Bid Title School Dept.
Amount (approx.)
Savings (approx.)
13-063-DR Large Kitchen Equipment Food and Nutrition Services
$185,154.00 General Funds
13-072-VJ - PULLED Automotive, Truck Heavy and Industrial Equipment Filters Transportation Services
$50,000.00 General Funds
13-073-MV Elementary School Pictures Elementary Schools
$590,000.00 School Internal Funds
13-074-MV Middle School Pictures Middle Schools
$220,000.00 School Internal Funds
13-075-SB Elementary School Yearbooks Elementary Schools
$175,000.00 School Internal Funds
13-076-SB Middle School Yearbooks Middle Schools
$125,000.00 School Internal Funds
13-084-SB Yearbooks - GHS Gulf High School
$40,000.00 School Internal Funds
13-086-AF Air-Cooled Scroll Type Chillers Maintenance Services
$126,800.00 Capital Funds
13-087-AF Asphalt Resealing Maintenance Services
$170,000.00 Capital Funds
13-088-SB Yearbooks - ZHS Zephyrhills High School
$31,169.96 School Internal Funds
10-019-DM - Independent Auditing Services - Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A. - Financial Services Department - Third Year Renewal of a Five-Year Contract (See Attached) Financing and Debt Service Funds
12-005-DN - ESE Equipment and Supplies Catalog Discount "As Needed" - Kaplan and Rifton Equipment - Office for Exceptional Student Education - Third Year Renewal of a Three-Year Contract (See Attached) General Funds
12-005-VJ - ESE Equipment and Supplies Catalog Discount "As Needed" - School Specialty - Office for Exceptional Student Education - Third Year Renewal of a Three-Year Contract (See Attached) General Funds
12-018-SB - Mimio and InterWrite Interactive Whiteboards - Computer Statiion of Orlando and eInstruction - Instructional Media and Technology Department - Third Year Renewal of a Three-Year Contract (See Attached) Capital, Federal and General Funds
12-020-DR - Milk and Milk Products - Clover Creek Foods - Food and Nutrition Services - Third Year Renewal of a Three-Year Contract (See Attached) Special Revenue Funds
13-012-SB - High School Yearbooks - Walsworth - River Ridge High School - Second Year Renewal of a Three-Year Contract (See Attached) School Internal Funds
13-070-VJ - Various Warehouse Stock and Supplies Part II, Item #WJS-051 - Laundry Detergent - Southeastern Paper Group, Inc. - District-Wide (See Attached) General Funds
Requesting Permission to Enter Into a One-Year Agreement with RESPECT of Florida - Laser Printer Cost Per Copy - State of Florida Contract #914-000-10-R (See Attached) General Funds
Consortium Agreement between Apple, Inc. and the Office for Technology and Information Services (See Attached)
Contract between Calvert Partners, Inc. and Pasco eSchool (See Attached)
Contract between Drs. Howell, Whitehead & Associates d/b/a Tooth Caboose and the Office for Early Childhood Programs (See Attached)
Contract between the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Food & Nutrition Services Department (See Attached)
Date/Time: May 15, 2013 08:35:00 plh
Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under chapter 120, Florida Statute.

Memos to the Board: Apple, Inc.; Calvert Partners, Inc.; Drs. Howell, Whitehead & Associates d/b/a Tooth Caboose; Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services