Parent Collaborative Network for Students with Disabilities
Pasco County Schools is committed to increasing parent involvement of students with disabilities. The Parent Collaborative Network for Students with Disabilities (PCN) is comprised of parents, community representatives, teachers, administrators and other stakeholders. The focus of the PCN will be to share information, discuss ideas, review concerns and provide an avenue for input from all stakeholders regarding current initiatives for students with disabilities.
Individual Education Plan (IEP) and 504 Plan Concerns
2024-25 Virtual Meetings
Teams links are made available in advance of the meeting time
Future Meeting Date
May 13, 2025
Date is subject to Change
Past Meetings
October 29, 2024
Welcome, Purpose, Introductions
Student Support Specialist: Your Go - To Resource for Parent Inquiries
January 14, 2025
Welcome, Purpose, Introductions
March 11, 2025
Welcome, Purpose, Introductions
Working Collaboratively as an IEP Team Member
The Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities
Student Support Specialists
A Student Support Specialist is a resource at each school for staff and families.
Pasco County Schools provides a District
Student Support Specialist (SSS) to each school to support staff and families in regard to ESE and 504 concerns as well as Child Find obligations. The SSS at each school ensures students receive appropriate educational services. The SSS is a parent liaison for questions regarding procedures, evaluations, individual education plans, educational plans and 504 Plans. They collaborate with teachers, parents and support staff to develop and implement individual education plans (IEPs), provide resources and training and advocate for students' needs. Their aim is to promote an inclusive learning environment that helps all students thrive.
FDLRS Gulfcoast Parent and Family Services
Pasco Schools ESE Programs and Services
Pasco Schools ESE Parent Resources
Pasco Schools Main Parent Page
Pasco Schools Section 504
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline
Disability Based Discrimination Complaint
The District is responsible for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints alleging discrimination against students with disabilities by failing to make or consider a reasonable modification to the District’s discipline, threat assessment, or law enforcement procedures.
Denuncia Por Discriminación Basada En Incapacidad
El Distrito Escolar de Pasco tiene la responsabilidad de recibir, investigar, y resolver alegados o denuncias por discriminación contra estudiantes basada en su incapacidad. Para estudiantes con incapacidades el Distrito Escolar de Pasco debe tomar en consideración una modificación razonable a los procedimientos establecidos con respecto a conducta, evaluación de amenazas, o interacciones con la fuerza policiaca.
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If you have any questions, please call Student Support Programs and Services at (813) 794 - 2600.