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The 2021-2022 budget for the Internal Service Funds is $158,951,402 which reflects a decrease of $1.7 million or 1.06% below the 2020-2021 budget.
The District has established internal service funds to account for the District’s fully self-insured program for employee group health and assistance program and self-insured programs for property, casualty liability and workers’ compensation. The total budget for these programs is $140,059,918. The internal service fund is also used to account for the Energy Management, Water Management, Waste Management and Exclusive Agreement Programs. The total budget for these programs is $18,891,484.
The District contributes $7,433 per employee per year for employees’ medical, life and flexible benefits. The District contribution per employee per year for employees’ medical and life has increased from $5,973 in calendar year 2012 to
$7,433 in calendar year 2021. This represents an increase of 24.44% since 2012. The total amount projected to pay these premiums in fiscal year 2021-2022 is $79,137,068. The contribution for premiums for property, casualty liability, workers’ compensation claims and administrative costs is $11,124,000. The District has been extremely proactive in reducing District costs for the operation of these programs. One such measure in recent years was moving to self-insured coverage, which yielded significant savings in this area. The District also operates six Health and Wellness Centers, to help defray costs associated with health care for employees and workers’ compensation services.