Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework

This post was created on 02/04/2020.

The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF) is a guide that all Head Start programs use to plan and implement a comprehensive learning program.  The framework begins with infants and toddlers to build a strong foundation in learning.

The framework has five areas of learning referred to as central domains.  These domains are: Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional Development, Language and Literacy, Cognition and Perceptual Motor and Physical Development. Through these central domains, a developmentally appropriate curriculum is supported for all children which includes:

  • Acknowledging caring and nurturing interactions between adults and children
  • Informing intentional teaching practices
  • Acknowledging the individuality of children
  • Identifying learning goals for all children including children with disabilities
  • Recognizing that children’s cultural backgrounds influences the process of their learning
  • Encouraging ongoing intentional support of a child’s home language as well as supporting English acquisition

“Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. ”Getting Started with Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework Birth to Age 5, eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc.

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