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The 2021-2022 budget for the Special Revenue Funds is $107,579,200 an increase of $10.4 million or 10.70% above the 2020-2021 budget.
Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted or committed to expenditures for specific purposes. The District uses these funds to account for the Food & Nutrition Services Program and to account for funds received from federal sources that are used for specific educational programs administered by the District.
The Food & Nutrition Service Fund operates during the regular school year, as well as, during the summer at many schools. This fund depends on local sales and funds from Federal and State programs for subsidizing school breakfast and lunch programs. The fund’s total budget is $55,334,587. During a normal school year with all students attending brick and mortar schools, the District serves more than 19,687 breakfasts, 31,400 lunches, and 2,522 suppers daily. Meal participation is expected to increase slightly for the 21-22 school year due to the return of students to brick and mortar school and due to a current waiver that allows all students to eat for free. Meals are prepared and served at 78 sites. During the summer, the District provides more than 5,262 breakfasts, 5,572 lunches daily to Pasco County students.
The Federal Grants Fund contains various categorical grants awarded to the District by the Federal Government and other governmental agencies. In fiscal year 20-21, the District received $17,657,241 funds under the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (ESSER I). The funds were intended to address the impact COVID-19 has had and will continue to have on schools in Florida. The District used the funds to reopen schools, sustain the safe operations of schools, purchase technology and to address the students’ social, emotional and academic needs.
In fiscal year 21-22, the District will receive an additional $57,532,623 under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Act (ESSER II), which will be used to support non-enrollment assistance, academic acceleration, technology assistance, and to continue initiatives supported by ESSER I funds in the prior year. This amount is not part of these budget and will be submitted to the Board for approval once we receive final notification from the Department of Education.
The amount received from these agencies is projected to be $52,244,613 and will be used to serve all Pasco students who qualify for the following programs:
Program | Amount |
Title I Programs | $ 19,663,272 |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | 16,563,812 |
Head Start Programs | 7,758,464 |
Title II Programs | 2,494,327 |
21st Century Community Learning Centers | 1,507,699 |
Vocational Education Programs | 2,190,876 |
Pell | 805,000 |
Title III Programs | 650,758 |
Department of Health - CDC | 310,673 |
Homeless Children & Youth | 120,001 |
HEERF- COVID Relief Funds | 179,731 |
Total | $ 52,244,613 |