The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday,  April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.

Thank you to everyone who have participated in the “Share Your Joy” campaign!

Deer Park Elementary School

As a mother and employee it brings me great joy to have two boys grow, learn and show unconditional love to one another. I am very thankful for them!

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Double Branch Elementary School

News show, ORFF, Chorus, and music classes! Is there anything Ms. Coyne and Ms. Collins can’t do at Double Branch Elementary?!

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Cypress Creek Middle School

Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the incredible bond between Lincoln and his aide, Mr. Charles. Watching the work together is truly inspiring! Mr. Charles brings enthusiasm and discipline on a daily basis, making learning an exciting journey for Lincoln. His patience, kindness, and unwavering dedication have made a world of difference in Lincoln's life. I am so thankful for individuals like Mr. Charles who go above and beyond!

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Quail Hollow Elementary School

My joy is my wonderful girls! Julia Alvarez is a kindergarten student at Quail Hollow and I’m amazed daily at everything she knows. She is a wonderful big sister to Natalia Alvarez and both exude joy from their mere presence.

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Cypress Creek High School

In celebration of her 18th birthday, Ainsley recently went sky diving. She described it as the most amazing experience of her life (so far)!

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Anclote Elementary School

We were given the opportunity as a family to go inside a newly built Latter-day Saint Temple in Tallahassee.

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Rodney B. Cox Elementary School

My daughter Felicia and her husband Josh adopted 2 children who they fostered for 3 years, officially making me a grandma!

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Cotee River Elementary School

Elijah Baxter, my grandson, is my joy all day every day!

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