The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
What will the Penny 4 Pasco funds pay for?
The money will be used for capital projects. That includes construction of new schools, remodeling, renovations and additions at existing schools, safety features, and technology. The money cannot be used for operational expenses such as salaries.
Will this result in an increase in our sales tax?
Since voters approved the Penny for Pasco initiative in 2004, the sales tax has remained the same. We are seeking to maintain the sales tax as it is. The issue on the ballot this November is intended to renew that sales tax and maintain that valuable source of capital outlay funding.
Why do we need so many schools?
Pasco County continues to grow at a rapid rate, and that means more families moving in and more children entering our schools. The Pasco County School System is increasing by approximately 2,000 students per year. That’s the equivalent of one large high school per year or almost three elementary schools. We need more classrooms to handle the increase in students.
Why are existing state funds not adequate?
Capital outlay funds from the state have been steadily declining, while growth has been increasing. The Florida Legislature recognized the unmet need, and that’s why legislators passed a law making it possible for school districts to go ask local voters to support this additional funding source.
Why can’t impact fees on new growth fund our school construction needs?
Impact fees help, but they are not enough. Our current annual benefit from impact fees will build about one elementary school. It currently takes about two years of impact fee revenue to fund a high school. Impact fees can only be used to fund capital projects that help meet the increased demands due to new growth. Penny for Pasco funds can be used to build new capacity, but they also can be used to remodel and update existing schools.
Does the penny tax apply to all purchases?
No. Food and medication will be exempt from the sales tax. Also, discretionary sales surtax only applies to the first $5,000 of the sale.
Why do we use a sales tax to help pay for school construction?
One of the best features of using a sales tax to fund school construction is that a significant percentage of the funds collected will come from visitors who come to Pasco to shop.
How will I know if the school system is doing what it says it will do with the money?
When the Penny for Pasco was first initiated in 2004 the school district created an oversight committee, a representative group of private citizens to oversee the spending of the funds. Because growth patterns may change, priorities for funding may also need revisited. This oversight committee will be made aware of proposed changes and will act on them accordingly. The committee will have access to all records necessary to ensure that money is being spent appropriately.
Will money from the referendum be used to increase salaries?
No. By law, all money collected through this sales tax must be used to pay for building and equipping new schools and renovating existing facilities. This money cannot be used for salaries.
How long will the tax last?
The District School Board is proposing that the tax be levied for 15 years. After that time, if the need remains, the school district would go to the voters once again for a renewal.