Academic Integrity
Students at all levels are expected to pursue their studies with integrity and honesty in all school settings. All work that a student submits will be the original and authentic work of the individual student unless otherwise specified in the assignment.
Students have the responsibility to:
Uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work
Refuse to participate in or tolerate violations of academic integrity in the school community
Foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility in the school community
The following examples of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action
Altering or interfering with grading
Using or consulting any materials or personal electronic devices/wireless communication devices not authorized by the teacher during a test or assignment
Submitting an assignment purchased or otherwise obtained from a third party
Lack of proper academic citation (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, AP)
Distributing test questions, homework questions, assignments and other school testing or evaluation materials, or answers thereto in a manner that enables or advances the examples of Academic Dishonesty set forth herein
Willfully or knowingly taking an online course or examination on behalf of another person, or allowing someone to take an online course or examination for you
(These are examples for guidance purposes and do not constitute an exhaustive list.)
Consequences are detailed on the Discipline Matrix and may also include the following:
Reduced credit on assignment
Proctored assessments
Withdrawal from course (eSchool/FLVS)
Schedule change
Completion of an Academic Integrity Module
Repeated infractions may also be coded as 2R - Defiance
Define integrity
Define academic integrity
Describe your behavior
How did your behavior violate the district policy of upholding the highest standards of academic integrity?
How did your behavior impact you and your studies?
How did your behavior impact the studies of others?
What impact would this have on you and your studies if it occurred at the college/university level?