The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday,  April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.

Thank you to everyone who have participated in the “Share Your Joy” campaign!

Gulfside Elementary School

My beautiful girls - hope they put a smile on your face like they keep one in mine!

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Odessa Elementary School

My little wildcats LOVE going to Odessa. Liam is in 1st grade & Jazlene is in 5th grade. She’s excited it’s her last year of elementary school and will soon be in middle school.

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Wiregrass Ranch High School

This year I was enrolled in a soccer club.I hit my first goal during my first match.This was my reason of Joy.

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Lacoochee Elementary School

Joy is getting to witness sweet moments like this when your administration takes the time to sit with a student when they are struggling and just need some one on one support and guidance to help release stresses and insecurities.

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Double Branch Elementary School

My dad, My hero is my reason for joy. He is the best dad in the world he loves me so much selflessly!!!!

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San Antonio Elementary School

I am very happy to have been so well received by my teachers Mr J Marrah and Mrs Hancock, and also by all the new friends I made. I'm very happy to be communicating well in English, since my first language is Portuguese! thank you for so many joys SAN Antonio Elementary School

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Lacoochee Elementary School

My joy is starting a new job position at Lacoochee Elementary School this year and getting to work with the most amazing administrators and office staff that support me when I need it the most.

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Kirkland Ranch K-8

Bella and Nathaniel Abreu, love attending Kirkland Ranch this year! The school has been nothing short of spectacular. We are so thankful for the staff that works endlessly to support our children's education!

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