The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board room in Building 3.
Thank you to everyone who have participated in the “Share Your Joy” campaign!
Lake Myrtle has it's own STEM lab this year and our students are loving the hands-on investigations! Our fantastic STEM coach - Tanji Coates - prepares the lab in advance and helps develop a schedule so that all students have access. She not only makes learning fun for our kids, but makes it easier for us teachers.
Submitted byWouldn’t change this for the world.
Submitted byI'm overJOYed to have the help of our wonderful new SNAP nurse (Mrs. Ashley Robinson) here in the clinic at GHES. It's been a pleasure getting to know her and I look forward working together as a dynamic duo for the remainder of the school year !
Submitted byThe joy of my life is my daughter Madelyn!
Submitted byThe joy of my life is my daughter Madelyn!
Submitted byWe are very grateful for our family and friends. Having people in our life you can count on is a blessing. Blessings come in all dif shapes and sizes and ours is in the shape of a heart!
Submitted byI'd love to give a glow for Sasha Glover, who is an amazing Kindergarten IA at WCES. She works hard supporting 4 kindergarten classes with a diverse student population. In this photo, Sasha helped one of our ESOL students adjust to a routine and setting change to accommodate the Great American Teach In. He was still participating in the opportunity, as she sat with him on a wobbly stool and read with him, to help him cope with the change. She truly goes above and beyond!
Submitted byThe Sunlake Soaring Sound won the FFCC Outdoor Championship Class 1A-3A Grand Champion and Class 3A Champion on November 9, 2024. My daughter Abigail Culvert is a sophomore and part of the front ensemble for the band. We are so proud of her and all the kids for an incredible marching season culminating in a state championship. These kids have worked endlessly since July to accomplish this feat.
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