The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
Thank you to everyone who have participated in the “Share Your Joy” campaign!
We are feeling all the joy and so thankful this year for the progress our second grader has made! Kallan has come so far since Kindergarten. Learning and growing with incredible behavior improvement. This would not be possible without the help of his amazing teacher and the staff at SAES. Our big proud moment was seeing him accept Gopher of the Month in October. We are so proud of you buddy and thankful for SAES! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Submitted byMy joy is being able to call these ladies not only my team mates but my friends. It’s amazing to have a team that works so well together and makes coming to work fun.
Submitted byDraven has been doing amazing in school and is an amazing big brother, loves to help with his sister and brother, and is always willing to do for others.
Submitted byWe were thoroughly informed about the life of a veteran turned therapist today by the very generous with her time, Ms. T. Gerstein as part of the Great American Teach-in. Our seventh and eighth grade Cheetahs learned how their emotional brains sometimes overload their thinking brains and some tips for what they can do about it.
Submitted byMy daughter and I want to express the gratitude we have for Mrs. Robinson, a kindergartner teacher. She goes above and beyond for her students and she deserves recognition and appreciation for all the hard work she does! We love you!
Submitted byZacary loves his school and his teacher, and is doing amazing in class. He’s smart, has a great heart, and is an amazing big brother!
Submitted byMy team at Achieve Center @ Richey inspires me every day! Each and every adult comes to work with a purpose...a purpose of helping kids to grow a little bit more than they were the day before. Their compassion and grace for kids and families is model for all of us in Pasco County.
Submitted byMatt Testoni has been a wonderful addition to the Communications department. His positive energy is fantastic, and he's already made many wonderful connections with our communities. We are very lucky to have him!
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