Thank you to everyone who have participated in the “Share Your Joy” campaign!
You can view a gallery of the first batch of images shared with us.

Wiregrass Elementary School

Mr. Hamlin has transformed my way of thinking. He gave me the opportunity to learn about sea turtles and factors putting them in danger. I wake up everyday and think about how I can change the world so sea turtles don't have to suffer. Because of Mr. Hamlin I think we can save sea turtles!

Submitted by Anon

Wiregrass Elementary School

Ms. Rodriguez is my other favorite teacher! She always takes care of me when I miss my family or I get sick. She also helps me read. She is so nice and I know she loves me and I love her!

Submitted by Margaret Shaw

Land O’ Lakes High School

The team at LOLHS has been amazing! My son had some scary medical things come up, and not only was Nurse Wendy Sutyak always there, from providing hope and ongoing support to being a shoulder to cry on, his soccer Coach Acuna-Quintero went above and beyond by having all his team mates sign a card for him, giving him a jersey even though he couldn’t play, and letting him sit with the team when he was able to make the games. Thank you LOLHS for going above and beyond and bringing joy during life’s difficult moments!

Submitted by Mara Cannon-Brooks

Wiregrass Elementary School

Mr. Ballish is the best art teacher on the planet! He designed these awesome shirts that look like the real Barbie Movie! He even made one that looks like a super hero for my brother. I love wearing my shirt to school. It's my favorite shirt. He is an incredible artist and I want to learn to design clothes and be a great artist just like him!

Submitted by Hadley Shaw

Richey Elementary School

Barbara Ticich
When I meet people and they ask me about my spouse, I tell them two things: My Bride is the smartest person I know and she goes to work everyday saving one child at a time. There are many, many great parents out there but, there are also many in need. Some needs cannot be fixed by a cash donation or a fun day at the park. These parents may not have received the childhood we did. We must all make a bigger effort to help those in need as opposed to keeping them hidden. It starts with showing our admiration for our Teachers and how they are showing love to the children who have less. I believe in my heart that my wife and many of her peers make every decision with the children in mind. The children are the ultimate stock holders of the world. Thank you Barbara for setting the best example for our child!

Submitted by David Ticich

Cypress Elementary School

Ms Ferdinand is AMAZING! My son went from dreading school days to being truly excited (most days) about going to school, learning new things, and getting to spend time with his classmates and his teacher Ms Ferdinand. We appreciate you!! Also the whole team at Cypress has been amazing! Thank you!

Submitted by Jenna Francis

Centennial Elementary School

Mrs. Peterson was our daughter’s Kindergarten and 1st grade teacher. She poured so much knowledge and love over our girl and she strived with her. Fast forward to Second Grade and our daughter is beginning to struggle as this year brought a lot of changes for our family. When I received the information that she was not scoring where she should be I grew very concerned. In my tizzy I reached out to Mrs. Peterson to figure out if I missed something last year. This sweet soul went digging through her files immediately. Provided me serenity with the knowledge that she was testing ahead last year and offered to even tutor her if needed. Mrs. Peterson has touched our family and she truly loves her kiddos. We were so blessed to start our school journey with her!

Submitted by Maranda Durgan

Connerton Elementary School

I would like to recognize Ms. Van from Connerton Elementary. I never feel like she gets the credit she deserves for the impact she has made on my sons life. My son is a very shy kid but she managed to get him to warm up and their relationship gives me so much peace when he is at school. When she had surgery my son Josiah came home crying he was so worried for her. It showed me how much he really loves her and that she is someone who truly touched his heart. Ms. Van, there are so many good things I have to say about you. Thank you for treating my family like your own. Thank you for looking after Josiah and making sure he is comfortable at school and always having his best interest at heart. You deserve the world! We love you! Thank you.

Submitted by Morgan Dejesus

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