Leading and Learning
World Languages & Foreign Exchange

Welcome to the World Languages and Foreign Exchange page!

Our programs have the mission of supporting foreign language teachers, and interact with the community, to provide a successful, language-rich environment for every student.  Teachers of World Languages collaborate to use best instructional practices and standard-based lessons to facilitate student success in the global community, increase student proficiency levels in every language domain (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), and promote cultural awareness.  We encourage every student in Pasco County to learn another language and be aware of and value diversity amongst all cultures.



The District School Board of Pasco County (DSBPC) will begin the application and approval process for the Foreign Exchange Visitor Program for the 2025-2026 school year, but the final decision will be made by July 1st, 2025.


The placement of approved students will comply with recommendations, restrictions, and guidelines of the following agencies, not limited to, the U.S. Government, Department of State, Department of Health, US Embassies and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  If one of these agencies places travel restrictions, adds immunization requirements, and/or makes decisions resulting in closing borders for certain countries, the placement of the affected students will not take place and the DSBPC will not be liable and/or responsible for costs and expenses incurred from the foreign exchange families, foreign exchange organizations and/or the host families.  Considerations of international travels pose additional risks and travelers are at increased risk for getting and possibly spreading new COVID-19 variants.  To maintain the safety of every stakeholder, every foreign exchange participant must follow the recommendations and health guidance from the US Government and its agencies.

Note:  The mandatory meeting for agencies interested in placing students in our county is February 20th.  Sponsoring organizations that do not attend the mandatory meeting will not be able to place students in Pasco County for the following school year.  The due date to receive student applications from approved organizations is June 15th, 2025.  Submissions received after that date and/or incomplete submissions will not be accepted for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Pasco County Schools' Foreign Exchange Annual Orientation Invitation

Pasco County Schools welcomes foreign exchange students affiliated with an exchange company or service organization that is listed with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and is also part of the approved list in Pasco County School Board.

* A final decision about the Foreign Exchange Visitor Program for 2025-2026 school year will be made and shared with foreign exchange organizations on July 1st, 2025.  We will accept packets until June 15th in hopes of being able to welcome exchange students.  In the case that State, Federal, or District policies/procedures responses to the pandemic should necessitate the cancelation of foreign exchanges for the 2025-2026 school year, Pasco County Schools will not be held accountable, liable, or responsible for expenses &/or costs incurred by foreign exchange organizations, families of the foreign exchange students &/or host families. *

Foreign Exchange Visitor Program Requirements and Procedures

 Foreign Exchange Acknowledgement of Grade Placement Form

FAQ Foreign Exchanges

United States Requirements for Secondary School Student Program / J1 Visa

CSIET Standards for International Educational Travel Programs

List of Approved Foreign Exchange Organizations


Foreign Exchange Application Timeline

Organizations interested in placing foreign exchange students in Pasco County must complete the approval process every year. To express your interest in placing foreign exchange students in Pasco County, please complete this form.


  • Complete interest form – before February of each year
  • Mandatory orientation meeting – February, third Thursday of the month
  • Sponsoring organizations Board’s approval - March
  • FX student applications window – March 15 – June 15
  • Acceptance notifications – on/after July 1st
  • School registrations – July - August

Sponsoring organizations that do not complete the approval process within the due dates will not be able to place students in Pasco County for the current school year.

Please, do not contact the high schools unless you have an acceptance letter from the District Office, Department of Leading and Learning.



World Languages Course Progression

Florida Seal of Biliteracy

Guidelines and Requirements to Award Biliteracy Seal 2019

Biliteracy Seal Assessments with Languages scores

FLDOE World Languages

Pasco County is committed to preparing students in becoming responsible global citizens, by implementing a curriculum that deepens student’s cultural awareness and increases all levels of language proficiency in every domain (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

We currently offer the following languages:

  • American Sign Language
  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Latin
  • Spanish K-12


Please, contact your school for information about the specific courses offered at their campuses.

For more information about our programs, please contact
Alexia Martínez
Senior Instructional Specialist
World Languages & Foreign Exchange
 7227 Land O Lakes Blvd. Land O’ Lakes, Florida 34638
Tel. (813)794-2319     *     Fax: (813)794-2112
Email: ajmartin@pasco.k12.fl.us
Twitter: @PascoWLanguages