Mental Health Awareness
School Based Mental Health & District Mental Health Teams

The Florida Department of Education is dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of students. 

The Child Mind Institute shares the following information:

  • 49.5% of the student will have had a diagnosable mental illness.

  • 22.2% of students have a mental illness with severe impairment at some time before they are 18 years old.

  • 7.4% of the children in the U.S. have mental health treatment visit in a year. 

  • 60 % of high school students with mental illness don't graduate.

Being able to recognize and support student’s mental health wellness in schools matters because:

  • Mental health problems are common and often develop during childhood and adolescence.
  • Symptoms of mental illiness are treatable which can lessen the impact on academic &social functioning!
  • Early detection and intervention strategies work. They can help improve resilience and the ability to succeed in school & life.

Pasco County Schools has an interdisciplinary team dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of our students both at the district and each school setting. The school counselor, school nurse, school psychologist, and the school social worker work in collaboration with school administration and staff to address the needs of student.

School Psychologist 

School psychologists are mental health professionals who help children and youth overcome barriers to success in school, at home, and in life. School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education, completing a minimum of a specialist-level degree program (at least 60 graduate semester hours) that includes a year-long supervised internship. School psychologists provide mental health services that address needs at home and school to help students succeed academically, emotionally, and socially. School psychologists work with parents, educators, and other mental health services providers to help youngsters develop resiliency, competence, and self-esteem.


School Nurse 

School nurses recognize that positive behavioral health is essential for academic success. School nurses are critical to the school mental health team in that they can help address and reduce the stigma of a behavioral health diagnosis, decrease fragmentation of care, and remove barriers to behavioral health services. School nurses, because of their regular access to students and their experience with care coordination, are also uniquely equipped to assist school and community-based behavioral health professionals in providing services including prevention, assessment, early identification/intervention, and treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders.

Adapted from The School Nurse’s Role in Behavioral/Mental Health of Students, National School Nurse Association, 2018.


School Counselors 

Counseling programs have undergone an evolution over several decades, from a focus on college and post-secondary careers, to helping prepare students to meet the challenges of life and the future. School counselors are certified educators with a master’s degree in school counseling who are qualified to address all student’s academic, career, and social/emotional developmental needs that promotes and enhances student success. According to ASCA, school counselors play a critical role in helping to ensure that today’s students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. School counselors work in every elementary, middle, and high school.


School Social Worker 

School social work is a specialized area of practice within the broad field of the social work profession. School social workers bring unique knowledge and skills to the school system and the student services team. School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic & classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy.  School social workers are instrumental in furthering the mission of the schools, which is to provide a setting for teaching, learning, and the attainment of competence and confidence. School social workers are hired by school districts to enhance the district's ability to meet its academic mission, elsewhere home, school and community collaboration is the key to achieving student success. 


Additionally, Pasco County Schools has a District Mental Health Team that supports:

  • crisis response
  • creating compassionate schools through trauma-informed practices
  • suicide prevention initiatives
  • school-based mental health services need assessment, implementation, professional development, and planning
  • collaboration with community partners with mental health agencies
  • statutory requirements of 7030/945 including threat assessment, threat assessment teams, safety planning, etc. 

District Mental Health Team


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