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Profile of the School District

The District and its governing body were created pursuant to Section 4, Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida. The District is an independent taxing and reporting entity managed, controlled, operated, administered, and supervised by the District School Board in accordance with Chapter 1001.30, Florida Statutes. The District School Board consists of five elected officials responsible for the adoption of policies, which govern the operation of public schools in Pasco County.

The elected Superintendent of Schools is the executive officer of the Board and is responsible for the administration and management of the schools within the applicable parameters of Florida Statutes, State Board of Education Rules, and School Board policies. Section 1010.01, Florida Statutes, requires each school district to prepare and maintain financial records and accounts as prescribed by law and rules of the State Board of Education.

The geographic boundaries of the District are those of Pasco County. During the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the District operated 81 schools, including 48 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, 14 high schools, Pasco eSchool and 3 specialized schools; and sponsored 12 charter schools. The District reported serving 76,458 full-time equivalent students for the 2020-2021 fiscal year and projects it will enroll 78,748 students for the 2021-2022 school year.

The District receives the majority of its operating funds through a State funding formula that is intended to equalize funding received from the State and local property tax between districts within the State. Charter schools operating through a contract with the District are provided with their proportionate share of these funds, based upon the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled at the charter school.

The District serves students from infants through adults. Students in the District represent a diverse community of learners, including a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The student population is predominately white (59 percent). Other ethnicities include Hispanic (24 percent), black (8 percent), and Asian/American Indian/Pacific Islander/Alaskan Native/Other (9 percent).

In addition to the educational programs offered to K-12 students, the District offers pre-kindergarten services, including programs for babies of teen parents who are progressing toward achieving high school diplomas; special education programs for infants and toddlers below the age of three; pre-kindergarten programs for three- and four-year-old disabled students; and programs for eligible low income, at-risk pre-school age students.

The District also offers programs for adults to learn the necessary skills in order to enter the workforce or increase opportunities for advancement in current positions. In addition, students who do not demonstrate proficiency with English as a second language have the opportunity to learn communication skills through the District’s English Language Learners (ELL) programs, and all citizens can take fee-supported courses to increase personal development in various subjects such as computer technology, photography, and personal

financial planning.

This report includes all funds of the District, the Pasco County School Board Leasing Corporation (the “Leasing Corporation”), twelve (12) charter schools and the Pasco Education Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”), which comprise the reporting entity. The Leasing Corporation was formed to facilitate financing for the acquisition of educational facilities and equipment. Charter schools are public schools operating under performance contracts with the District. The Foundation is a separate not-for-profit corporation organized and operated as a direct-support organization. The Foundation’s purpose is exclusively educational and charitable for the constituents of Pasco County. The charter schools and Foundation are included in the ACFR as discretely presented component units.