The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.

Week of November 1st- November 3 rd

Week of November 4th- November 10 th

Week of November 11th- November 17 th

  • November 11-Veteran’s Day- Ideas on how to celebrate with your kids.
  • November 12– Pasco Pathways Expo Gulf High School.
  • November 13-World Kindness Day – Help your child choose kindness with this activity.
  • November 14- Paso Pathways Expo at Cypress Creek High School.
  • November 15 -Check out your students' Progress Report.
  • November 16- Explore future careers as a family using the Xello app on your student’s myPassoConnect Dashboard.
  • November 17-National Take a Hike Day-Take a walk, run, hike or bike ride with members of your family.

Week of November 18th- November 24 th

Week of November 25th- November 30 th

  • November 25- Plan a day with no electronics consider books, games, outdoor activities, crafts, or cooking and check out these resources .
  • November 26- Pick a family community service project. Community Volunteer Opportunities .
  • November 27-Movie Night – Watch a family movie with your favorite snacks.
  • November 28-Thanksgiving Day – Share around the table what you are grateful for!
  • November 29-Native American Heritage Day, learn more here.
  • November 30- Start a family tradition to bond and stay connected.