Academic Intervention Services

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Pasco County Schools is dedicated to employing supports for each and every student based upon their needs.  School staff monitor each student achievement and provide intervention support for students based on their progress.

Tier 2 Intervention:

Students who need additional help with their grade/course level work and standards are provided "just in-time" intervention and support (Tier 2) to reteach and reinforce their learning. These supports can be provided by the student's teacher and/or instructional staff at the school. 

Tier 3 Intervention:

Students who are identified as having a substantial deficiency in reading and/or Mathematics and in need of Tier 3 intensive intervention/remediation, must be provided explicit, systematic and multisensory instruction and intervention strategies. When students fall into this category, the teacher notifies the family within 30 days and all parties work collaboratively to create a progress monitoring plan (PMP).  Tier 3 intervention is aligned to targeted foundational skills and provides students with the opportunity for increased time, intensity, and duration. 

Click here to find more information in MTSS Guidebook.


To help your child at home, please access the following literacy resources:


To help your child at home, please access the following math resources:


K-5 Literacy and Math Family Guide

Zearn Family Engagement

Intervention Instructional Resources.pptx (starting on slide 3)

Course/Credit Recovery Programs

Middle School- Course Recovery Program

The Course Recovery Program improves academic outcomes by allowing students to recover core courses in order to ensure middle school students are prepared for high school course work. In the recovery labs, students work to master standards in the core academic courses of English, mathematics, social studies, and science. The coursework is delivered using an online instructional model, accompanied by written assignments designed to meet state performance standards. Teachers and Instructional Assistants monitor student progress, grade student written assignments, and provide direct instruction to assist students in completing their courses.

Course Recovery Criteria: 

  • The student must have failed the courses in which he/she is attempting to recover
  • Students must be enrolled in the corresponding Personal Career and School Development (PCSD) elective
  • School officials will notify eligible students and their parents/guardians regarding necessary schedule changes
  • Students are required to complete 100 % of the course with a 70% mastery score in order to replace failing grade
  • Sessions will be held in designated course recovery labs during regular school hours or outside of school hours during ESD or ESY designated hours.

High School- Credit Recovery Program

The Credit Recovery Program improves academic outcomes by allowing students to recover core courses in order to ensure high school students are meeting graduation credit requirements. In the recovery labs, students work to master standards in academic courses previously attempted and still need to meet credit requirements. The coursework is delivered using an online instructional model, accompanied by written assignments designed to meet state performance standards. Teachers monitor student progress, grade student written assignments, and provide direct instruction to assist students in completing their courses.

Course Recovery Criteria: 

  • The student must have failed the courses in which he/she is attempting to recover.
  • Students must be enrolled in the corresponding Personal Career and School Development (PCSD) elective.
  • School officials will notify eligible students and their parents/guardians regarding necessary schedule changes.
  • Students are required to complete the entire course with a 70% mastery score in order to replace failing grades.
  • Sessions will be held in designated course recovery labs during regular school hours or outside of school hours during ESD or ESY designated hours.


Elementary Schools

Kindergarten Resiliency Standards

Kindergarten students are provided instruction on these standards through the Second Step curriculum.

Grade 1 Resiliency Standards

Grade 2 Resiliency Standards

Grade 3 Resiliency Standards

Grade 4 Resiliency Standards

Grade 5 Resiliency Standards

Students in grades 1-5 are provided instruction on these standards through Congressional Medal of Honor curriculum and Discovery Education resources.

Middle Schools

Grades 6-8 Resiliency Standards

Students in middle school are provided instruction on these standards through the M/J Health Grade 6 course and student facing Resiliency Modules in Canvas

High Schools

Grades 9-12 Resiliency Standards

Students in high school are provided instruction on these standards through the 9th grade Health Opportunities through Physical Education (HOPE) course and student facing Resiliency Modules in Canvas

Extended School Year (ESY)

Extended School Year is our summer program designed to give students the opportunity to close learning gaps, recover credits/courses, accelerate learning, or engage in learning through hands on activities. Students are immersed in academic programs structured to improve their academics for when they return to school and develop new skills for future success.

Extended School Day (ESD)

Extended School Day is an opportunity for students to receive the support they need to close learning gaps or gain enrichment in the areas of reading, writing or math. Students attend Extended School Day outside of the normal school day with teachers from their school. The academic progress and growth of students who take advantage of this unique program is evident in both the classroom and on assessments.