When are my benefits effective?
- The first of the month following thirty days of continuous employment from your date of hire or benefit eligibility date.
When do my benefits end?
- The last day of the month in which you resign unless you are a less than year round employee and complete your contract in June; in those cases, benefits will end on August 31.
Who can help me with my health insurance questions?
- Detailed information regarding your benefit plan options are available online at: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/benefits/plandocs. Or for further information, please call Employee Benefits at (813)794-2253, (727)774-2253, or (352)524-2253.
- If you have specific questions regarding your medical coverage (e.g. medical claims, co-payment amounts, etc), contact our dedicated on-site Florida Blue representative, Patty Nguyen at (813)794-2492, (727)774-2492 or (352)524-2492.
When will I receive my new insurance cards?
- The first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment from your date of hire or benefit eligibility date.
Why haven’t I received my new insurance cards yet?
- Each situation is unique, so please contact Employee Benefits at Extension 4-2253 | (813) 794-2253 | (727) 774-2253 | (352) 524-2253, to discuss.
When can I change my benefits plan(s)?
- You can change your benefits during Open Enrollment once a year and/or when a qualifying event occurs. Open Enrollment usually occurs in the fall with implementation effective January 1 of the following year. Examples of qualifying events are the birth or adoption of a child, marriage, the death of a dependent, or loss of benefits by a non-covered dependent.
How much sick and personal time do I have?
How do I know what days are holidays, teacher planning days, non-work days, etc? (Individuals looking for employee calendars.)
How do I access the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)?
- The website is www.fldoe.org or you can call them at 1-800-445-6739.
What does Out of Field mean?
- The term Out of Field or OOF means you are teaching in an area that is not on your teaching certificate. For example, if you are currently certified in English 6-12 and you are teaching a Biology class, you are considered Out of Field in Biology.
What does it mean to be Highly Qualified?
- Highly Qualified is a term that refers to Federal legislation impacting Elementary Ed, ESE, Art, Music, and Social Science teachers. Earning Highly Qualified status can be satisfied with a Florida or out-of-state subject area exam, a HOUSSE Plan, or a valid out of state professional teaching certificate.
How can I view my paycheck stub?
- Log onto Employee Self-Service. Under Paychecks, click on the camera icon that corresponds to the paycheck stub you want to view.
Instructional staff eligible for an advanced degree supplement can submit their request via their TalentEd account, select the Educational Supplement Request Form listed under "Available Forms". More information regarding the supplement amounts can be found here.
Employee Self-Service (ESS)
My password or sign on is not working to log on to ESS – what do I do?
How do I update personal information (Address, Phone, Emergency Contact, etc?)
- Update all personal information through Employee Self-Service. Once you log on to ESS, click on Personal Information to access information you want to change.
How can I make an appointment with the Health and Wellness Centers through My Health Onsite for the first time?
- If you enrolled in one of the District's medical plans, you should have received a registration email from no-reply@eclinicalmail.com My Health Onsite Patient Portal. You will use the login information in that email to register with My Health Onsite so you can access the Employee Health and Wellness Centers. If you did not receive the registration email for My Health Onsite, please contact their customer service department at 888-644-1448.
Who is eligible to use the services at the Health and Wellness Centers?
- Employees, spouses and dependents (over the age of 10; age 8 and above for acute/urgent care) who are covered under the health insurance plan offered by the School District.
Who can tell me more about the Wellness Incentive Program?
- Lisa Giblin, on-site wellness coordinator, at (813)794-2276, (727)774-2276, (352)524-2276.