Welcome to the Pasco County Schools Health & Wellness Collaboratives website! Here, you can find information and resources from Pasco County Schools and our community partners. These services are available to Pasco County students, families, and communities, including clothing closets and food pantries, community connections, dental services, medical services, and mental health services.
Feel free to explore and take advantage of these valuable resources and services!
If you or your family are in need of clothes, shoes, coats, etc. click here!
If you or your family need help navigating community or state resources such as applying for insurance, SNAP (food assistance), budgeting assistance, etc. click here!
If your child is in need of Dental Care (cleaning, exam, flouride treatment, x-rays, etc.) click here!
If your child is in need of medical care (physicals, vaccinations, testing for flu, COVID, etc.) click here!
If your child is experiencing anxiety, excessive sadness, etc. click here!