School Health Services
Clinic Information

School Health Clinics are primarily staffed by clinic assistants who are unlicensed assistive personnel supervised by the school principal with delegated health services by the registered school nurse. The registered nurse is referred to as the registered school nurse, and the clinic assistants/licensed practical nurses are referred to as clinic assistants/assistive personnel. Clinic assistants serve a valuable role by performing many daily functions that keep the school clinic running smoothly and provide an essential link for registered school nurses.

School Health Clinics' services include but are not limited to:

  • Administration of medication
  • First aid
  • Management of emergency medical needs
  • Procedures
  • Health screenings
  • Assistance with the management of chronic medical conditions
  • Identify health concerns and refer to registered school nurses for follow-up and resources
  • Communication with parent/guardian, students, staff, and other school health team members

The school health staff provides care to our students. All student's health care needs will be provided in a timely manner with respect and human dignity.

Assistive Medical Equipment: Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Braces, Splints

Medical devices such as crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, braces, and splints are prescribed by the medical provider to facilitate mobility or provide support or alignment for an injury or disability. Health professionals specifically fit these devices to a child, considering such parameters as height, weight, angle of alignment required, and degree of mobility assistance required, and train the child/parent/guardian in their safe use and appropriate care. The medical provider supplies the school health staff with orders necessary to accommodate the child, ensuring the child's safety is maintained in the educational setting. A medical order is important in describing any activity limitations at school (i.e., no PE for one month), the length of time the device is to be used, any monitoring or health care needed during the school, and required assistance in mobility on the school campus. We ask that the parent/guardian communicate with the school health staff regarding their child's medical needs while using any assistive devices during the school day. A parent/guardian must provide the appropriate documentation to a member of the school health team before a student's return.

A student may be exempted from the regular physical education program by a written request from the attending physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant stating the length of the exemption; in all cases, the principal should be notified.

Please be aware that students must independently operate the wheelchair or staff will aid the student in navigation throughout the school day (students are not permitted to assist other students). Students may assist with carrying backpacks, lunch trays, or other items as needed throughout the school day.

Health Management 

Parent/guardian are responsible for notifying the school/school nurse of student health or medical conditions. The school must receive orders from a medical provider to provide any medical treatment or medication(s) during the school day. School health staff are only permitted to follow orders provided by a medical provider. When the order is received, the school nurse, in collaboration with the parent/guardian, will develop a plan of care addressing the student's health/medical needs during the school day or school-sponsored activity. The school nurse will distribute the student's care plan to the staff members working with the student. Along with the care plan, the individual staff members will also receive additional training, as appropriate, from the school nurse on managing the student's medical condition (I.e., diabetes, seizure management, and emergency medication administration). 

Student Illness Procedure

According to the District School Board of Pasco County student sick procedures, students are not able to remain in school with the following symptoms (the list is not exhaustive): 

  • Fever (100.4 or greater)/Chills
  • Sore Throat
  • Repeated episodes of vomiting/diarrhea
  • Severe Cold - runny nose/disruptive cough that prevents the student from sleeping at night or disrupts normal activities 
  • Has distracting pain from earache, headaches, or sore throat 

Students exhibiting these symptoms must be excluded from school and remain home for 24 hours after the symptoms are gone without using over-the-counter medications to treat these symptoms. The school must have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your student home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. 

Students that have been diagnosed with a respiratory illness (Covid-19, Flu, or RSV) may return to school according to the above procedures. If you have questions please reach out to your school nurse or the school health supervisor, Amy Ponce - 

Please note, if a parent/guardian is requesting to deviate from the most recent orders received from the medical provider, new orders must be obtained from the medical provider before altering the established plan of care.


Protected health information includes demographic and medical information that concerns the past, present, or future physical and mental health of your student or yourself. Demographic information could include name, address, telephone number, social security number, and any other means of identifying you or your child as a specific person. Protected health information contains specific information that identifies a person or can be used to identify a person. You or your child's protected health information may be used or disclosed for treatment (emergency care, for example), payments, and health care operations. The school district may send medical information to Medicaid, insurance companies, or community agencies to pay for services provided to your child or yourself. Some protected health information can be disclosed without your written authorization, as allowed by law.

Those circumstances include:

• Reporting abuse; • Investigations related to missing children; • Internal investigations and audits or by government agencies; • Public health purposes, including vital statistics, disease reporting, public health surveillance, investigations, interventions, and regulation of health professionals; • District medical examiner investigations; • Research approved by the Department of Health or school board; • Court orders, warrants, or subpoenas; • Law enforcement purposes.

You have the following rights as an individual or as a parent:

• You can request to restrict the use and disclosure of your or your child's health information. • You have the right to be assured that information will be kept confidential. • You can inspect and receive a copy of your or your child's protected health information. • You have the right to correct your or your child's health information.

Disclosure of information to school staff is made with your permission to provide maximum safety to you and your child. This would be discussed with the parent before any disclosure of health information.



La información protegida sobre salud incluye la información demográfica y médica relacionada con la salud física o mental pasada, presente o futura de su estudiante o de usted mismo(a). La información demográfica pudiera incluir el nombre, dirección, número de teléfono, número de seguro social y cualquier otra forma de identificarle a usted o a su niño(a) como una persona específica. La información protegida sobre salud contiene información específica que identifica a una persona o que puede ser utilizada para identificar a una persona. La información protegida de salud sobre usted o su niño(a) pudiera ser usada o entregada para propósitos de tratamiento (cuidados médicos de emergencia, por ejemplo), o de operación de pagos o cuidados de la salud. El distrito escolar pudiera enviar información médica a Medicaid, compañías de seguro o agencias comunitarias respecto a servicios provistos a su niño(a) o a usted. Alguna información protegida sobre salud pudiera ser entregada sin autorización suya por escrito, en los casos en que las leyes así lo permiten.

Esas circunstancias incluyen:

• Reporte de abuso; • Investigaciones relacionadas con niños desaparecidos;

• Investigaciones y auditorias internas o realizadas por agencias gubernamentales;

• Propósitos de salud pública, incluyendo estadísticas vitales, reporte de enfermedades, vigilancia de la salud pública, investigaciones, intervenciones y regulaciones de profesionales de la salud; • Investigaciones del investigador médico del distrito;

• Investigaciones aprobadas por el Departamento de Salud o la Junta Directiva Escolar; • Órdenes de la Corte, mandatos judiciales o citaciones judiciales; • Propósitos relacionados con la aplicación de la ley.

Usted tiene los siguientes derechos como persona, o como padre/madre:

• Usted puede solicitar la restricción en el uso o la entrega de información sobre la salud suya o de su niño(a); • Usted tiene el derecho de que se le asegure que la información se mantendrá confidencial; • Usted puede inspeccionar y recibir copia de la información protegida sobre la salud suya o de su niño(a); • Usted tiene el derecho de corregir la información sobre la salud suya o de su niño(a).

La entrega de información al personal escolar se hace con el permiso previo suyo, con el propósito de proveer la máxima seguridad a usted y a su niño(a). Esto será discutido con el padre/madre antes de entregar cualquier información sobre salud.

Revised 07/2024

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