New Students to Pasco County Adult Education
Step-by-Step Directions to Completing the Online Application with Purchase and Pay in myStudent for New Students to Pasco County Adult Education.
Apply for Enrollment in Pasco County Schools Adult Education
Apply to Adult Education using this link
- Click on the application for new students, fill in your information, and choose Form Type: Adult Ed Enrollment
- The Adult Education Enrollment Application will pop up, which will need to be completed in its entirety. At the end of the application, it will read: Upon completion, you will receive an email. Please follow the email directions. (Please Note: the email will go to the email you used to fill out the application). Click Next Page.
- You will be directed to Pay Now. Input credit card information and click Complete Payment.
- Your submission will be confirmed. Within 24 hours, the Adult Education staff will enroll the new students and communicate with them to provide them with their Pasco County Schools user ID and password.
- Once the new student has their user ID and password, please log in to myPascoConnect.
- Go to the myStudent icon, click, and proceed to Purchase and Pay.
- Click on Courses and Categories from the drop-down to select placement test and location. Choose the correct course and location, and the correct category.
- All courses and categories that you selected will be listed. You can change the date range if you wish to do so. Otherwise, you will see the whole year. Click Search.
- Select the date, time, and location of where you would like to take your placement test. Ensure that you select the closest testing center to you.
- Click Add to Cart, and you will see what you selected on the right-hand side of the screen with a red button. Click Checkout.
- It will then indicate on the screen that you will be enrolling in the following course(s). Please verify that they are correct. Click Continue or Cancel to change items in your cart.
- Click View Reciept Now. Your receipt pops up and you can print the receipt. The first page is your invoice. The second page contains information about your exam.
- In myStudent, use the left sidebar to click on Class Schedule to see what you purchased.