‐ Bi‐Directional Amplifer | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 3,494 |
7071 ‐ East Pasco Education Academy | ||
85220 ‐ Security Sys Install & Repairs | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 2,831 |
9053 ‐ Plant Operations Admin Complex | ||
81170 ‐ Signs‐FISH | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,091 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 71,291 |
Appropriations Total | 633,686 |
Project Object Budget Amount 3983 ‐ S&S 21‐22
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
00000 ‐ General 4399 ‐ Other Miscellaneous State Rev 1,142,764 Revenue Total 1,142,764
0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary 83220 ‐ School Security
0057 ‐ Seven Springs Middle 83220 ‐ School Security
0059 ‐ Denham Oaks Elementary 83220 ‐ School Security
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High 83221 ‐ Bi‐Directional Amplifer
0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary 83220 ‐ School Security
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 83220 ‐ School Security
0082 ‐ Oakstead Elementary 85170 ‐ Fencing
0086 ‐ Dr John Long Middle 85170 ‐ Fencing
83220 ‐ School Security
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High 83220 ‐ School Security
0123 ‐ Cypress Creek High 83220 ‐ School Security
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High 83220 ‐ School Security
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 20,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 25,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 20,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 30,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 20,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 15,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 125,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 25,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
0131 - Zephyrhills High 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
0133 ‐ Cypress Creek Middle School | ||
83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
0211 ‐ Mittye P Locke Elementary | ||
83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 20,000 |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy | ||
83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
0251 ‐ San Antonio Elementary 83220 ‐ | ||
School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 10,334 |
0261 ‐ Gulf Middle | ||
83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
0321 ‐ Lacoochee Elementary 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 20,000 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
0471 ‐ River Ridge High 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
0472 ‐ River Ridge Middle 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 20,000 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High |
83220 ‐ School Security
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 83220 ‐ School Security
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
5600 ‐Capital Outlay 35,000
0902 ‐ Pine View Elementary
83220 ‐ School Security 5600 ‐Capital Outlay 20,000
0921 ‐ Pine View Middle
83220 ‐ School Security 5600 ‐Capital Outlay 25,000
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
0991 ‐ Marchman Technical College 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
1411 ‐ Starkey Ranch K‐8 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
7071 ‐ East Pasco Education Academy 83220 ‐ School Security | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 35,000 |
9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 00000 ‐ General | 5900 ‐Transfers | 107,430 |
Appropriations Total | 1,142,764 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | ||
Federal Projects | 52,244,613 | 54,043,579 | |
School Food Service | 55,334,587 | 70,769,238 | |
TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE | 107,579,200 | 124,812,817 |
Federal Projects | 52,244,613 | 54,043,579 | |
School Food Service | 55,334,587 | 70,769,238 | |
Object | Budget Amount | |
Revenue 9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 47000 ‐ Food & Nutrition | 4261 ‐ School Lunch Reimbursement | 20,300,000 |
4262 ‐ School Breakfast Reimbursement | 7,000,000 | |
4264 ‐ Child Care Food Program | 1,356,000 | |
4265 ‐ USDA Donated Commodities | 2,800,000 | |
4266 ‐ Cash In Lieu Of Donated Foods | 90,000 | |
4267 ‐ Summer Food Service Program | 400,000 | |
4337 ‐ School Breakfast Supplement | 200,030 | |
4338 ‐ School Lunch Supplement | 206,686 | |
4451 ‐ Student Lunches | 5,000,000 | |
4452 ‐ Student Breakfasts | 325,000 | |
4453 ‐ Adult Breakfasts/Lunches | 150,000 | |
4454 ‐ Student & Adult A La Carte | 3,000,000 | |
4456 ‐ Other Food Sales | 200,000 | |
4456 ‐ Other Food Sales ‐ Vending | 500,000 | |
4495 ‐ Other Misc Local Sources | 550,000 | |
47000 ‐ Food & Nutrition Total | 42,077,716 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4997 ‐ Assigned Fund Balance | 28,682,505 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 28,682,505 | |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 9,017 |
00000 ‐ General Total | 9,017 | |
Revenue Total | 70,769,238 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriation 9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,000 |
13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines Total | 2,000 | |
47000 ‐ Food & Nutrition | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 13,050,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,434,890 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,425,200 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 900,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,054,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 317,700 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 3,071,947 | |
5900 ‐Transfers | 1,172,600 | |
47000 ‐ Food & Nutrition Total | 45,426,837 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 25,340,401 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 25,340,401 | |
Appropriation Total | 70,769,238 |
Object | Budget Amount | |
4210 ‐ Cash Advance | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs | 4241 ‐ Language Instruction Title III | 760,043 |
30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs Total | 760,043 | |
30123 ‐ Title III Immigrant | 4241 ‐ Language Instruction Title III | 281,752 |
30123 ‐ Title III Immigrant Total | 281,752 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 4299 ‐ Misc Fed Thru State | 1,316,433 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,316,433 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 4240 ‐ Elem & Sec Ed Act Title 1 | 25,127,522 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 25,127,522 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 4240 ‐ Elem & Sec Ed Act Title 1 | 89,867 |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 89,867 | |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D | 4240 ‐ Elem & Sec Ed Act Title 1 | 129,090 |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D Total | 129,090 | |
32123 ‐ Carl D Perkins Secondary | 4201 ‐ Vocational Education Acts | 851,401 |
32123 ‐ Carl D Perkins Secondary Total | 851,401 | |
33823 ‐ Adult Ed and Fam Lit (Adult Gen) | 4221 ‐ Adult General Education | 682,626 |
33823 ‐ Adult Ed and Fam Lit (Adult Gen) Total | 682,626 | |
34023 ‐ IDEA Part B Entitlement | 4230 ‐ Ind W/Disab Ed Act (IDEA) | 20,628,752 |
34023 ‐ IDEA Part B Entitlement Total | 20,628,752 | |
34123 ‐ IDEA Part B Pre‐School | 4230 ‐ Ind W/Disab Ed Act (IDEA) | 455,091 |
34123 ‐ IDEA Part B Pre‐School Total | 455,091 | |
34223 ‐ IDEA Educational Interpreter Proj | 4230 ‐ Ind W/Disab Ed Act (IDEA) | 251,715 |
34223 ‐ IDEA Educational Interpreter Proj Total | 251,715 | |
35023 ‐ Title IX Part A‐Ed of Homeless Chil | 4299 ‐ Misc Fed Thru State | 157,200 |
35023 ‐ Title IX Part A‐Ed of Homeless Chil Total | 157,200 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training | 4225 ‐ Teacher and Principal Training | 2,429,924 |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training Total | 2,429,924 | |
Revenue Total | 53,161,416 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriations 0021 ‐ Rodney B Cox Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 343,834 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 128,742 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,920 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,858 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 5,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,350 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 508,704 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,274 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,795 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 20,069 | |
0031 ‐ Pasco High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 217,202 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 78,310 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,099 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,637 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 67,533 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 15,232 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 429,013 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,273 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,796 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 20,069 | |
0060 ‐ Chester W Taylor Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 232,512 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 82,616 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 27,026 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,772 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 21,400 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 375,326 | |
0061 ‐ Pasco Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 255,358 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 89,001 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,236 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,279 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 7,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 374,874 |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education 5100 ‐ Salaries 7,264
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 3,444 |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 10,708 | |
0065 ‐ James M Marlowe Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 257,691 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,816 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 14,848 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,264 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 23,869 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 247 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 381,735 | |
0069 ‐ Chasco Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 206,988 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,271 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,785 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 29,146 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 100,870 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,882 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 461,942 | |
0070 ‐ Chasco Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 208,733 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 75,435 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 73,580 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 31,600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 124,724 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 514,072 | |
0071 ‐ Pasco Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 183,835 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 73,744 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 46,329 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,023 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 82,650 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,867 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 417,448 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 14,275 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,796 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 20,071 | |
0072 ‐ Sunray Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 197,040 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 72,988 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,229 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,718 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,815 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 320,790 | |
0074 ‐ Centennial Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 205,977 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 76,405 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 22,782 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,830 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 250 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 342,744 | |
0083 ‐ Gulf Highlands Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 292,635 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 104,653 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,150 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,706 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 17,500 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 422,644 | |
0089 ‐ Paul R Smith Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 304,642 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 100,668 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 43,145 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,025 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 160,350 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,482 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 635,312 | |
0091 ‐ West Zephyrhills Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 238,817 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 94,538 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 81,089 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,434 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 109,750 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 900 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 536,528 | |
0092 ‐ New River Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 132,369 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 42,397 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,180 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,377 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 34,314 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 249,637 | |
0093 ‐ Gulf Trace Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 225,319 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 88,203 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,392 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,348 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 37,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 8,040 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 406,802 | |
0102 ‐ Raymond B Stewart Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 372,299 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 135,177 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 33,325 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 26,734 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 41,394 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 20,399 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 629,328 | |
0103 ‐ Crews Lake Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 228,365 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 79,078 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,570 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,331 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 37,800 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 375,144 | |
0113 ‐ Anclote High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 288,927 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 105,527 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 51,245 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,103 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 45,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,482 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 515,284 | |
0114 ‐ Fivay High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 453,524 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 151,845 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 39,691 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,305 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 59,970 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,721 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 731,056 | |
0120 ‐ Quail Hollow Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 82,929 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 30,451 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 40,218 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,973 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,600 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,640 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 172,811 | |
0121 ‐ Shady Hills Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 154,576 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 60,215 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 23,800 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,494 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 40,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 302,085 | |
0128 ‐ Wendell Krinn Technical High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 65,373 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 22,265 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 31,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 12,972 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 132,110 | |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 253,042 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 92,016 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,106 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,201 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,092 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 394,457 | |
0132 ‐ Woodland Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 316,075 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 118,036 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 24,650 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 15,314 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 48,500 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 3,225 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 525,800 | |
0211 ‐ Mittye P Locke Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 235,776 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 83,974 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,535 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,036 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 3,150 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 346,471 | |
0242 ‐ West Pasco Education Academy 31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 16,048 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,111 | |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D Total | 22,159 | |
0251 ‐ San Antonio Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 123,244 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,705 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 19,727 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,766 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,915 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 227,357 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 7,011 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,352 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 9,363 | |
0261 ‐ Gulf Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 421,940 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 146,806 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 47,492 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 36,278 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,482 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 716,998 | |
0271 ‐ Richey Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 247,184 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 96,522 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 75,512 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 27,184 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 39,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 485,402 | |
0311 ‐ Cotee River Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 209,842 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 63,453 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 13,540 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,481 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 68,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 371,316 | |
0321 ‐ Lacoochee Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 168,138 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 69,657 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 52,684 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,078 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 23,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 319,557 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,438 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 817 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 3,255 | |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 296,047 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 108,216 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 30,920 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,669 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 50,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 6,199 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 505,051 | |
0341 ‐ Schrader Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 255,225 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 97,376 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 31,330 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 27,683 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 411,614 | |
0342 ‐ Bayonet Point Middle 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 349,734 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 116,741 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,934 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 19,836 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 25,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 524,245 | |
0351 ‐ Fox Hollow Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 181,799 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 71,294 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,070 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,420 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 66,650 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,100 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 371,333 | |
0401 ‐ Centennial Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 167,194 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 67,524 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,700 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 21,120 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 15,834 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 277,372 | |
0411 ‐ Seven Springs Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 134,655 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 38,840 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 37,160 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,692 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 31,910 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,779 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 253,036 | |
0451 ‐ Mary Giella Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 225,288 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 83,547 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 13,510 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,659 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 19,500 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 351,504 | |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 181,738 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 62,810 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 22,000 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 13,990 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 84,400 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,815 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 369,753 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
0501 ‐ Hudson Primary Academy 0521 ‐ Hudson High 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 143,992 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 52,243 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 43,406 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,034 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 79,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 14,482 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 340,157 | |
0701 ‐ Cypress Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 122,236 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,666 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,340 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,522 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 48,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 255,764 | |
0901 ‐ Anclote Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 172,695 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 46,764 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 33,396 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 18,332 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 9,800 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 8,525 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 289,512 | |
0911 ‐ Gulfside Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 179,874 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 77,922 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,011 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 11,611 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 16,500 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 291,918 | |
0932 ‐ Calusa Elementary 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 246,966 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 87,655 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,070 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,161 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 900 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 346,752 |
0941 ‐ Moon Lake Elementary
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 156,149 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 56,521 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 44,241 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,950 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 49,140 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,639 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 325,640 | |
0951 ‐ Hudson Academy 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 262,182 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 95,150 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 50,585 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 35,624 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 125,750 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 19,297 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 588,588 | |
4081 ‐ Pasco Girls Academy 31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,015 |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D Total | 3,015 | |
4301 ‐ Dayspring‐Charter 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,610 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 12,610 | |
4302 ‐ Academy At The Farm‐Charter 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,488 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 9,488 | |
4307 ‐ Countryside Montessori Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,325 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 5,325 | |
4321 ‐ Athenian Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,521 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 5,521 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 160,182 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 9,968 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 31,382 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,920 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 209,052 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
4326 ‐ Classical Preparatory School 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 16,321 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 16,321 | |
4327 ‐ Learning Lodge Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 3,409 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 3,409 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 109,918 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,307 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,500 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,724 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 121,449 | |
4328 ‐ Pepin Academies of Pasco Cnty 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,917 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 4,917 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,793 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 7,024 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 104,817 | |
4329 ‐ Plato Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,863 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 6,863 | |
4330 ‐ Union Park Charter 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,162 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 11,162 | |
4331 ‐ Pasco MycroSchool 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,429 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 2,429 | |
4332 ‐ Pinecrest Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,324 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 12,324 | |
7081 ‐ Juvenile Detention Center 31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,500 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 319 | |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D Total | 1,819 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7900 ‐ Adventist Christian Academy 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,610 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 89 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 2,699 | |
7901 ‐ Bishop Larkin Catholic School 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,484 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 3,484 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,250 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,085 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 27,335 | |
7902 ‐ Bishop McLaughlin Catholic Hig 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 5,792 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 5,792 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 560 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 6,060 | |
7903 ‐ Broach Ave C 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 769 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 769 | |
7904 ‐ Broach 5th Street 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,946 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,946 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 38,660 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,490 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 43,150 | |
7906 ‐ Elfers Christian School 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 31,634 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 31,634 | |
7907 ‐ Esthers School ‐ NPR Grand 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,554 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,554 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 26,393 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 26,393 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7907 ‐ Esthers School ‐ NPR Grand 7911 ‐ Little Peoples 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,250 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 348 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 6,598 | |
7912 ‐ Miracles Schools 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,220 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 52 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 7,272 | |
7914 ‐ New Leaps Academy II 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 362 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 362 | |
7915 ‐ St. Anthony's Catholic School 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,196 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 12,196 | |
7916 ‐ Heritage Academy 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,368 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 548 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,916 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 12,000 |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 12,000 | |
7917 ‐ Esthers School ‐ Hudson 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,131 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,131 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 76,996 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 8,000 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 84,996 | |
7925 ‐ The Rainbow Tree Christian 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,237 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 1,237 | |
7933 ‐ Saint Anthony 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,700 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,528 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 3,228 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9005 ‐ Communication 30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 20,979 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,691 | |
30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs Total | 27,670 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 21,480 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 6,802 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 28,282 | |
9021 ‐ Finance Services 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 97,844 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 35,860 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 133,704 | |
9312 ‐ Human Resources 36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 23,766 |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training Total | 23,766 | |
9500 ‐ Asst Supt Student Achievement 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 90,500 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 90,500 | |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 66,406 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 8,209 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 482,581 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 557,196 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,409 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 20,331 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 80,740 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 1,213,565 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 379,466 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 193,855 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,001 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 213,579 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training Total | 2,010,466 | |
9522 ‐ District State & Fed Programs 30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 42,165 |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 42,165 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 810,624 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 651,105 |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 216,500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 969,903 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 2,648,132 | |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support 30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 376,285 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 117,340 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 194,300 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 23,545 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 20,903 | |
30023 ‐ Title III Support for ELLs Total | 732,373 | |
30123 ‐ Title III Immigrant | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 51,500 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 15,307 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 168,025 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 17,869 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 24,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,051 | |
30123 ‐ Title III Immigrant Total | 281,752 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 329,760 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 104,906 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 75,118 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,000 | |
30923 ‐ Title IV Student Support Total | 514,784 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,323,353 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 628,132 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 2,951,485 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 2,000 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 418 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 176 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 3,738 | |
31423 ‐ Title I Part C Migrant Education Total | 6,332 | |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 41,227 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,676 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 32,485 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 6,402 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,307 | |
31523 ‐ Title I Part D Neg and D Total | 102,097 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support 34023 ‐ IDEA Part B Entitlement | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 11,273,011 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,683,680 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,308,325 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 968,995 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 379,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,015,741 | |
34023 ‐ IDEA Part B Entitlement Total | 20,628,752 | |
34123 ‐ IDEA Part B Pre‐School | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 262,029 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 92,068 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 17,291 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 41,876 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 20,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 21,827 | |
34123 ‐ IDEA Part B Pre‐School Total | 455,091 | |
34223 ‐ IDEA Educational Interpreter Proj | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 91,104 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 31,890 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 95,100 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 2,100 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 4,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 27,521 | |
34223 ‐ IDEA Educational Interpreter Proj Total | 251,715 | |
35023 ‐ Title IX Part A‐Ed of Homeless Chil | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 100,086 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 36,407 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 11,039 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,685 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 7,983 | |
35023 ‐ Title IX Part A‐Ed of Homeless Chil Total | 157,200 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 59,373 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 18,328 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 182,188 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training Total | 259,889 | |
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education 32123 ‐ Carl D Perkins Secondary | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 571,087 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 178,980 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 31,555 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 49,779 | |
32123 ‐ Carl D Perkins Secondary Total | 851,401 |
Project Object Budget Amount
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education
33823 ‐ Adult Ed and Fam Lit (Adult Gen) | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 366,377 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 130,577 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 143,392 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 14,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 28,280 | |
33823 ‐ Adult Ed and Fam Lit (Adult Gen) Total | 682,626 | |
9580 ‐ Accountability Research & Mea 36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 103,792 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 32,011 | |
36923 ‐ Title II Part A Tchr/Prin Training Total | 135,803 | |
9590 ‐ Early Childhood Programs 31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 297,349 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 110,086 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 57,107 | |
31323 ‐ Title I Part A Schoolwide Total | 464,542 |
Appropriations Total 53,161,416
Project Object Budget Amount
4230 ‐ Other Federal Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
32523 ‐ Strengthening Career and Technical
32523 ‐ Strengthening Career and Technical Total
Revenue Total 77,163
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriations | ||
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education | ||
32523 ‐ Strengthening Career and Technical | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,302 |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 10,005 | |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 30,371 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,985 |
32523 ‐ Strengthening Career and Technical Total 77,163
Appropriations Total 77,163
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
4260 ‐ Other Federal Programs‐PELL | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 35123 ‐ Pell Grant | 4192 ‐ Pell | 805,000 |
35123 ‐ Pell Grant Total | 805,000 | |
Revenue Total | 805,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
Appropriations 8991 ‐ Marchman Tech College Adult Ed 35123 ‐ Pell Grant | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 805,000 |
35123 ‐ Pell Grant Total | 805,000 | |
Appropriations Total | 805,000 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | ||
Local | 109,805,571 | 104,902,278 | |
Interest Income | 271,500 | 122,284 | |
Incoming Transfer | 845,000 | 5,810,001 | |
Nonrevenue Sources | 155,000 | 158,000 | |
Retained Earnings | 47,874,331 | 44,823,778 | |
Salaries | 1,189,352 | 1,206,435 | |
Fringe Benefits | 526,897 | 354,158 | |
Purchased Services | 21,744,315 | 22,140,311 | |
Energy Services | 12,115,500 | 12,620,100 | |
Materials and Supplies | 384,316 | 431,690 | |
Capital Outlay | 4,225 | 4,225 | |
Other Expenses | 82,028,529 | 71,835,736 | |
Transfers | 1,248,400 | 1,178,128 | |
Retained Earnings | 39,709,868 | 46,045,558 | |
Object | Budget Amount | |
7110 ‐ District Admin Pass Thru Ins | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 1,659 |
4650 ‐ Interfund | 774,728 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 40,124 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 816,511 | |
Revenue Total | 816,511 |
Object | Budget Amount | |
7110 ‐ District Admin Pass Thru Ins | ||
Appropriation 9015 ‐ Employee Wellness Centers 13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 9,100 |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 53,750 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,675 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 925 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,000 | |
01100 ‐ Attorney Fees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,000 |
13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,850 |
44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 19,132 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 10,900 | |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 540 | |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 93,556 | |
90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 90,621 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 464,679 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 41,783 |
Appropriation Total | 816,511 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7111 ‐ Self Insured Group Ins Program | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 46,070 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 16,856,557 |
44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 4440 ‐ Gifts Grants & Bequests | 100,000 |
44010 ‐ Benefits ‐ Employees | 4484 ‐ Premium Revenue | 64,633,608 |
4484 ‐ Board Contributions Life | 3,302 | |
4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 3,204,725 | |
4484 ‐ Premium Contributions Life | 566,706 | |
4489 ‐ Rebates‐Pharmacy | 3,737,857 | |
44020 ‐ Benefits ‐ Reitrees | 4484 ‐ Premium Revenue | 1,911,215 |
4484 ‐ Board Contributions Life | 7,591 | |
4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 1,523,093 | |
4484 ‐ Premium Contributions Life | 350,936 | |
44015 ‐ Benefits ‐ Employee Dependents | 4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 6,478,224 |
44025 ‐ Benefits ‐ Retiree Dependents | 4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 314,143 |
44030 ‐ Benefits ‐ COBRA | 4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 22,893 |
44035 ‐ Benefits ‐ COBRA Dependents | 4484 ‐ Contributions/Buy Up | 5,685 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 99,762,605 | |
Revenue Total | 99,762,605 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7111 ‐ Self Insured Group Ins Program | ||
Appropriation 0331 ‐ Gulf High 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 710,000 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 | |
9015 ‐ Employee Wellness Centers 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,905,000 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,500,000 | |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist 44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 120,000 |
5900 ‐Transfers | 774,728 | |
44010 ‐ Benefits ‐ Employees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,013,870 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 47,405,390 | |
44020 ‐ Benefits ‐ Reitrees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 600,129 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,375,964 | |
44030 ‐ Benefits ‐ COBRA | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,107 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 929,852 | |
44015 ‐ Benefits ‐ Employee Dependents | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 9,525,267 |
44025 ‐ Benefits ‐ Retiree Dependents | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 272,078 |
44035 ‐ Benefits ‐ COBRA Dependents | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 58,176 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 21,271,044 |
0074 ‐ Centennial Middle 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
0461 ‐ Thomas E Weightman Middle 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
2081 ‐ Longleaf Elementary 44050 ‐ Benefits ‐ HWC | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
Appropriation Total 99,762,605
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7130 ‐ Risk Management | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 69,522 |
4484 ‐ Premium Revenue | 4,900,000 | |
4741 ‐ Insurance Loss Recovery | 100,000 | |
4630 ‐ Transfers From Capital Project | 5,035,273 | |
44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 4741 ‐ Insurance Loss Recovery | 50,000 |
62600 ‐ Replace Equipment | 4741 ‐ Insurance Loss Recovery | 5,000 |
65500 ‐ Property Damage NI Union Memb | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 2,000 |
68300 ‐ Property Damage Instructional | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 2,000 |
68400 ‐ Property Damage NNB | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 2,000 |
70200 ‐ Athletic Participation Fees | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 515,000 |
70250 ‐ 403B Annual Participation Fee | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 30,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 24,684,309 |
62700 ‐ Optional Employee Device Insurance | 4484 ‐ Premium Revenue | 62,000 |
4741 ‐ Insurance Loss Recovery | 3,000 | |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 35,460,104 | |
Revenue Total | 35,460,104 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7130 ‐ Risk Management | ||
Appropriation 9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 65500 ‐ Property Damage NI Union Memb | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,000 |
68300 ‐ Property Damage Instructional | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,000 |
68400 ‐ Property Damage NNB | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 2,000 |
9007 ‐ Internal Audit 90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,880 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 28,227 | |
9016 ‐ Employee Benefits & Assist 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,000 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,000 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 700 | |
01100 ‐ Attorney Fees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 275,000 |
44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,963,897 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 5,238,979 | |
44001 ‐ Stay at Work Program | 5100 ‐ Salaries | 29,400 |
62600 ‐ Replace Equipment | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 100,000 |
70200 ‐ Athletic Participation Fees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 125,000 |
5900 ‐Transfers | 403,400 | |
90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 39,033 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 188,011 | |
62700 ‐ Optional Employee Device Insurance | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 69,280 |
9019 ‐ Construction Svcs & Code Compl 90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 17,355 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 83,665 | |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 16,925 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,450 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 200 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 600 |
12150 ‐ Fire Extinguisher Contract | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 80,000 |
12160 ‐ Fire Sprinkler Inspection | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 206,000 |
12170 ‐ Fire Hydrant Flow Test | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 30,000 |
12180 ‐ Fume Hood Inspections | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 21,000 |
12190 ‐ Stage Rigging Inspections | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 28,000 |
90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 12,525 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 60,022 | |
9063 ‐ Environmental Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 320,300 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 600 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 600 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 300 | |
12120 ‐ Institutional Health Cert/Schl | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 50,000 |
9071 ‐ Safety and Security Officer 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 6,200 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 925 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 500 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 250 | |
90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 21,902 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 80,485 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 21,939,493 |
Appropriation Total | 35,460,104 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7921 ‐ Energy Management Program | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 1,264 |
4481 ‐ Charges For Services | 12,620,100 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 1,325,187 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 13,946,551 | |
Revenue Total | 13,946,551 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7921 ‐ Energy Management Program | ||
Appropriation 9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 75,500 |
5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,900 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 1,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 1,900 | |
12050 ‐ Electricity | 5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 12,500,000 |
12060 ‐ Utilities Other | 5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 120,100 |
90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,061 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 98,243 | |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 90000 ‐ Basic Salaries & Benefits | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 5,110 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 24,584 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 1,104,153 |
Appropriation Total | 13,946,551 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7922 ‐ Water Conservation | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 192 |
4481 ‐ Charges For Services | 2,500,000 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 32,637 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 2,532,829 | |
Revenue Total | 2,532,829 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7922 ‐ Water Conservation | ||
Appropriation 9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op 12040 ‐ Water & Sewer | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,500,000 |
12140 ‐ Water Filtration System | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 20,665 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 12,164 |
Appropriation Total | 2,532,829 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7923 ‐ Solid Waste Conservation | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 254 |
4481 ‐ Charges For Services | 1,100,000 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 121,428 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 1,221,682 | |
Revenue Total | 1,221,682 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7923 ‐ Solid Waste Conservation | ||
Appropriation 9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 500 |
12070 ‐ Garbage Collection Fees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,100,000 |
13037 ‐ Recycling Replacement Supp | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 10,000 |
71510 ‐ Resource Recovery | 5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 11,539 |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 55,563 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 44,080 |
Appropriation Total | 1,221,682 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
7940 ‐ Exclusive Agreements | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 3,323 |
62100 ‐ Cell Tower Lease Monthly | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 288,000 |
64510 ‐ Maintenance Uniforms | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 20,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 1,763,536 |
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District Total | 2,074,859 | |
0114 ‐ Fivay High 62110 ‐ Ground Billboard Lease | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 600 |
0114 ‐ Fivay High Total | 600 | |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 72110 ‐ Other Ground Leases | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 600 |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services Total | 600 | |
Revenue Total | 2,076,059 |
Project Object Budget Amount
7940 ‐ Exclusive Agreements Appropriation
0063 ‐ Wesley Chapel High 13052
‐ High School Use of Pools
0090 ‐ Wiregrass Ranch High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools
0101 ‐ Sunlake High
5300 ‐Purchased Services 1,350
5300 ‐Purchased Services 3,000
13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,110 |
0114 ‐ Fivay High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 800 |
0123 ‐ Cypress Creek High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 4,300 |
0131 ‐ Zephyrhills High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,748 |
0331 ‐ Gulf High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 800 |
0521 ‐ Hudson High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 800 |
0801 ‐ Land O' Lakes High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,110 |
9003 ‐ Misc Grants & Programs 13064 ‐ Officials/Transportation Alloc | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 12,000 |
62100 ‐ Cell Tower Lease Monthly | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 288,000 |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer 62110 ‐ Ground Billboard Lease | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 |
64510 ‐ Maintenance Uniforms | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 20,000 |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning 13064 ‐ Officials/Transportation Alloc | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 1,632,841 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9999 ‐ Reserves 0031 ‐ Pasco High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 2,400 |
0073 ‐ J W Mitchell High 13052 ‐ High School Use of Pools | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,200 |
Appropriation Total | 2,076,059 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | |
Local | 15,178,570 | 16,072,802 |
Fund Balance | 26,927,398 | 23,383,921 |
TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE | 42,105,968 | 39,456,723 |
Expendable Trusts | 82,956 | 44,000 |
Internal Funds Disbursements | 14,160,000 | 15,560,000 |
Pension Trust Funds | 1,564,000 | 1,564,000 |
Fund Balance | 26,299,012 | 22,288,723 |
Project Object Budget Amount
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
00000 ‐ General 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments 174
4433 ‐ Net Increase(Decrease) Fair Va 50
4440 ‐ Gifts Grants & Bequests 2,500
99999 ‐ Fund Balance 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance 93,408 Revenue Total 96,132
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary 5300 ‐Purchased Services 14,000
9999 ‐ Reserves
99999 ‐ Fund Balance 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance 82,132
Appropriation Total 96,132
Project Object Budget Amount
8502 ‐ Baertschi Bequest Revenue
0000 ‐ Pasco County School District
00000 ‐ General 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments 58
4433 ‐ Net Increase(Decrease) Fair Va 20
99999 ‐ Fund Balance 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance 26,226 Revenue Total 26,304
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary 5300 ‐Purchased Services 5,000
9999 ‐ Reserves
99999 ‐ Fund Balance 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance 21,304
Appropriation Total 26,304
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8508 ‐ WZES Lynda Campbell Trust | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 38,570 |
Revenue Total 38,570
Appropriation | ||
9999 ‐ Reserves | ||
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 13,570 |
0091 ‐ West Zephyrhills Elementary | ||
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 25,000 |
Appropriation Total 38,570
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8710 ‐ Pension Trust Fund | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 510,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 14,453,261 |
Revenue Total | 14,963,261 | |
Appropriation 9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 44000 ‐ Employee Benefits Program | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 1,560,000 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 4,000 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 13,399,261 |
Appropriation Total | 14,963,261 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8910 ‐ School Internal Accounts | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 6,500,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 5,872,285 |
Revenue Total | 12,372,285 | |
Appropriation 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,000,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 5,372,285 |
Appropriation Total | 12,372,285 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8911 ‐ District Internal Accounts | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 20,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 22,878 |
Revenue Total | 42,878 | |
Appropriation 9002 ‐ Contracts & Other Expenses 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5700 ‐Other Expenses | 20,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 22,878 |
Appropriation Total | 42,878 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8912 ‐ District Managed Internal Fund | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 40,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 54,798 |
Revenue Total | 94,798 | |
Appropriation 9003 ‐ Misc Grants & Programs 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 40,000 |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 54,798 |
Appropriation Total | 94,798 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
8915 ‐ Internal Accounts Consolidated | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 4489 ‐ Other Operating Revenue | 9,000,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4996 ‐ Restricted Fund Balance | 2,822,495 |
Revenue Total | 11,822,495 | |
Appropriation 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 00000 ‐ General | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 9,000,000 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 2,822,495 |
Appropriation Total | 11,822,495 |
2021-2022 BUDGET | 2022-2023 BUDGET | ||
Local | 8,809,788 | 10,757,965 | |
Fund Balance | 40,511 | 3,000,549 | |
TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE | 8,850,299 | 13,758,514 | |
Community Services | 8,626,983 | 9,799,673 | |
Transfers | 82,805 | ||
Fund Balance | 140,511 | 3,958,841 | |
Object | Budget Amount | |
9210 ‐ Extended Day Program | ||
Revenue 0000 ‐ Pasco County School District 46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project | 4431 ‐ Interest On Investments | 12,137 |
46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project Total | 12,137 | |
9571 ‐ After School Enrichment Prgs 46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project | 4481 ‐ ASEP Fees | 9,886,308 |
4481 ‐ ASEP PEEPS Fees | 53,200 | |
4481 ‐ ASEP Registration Fees | 106,320 | |
46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project Total | 10,045,828 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 2,751,673 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 2,751,673 | |
Revenue Total | 12,809,638 |
Object | Budget Amount | |
9210 ‐ Extended Day Program | ||
Appropriation 9571 ‐ After School Enrichment Prgs 01100 ‐ Attorney Fees | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 5,000 |
01100 ‐ Attorney Fees Total | 5,000 | |
13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,000 |
13024 ‐ Districtwide Copy Machines Total | 7,000 | |
13025 ‐ Laser Cost Per Print/Owned Prg | 5300 ‐Purchased Services | 7,500 |
13025 ‐ Laser Cost Per Print/Owned Prg Total | 7,500 | |
46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 250,700 |
5300 ‐Purchased Services | 384,500 | |
5600 ‐Capital Outlay | 135,600 | |
5200 ‐Employee Benefits | 2,289,065 | |
5800 ‐Other Financing Sources | 8,000 | |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 700,969 | |
5100 ‐ Salaries | 5,133,023 | |
5400 ‐Energy Serivces | 300,000 | |
46000 ‐ ASEP Program Basic Project Total | 9,201,857 | |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 3,568,381 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 3,568,381 | |
46310 ‐ ASEP Summer Supplies | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,600 |
46310 ‐ ASEP Summer Supplies Total | 3,600 | |
46300 ‐ ASEP Custodial/Media | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 16,300 |
46300 ‐ ASEP Custodial/Media Total | 16,300 |
Appropriation Total 12,809,638
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9410 ‐ Vending Program | ||
Revenue 9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 4482 ‐ Charges For Sales | 700,000 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 700,000 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 4999 ‐ Unassigned Fund Balance | 248,876 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 248,876 | |
Revenue Total | 948,876 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9410 ‐ Vending Program | ||
Appropriation 9000 ‐ Superintendent 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 7,500 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 7,500 | |
9005 ‐ Communication 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 154 | |
9007 ‐ Internal Audit 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 56 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 56 | |
9010 ‐ Asst Supt for Support Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9011 ‐ Employee Relations 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 98 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 98 | |
9012 ‐ Planning Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 56 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 56 | |
9019 ‐ Construction Svcs & Code Compl 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 182 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 182 | |
9020 ‐ Chief Finance Officer 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9021 ‐ Finance Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 672 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 672 | |
9027 ‐ Conservation & Recycling Op 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 462 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 462 | |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 3,500 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 3,500 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
9031 ‐ Transportation Services 9040 ‐ Purchasing Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 196 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 196 | |
9050 ‐ Food & Nutrition Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 364 |
5700 ‐Other Expenses | 532,000 | |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 532,364 | |
9061 ‐ Maintenance Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,000 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 4,000 | |
9070 ‐ Deputy Superintendent 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 300 | |
9071 ‐ Safety and Security Officer 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 56 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 56 | |
9312 ‐ Human Resources 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 784 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 784 | |
9410 ‐ Asst Supt for Administration 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9420 ‐ Information Services 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 826 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 826 | |
9500 ‐ Asst Supt Student Achievement 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9501 ‐ Asst Superintendent High 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9503 ‐ Asst Superintendent Middle 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
Project | Object | Budget Amount |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9504 ‐ Asst Superintendent Elementar 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 300 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 300 | |
9505 ‐ Asst Supt Career & Innovative 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 100 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 100 | |
9520 ‐ Office For Leading & Learning 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 1,204 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 1,204 | |
9550 ‐ Office For Student Support 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 4,138 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 4,138 | |
9570 ‐ Career and Technical Education 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 196 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 196 | |
9571 ‐ After School Enrichment Prgs 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 168 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 168 | |
9580 ‐ Accountability Research & Mea 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 154 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 154 | |
9590 ‐ Early Childhood Programs 01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary | 5500 ‐Materials & Supplies | 350 |
01000 ‐ Basic Discretionary Total | 350 | |
9999 ‐ Reserves 99999 ‐ Fund Balance | 9900 ‐Budget Fund Balance | 390,460 |
99999 ‐ Fund Balance Total | 390,460 | |
Appropriation Total | 948,876 |