Hurricane Preparation 2023

This post was created on 05/03/2023.

Each year hurricane season begins on June 1st and lasts till November 30th, with storms typically peaking in August and September. As with every hurricane season regardless of the forecast, knowing the essentials of how to prepare could truly be a life saver.

Make a plan today by discussing the following questions with your family, friends or household:

How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?

What is my shelter plan, including how to care for pets?

What is my evacuation route?

What is my family/household communication plan?

Do I need to update my emergency preparedness kit?

Think about what items to include in your preparedness kit:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Protective clothing
  • Medications
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Important documents
  • Paper money
  • Full tank of gasoline

If you plan to evacuate when a storm comes. Consider the following:

If you are unable to evacuate:

  • Remain inside the most secure building and stay away from windows.
  • Wait for authorities to announce the storm has passed; lulls in the system may be related to breaks in the rain bands and/or the storm's eye.

The best time to prepare for a hurricane is before hurricane season starts on June 1st. Put your plan together now and be ready before the season begins. 

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