Leading and Learning
Collegiate High School Program

Collegiate High School Course Registration

Registration for classes for the Spring term is now open for all Collegiate High School (CHS) students. Registration for CHS classes can only be done through an academic advisor with a completed and signed student performance contract.  To register, complete the CHS student performance contract located below with your high school counselor.  Log in to Navigate using the same log in information you used for myPHSC.  If you have difficulty, you may contact the PHSC Information Center (727-847-2727) to be directed on how to make an appointment. Once you have made the appointment you can email the student performance contract to the academic advisor letting them know when your appointment is.  In order to register, you must complete the CHS student performance contract located below with your high school counselor and contact the student affairs department at any of the five PHSC campus locations and make an appointment to see an academic advisor.  

Collegiate High School Student Performance Contract


The Collegiate High School Program:

• is designed to allow students to earn an AA/AS Degree or a Cape Certification while also earning their Standard High School Diploma; 
• provides students priority when enrolling in PHSC courses by allowing them to register at the same time as all other fee paying PHSC students;  
• requires students to be full-time at PHSC and accepted students will not take any courses on the high school campus;
• allows accepted students to still be considered a student of their zoned high school and students are able to participate in their zoned school athletics, student activities and graduation ceremonies.

To qualify students must:

• be in 11th or 12th grade during the 21-22 school year*;
• have a cumulative unweighted 3.0 GPA;
• have college-ready PERT scores Reading (106), Writing (103) and Math (123)**; ACT - Reading 19, Writing 17, Math 21** SAT - Reading 24, Writing 25, Math 26**;
• provide their own transportation;
• take all of their courses at a PHSC Campus.

*Students must be on track in graduation requirements based on their grade level to be eligible.

**If a student has already taken Intermediate Algebra through Dual Enrollment they have met this requirement without the need for a score of PERT 123, ACT 21 or SAT 26.

The application window for the 21-22 school year is January 7, 2021 - January 21, 2021. More information can be found at: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/ed_choice