Student Success Grade Level Milestones
These grade level Milestones are a measuring tool for the academic success, allowing students and families to track and monitor expected student progress throughout high school.
Students should be urged to research scholarships.
Graduation/Life Readiness Milestones
- Monitor grades on myStudent/myLearning weekly and communicate to teachers and school personnel, as necessary
- Minimum of at least a C or higher at the end of each quarter, for each course
- Minimum of a 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester
- Join clubs, fine arts programs, and sports throughout the year
- Meet with counselor or grade level team to discuss interests and after high school next steps; ensure courses align with postsecondary plans
College/Career Readiness Milestones
- Select online course to complete 10th grade year, in order to meet 24-Credit track requirement
- Select specific 10th grade courses that support career interests and fulfill all requirements
- Miss no more than 2 days per quarter
- Complete and document a minimum of 25 hours of community service by 3rdQuarter
- Sign-up for the PSAT, researched one to three careers of interest and college requirements
End of Year Expectations
- Pass Florida State Assessment ELA and Alg. 1 End of Course (EOC)
- Select 10th grade courses required for graduation
- Earn 6 credits for course completion
- Earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to meet graduation requirements
Students should be urged to research scholarships.
Graduation/Life Readiness Milestones
- Monitor grades on myStudent/myLearning weekly and communicate to teachers and school personnel, as necessary
- Minimum of at least a C or higher at the end of each quarter, for each course
- Minimum of a 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester
- Join clubs, fine arts programs, and sports throughout the year
- Meet with counselor or grade level team to discuss interests and after high school next steps; ensure courses align with postsecondary plans
College/Career Readiness Milestones
- Select specific 11th grade courses that support career interests and fulfill all requirements
- Miss no more than 2 days per quarter
- Complete and document a minimum of 25 hours of community service by 3rdQuarter
- Complete first year of World Language requirement
- Begin college search and attended college fairs and researched admission requirements
End of Year Expectations
- Pass Florida State Assessment 10th Grade ELA
- Pass Biology 1 EOC and Geometry EOC
- Earn 12 credits for course completion
- Earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to meet graduation requirements
- Research & Review scholarships
- Attend college fairs, meet with admissions reps, tour campuses
- Ensure you have all that is needed to begin college admissions applications starting in July prior to Senior year
Graduation/Life Readiness Milestones
- Monitor grades on myStudent/myLearning weekly and communicate to teachers and school personnel, as necessary
- Minimum of at least a C or higher at the end of each quarter, for each course
- Minimum of a 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester
- Join clubs, fine arts programs, and sports throughout the year
- Meet with counselor or grade level team to discuss interests and after high school next steps; ensure courses align with postsecondary plans
College/Career Readiness Milestones
- Select specific 12th grade courses that support career interests and fulfill all requirements
- Complete online course requirement, if not completed during 10th grade year
- Miss no more than 2 days per quarter
- Complete second year of World Language requirement
- Complete and document a minimum of 25 hours of community service by 3rdQuarter
- Sign-up/take the SAT, ACT, and/or ASVAB (Military) assessments
End of Year Expectations
- Pass Algebra 2 course
- Pass third science course requirement
- Ensure Algebra 1 EOC, Florida State Assessment ELA, and Biology EOC requirements have been met
- Earn 18 credits for course completion
- Earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to meet graduation requirements
- FAFSA – students need to be directed to complete this STARTING in October, not ‘by’ October (it isn’t available to them for the following school year until October of senior year)
- Meet with counselor/career specialist to review/complete admissions applications for colleges & universities
- Review eligibility for Bright Futures and complete the Florida Financial Aid application
Graduation/Life Readiness Milestones
- Monitor grades on myStudent/myLearning weekly and communicate to teachers and school personnel, as necessary
- Minimum of at least a C or higher at the end of each quarter, for each course
- Minimum of a 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester
- Join clubs, fine arts programs, and sports throughout the year
- Ensure postsecondary plans and follow through on any requirements
College/Career Readines Milestones
- Miss no more than 2 days per quarter
- Complete and document a minimum of 25 hours of community service by 3rdQuarter
- Submit college application(s) by the end of 1st Quarter
- Apply for FAFSA by October of the current school year
- Sign-up/take the SAT, ACT, and/or ASVAB (Military) assessments
- Apply for scholarship(s), BEGINNING of 1st Semester and throughout remainder of school year
End of Year Expectations
- Earn 24 credits or 18 credits (ACCEL Option) for course completion, based on credit track
- Earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to meet graduation requirements